Aims: To recognise ‘Smart’ Materials To recognise uses for ‘Smart’ Materials ‘Chromic’ = Colour ‘USP’ = Unique Selling Point ‘Smart Material’ = A material that responds to a stimulus like heat or light, and then returns to its original state when the stimulus is removed.
Thermochromic Materials Thermochromic ink changes colour according to the temperature of the surface it is bring tested on. Can you think of a use for THERMOCHROMIC inks? Click to see Video
Photochromic Materials Photochromic inks change colour depending on the amount of LIGHT hitting the surface. Can you think of a use for PHOTOCHROMIC inks? Click to see Video
Electrochromic Materials Electrochromic inks are inks that change colour according to varying electrical inputs. The input can be VERY small but the change in colour can be VERY dramatic. Can you think of a use for ELECTROCHROMIC inks? Click to see Video
Hydrochromic Materials Hydrochromic inks change colour according to the amount of water they detect. Can you think of a use for HYDROCHROMIC inks? Click to see video
Phosphorescent Materials Phosphorescent inks are able to absorb light during the day and then glow at night. Can you think of a use for PHOSPHORESCENT inks? Click to see Video
Smart & Modern Materials Lesson Objectives: To understand the properties of a range of smart & modern materials Smart & Modern Materials Polymorph (Polycaprolactone-PCL) QTC (Quantum Tunnelling Composite) Thermochromic Sheet UV Beads (UV pigment) Aroma Pigments Phosphorescent Sheet Keywords: Polymorph, QTC, Thermochromic, Phosphorescent, UV, Aroma
Smart & Modern Materials A question of…… Smart & Modern Materials G Postings
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What is meant by the term smart material? Question What is meant by the term smart material? Answer A material which reacts and changes their properties in response to an input return
What is the difference between a smart & modern material? Question What is the difference between a smart & modern material? Answer Modern materials do not change their properties regardless of an input return
What input is needed to see a colour change from Thermochromic Sheet? Question What input is needed to see a colour change from Thermochromic Sheet? Answer Heat is required to cause a change in colour. return
Question What input is required to release the scent from the aroma pigment? Answer The paint needs friction on the surface, e.g.. being scratched. return
Question What smart material is used to make this control panel work on the jacket? Answer Quantum Tunnelling Composite return
Question What smart material is used on this “glow in the dark” sign? Answer Phosphorescent sheet. return
Question What smart material has been used to indicate the temperature of these kettles? Answer Thermochromic materials return
Question Polycaprolactone or PCL is more commonly known by it’s brand name which is? Answer Polymorph return
Question What do the 2 halves of the word poly-morph relate to? Answer Poly – Polymer (Plastic) Morph – to transform or shape return
Question “Scratch and sniff” products are made using what smart material? Answer Aroma pigments return
Question How do bank note checkers work? Answer The UV light shows up the UV pigments printed onto the genuine notes return
Question Which plastic category does polymorph go into? Answer Its a thermoplastic, is can be reheated and reshaped again return
THERE ARE 5 MAIN SMART MATERIALS USED IN GRAPHIC PRODUCTS! Summary Designers can use SMART materials to help them achieve a unique selling point (USP), often making their design better than their competitors. THERE ARE 5 MAIN SMART MATERIALS USED IN GRAPHIC PRODUCTS! Thermochromic Materials Photochromic Materials Phosphorescent Materials Electrochromic Materials Hydrochromic Materials