Goochland County Administrator FY18 Proposed Budget 11/4/2015 Goochland County Administrator FY18 Proposed Budget John A. Budesky County Administrator February 21, 2017
Presentation and Full County Administrator Recommended Budget is available at:
Presentation Overview Budget Process Review Current Economy Budget Recommendation – Operating and Capital Summary of Strategic Goals and Funded Priorities Utilities Budget Recommendation Future Challenges Overview Summary of Next Steps in the Budget Process Conclusion
Budget Process –Ongoing! 11/4/2015 Budget Process –Ongoing! Listening to residents is ongoing Formal Process started Mid-October 2016 November 2016: Met with all County Departments Met with all Constitutional Officer Departments Met with Schools to review needs and requests Received and reviewed contribution requests Met with Board Members to establish priorities
11/4/2015 Budget Priorities Consistent with Board Strategic Goals & Priority Areas: Public Safety, Schools, Health & Welfare Conservative Approach Seek Efficiencies and Cost Savings where possible Maintain existing service levels Meet or exceed all Financial Policy Requirements
Current Status of Goochland County Economy 11/4/2015 Current Status of Goochland County Economy Over $251 million in commercial capital investment over 5 years -2016 $87.1 million Virginia Chamber of Commerce recognition for highest percent job growth Do we know actual # of jobs?
Employment & Income Unemployment 3.5% Median Family Income $86,610 11/4/2015 Employment & Income Source of Data? Unemployment 3.5% Median Family Income $86,610
Housing Median Home Values Building permits up 66% from FY12 to FY16 11/4/2015 Housing Median Home Values The report provided by Lisa only has Goochland data. This data provided by Zillow *** Need new data source and confirm ** chart has Fluvanna and Cumberland need louisa and Powatan. Need to remain consistent with comps. – JOANE Researching JOBS EQ 318,400 VA 245,000 Source: Median Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units 2011-2015, US Census Data Building permits up 66% from FY12 to FY16
FY2018 Proposed All Funds Budget ($80.2M) 11/4/2015 FY2018 Proposed All Funds Budget ($80.2M) The total FY18 budget of all funds is $80.2 million, an increase of $7.2 million or 10.0%. The increased investment in Goochland County is primarily found in the FY18 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget of $7.3 million. Education makes up 39% of our total investment in the County, while Public Safety is 12%, and Human Services is 7% of total spending. Capital investment in FY18 is 9% of total planned spending.
FY2017 Real Estate Tax Rates 11/4/2015 FY2017 Real Estate Tax Rates No Real Estate Tax Increase Proposed for FY2018
FY2018 Proposed General Fund Revenue ($50.3M) 11/4/2015 FY2018 Proposed General Fund Revenue ($50.3M) General Fund revenues are increasing by $2.4 million or 4.9% to a total of $50.3 million. The strongest growth is seen in personal property tax revenues which have increased by 8.5%. An increase in reassessments of 2.2% and new construction of 1.2% are reflections of modest growth in real estate tax revenues, which is our primary funding source. Sales tax revenue continues to see modest growth with a 3.9% increase projected for FY18.
FY2018 – FY2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) By Function ($81.4M) 11/4/2015 FY2018 – FY2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) By Function ($81.4M) The $81.4 million five-year CIP recommends funds for critical categories such as equipment, maintenance, and construction needs throughout the county for FY 18 and plans expenditures for an additional 4 years. This CIP supports our vehicle, fire truck, and ambulance replacement programs as well as investments that are highly valued by our citizens such as school and park improvements. FY18 - $7.3 M
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 1 Efficient, effective and transparent government; emphasis on customer service excellence Fairground Road Extension & 522 Intersection Improvements Administration Complex Parking Improvements Lights at Oilville Park n’ Ride Photos from existing Goochland sites?
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 1 Efficient, effective and transparent government; emphasis on customer service excellence Commercial Building Permit Fee Reduction $7.50/$1,000 down from $9.50/$1,000 Remove capital one logo – general construction photo
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 2 Balanced development that contributes to the welfare of the community and preserves its rural character Maintaining 85% Rural $3M Benefit In Reduced Taxes from Land Use $20,200 Investment in Agriculture Community – Monacan Soil & Water and Virginia Cooperative Extension Specific notes for 20,200 investment
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 2 Balanced development that contributes to the welfare of the community and preserves its rural character Two additional Hours of Operations on Sunday at Convenience Centers Capital Investments: Schools $40.5M – FY18 $750k Parks & Recreation $765,000 – FY18 $365k
Strategic Goal 3 Excellence in Financial Management 11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 3 Excellence in Financial Management AAA Bond Rating Projected Available Fund Balance $19.4M Updating our Core Financial Management System
Strategic Goal 3 Excellence in Financial Management 11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 3 Excellence in Financial Management FY18 - FY22 CIP in Compliance with Debt Policy
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 4 High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health Public Education - $670,000 a 3.2% Funding Increase CIP $40.5M in Five-Year Plan – FY18 $750,000 for investments in bus replacements, roof repairs, HVAC replacements, and cameras for school buses
Strategic Goal 4 High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health Public Safety 8.0% Funding Increase CIP $31.7M in Five-Year Plan
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 4 High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health Sheriff’s Office – Increase of 6.2% -$286,000 3 Additional Positions – One Patrol Deputy and two Dispatchers Operations of New Emergency Communications Center and associated debt of Center
Strategic Goal 4 High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health Fire and Rescue – Increase of 7.5% - $269,000 Full funding for 4 Additional Firefighters Revenue Recovery Rates adjusted to Regional Average Volunteer Fire Fighters $1.00 Personal Property Tax Relief – Reduce from $2.00 Operations of New Fire Station 6 CIP - The full Five- Year CIP supports equipment replacement, a new fire station in the West Creek area, ambulance replacements, tanker replacements, fire truck replacements, and a new ladder truck
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 4 High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health Operations of the New Animal Protection Facility Increased Hours for Part-time Shelter Coordinator Community Health FY18 5.9% Growth
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 5 Positive work environment with a highly qualified, diverse workforce County Employees 2% Merit Increase Teacher Salary Scale Increase School Staff 1.75% Raise Additional funding dedicated to Benchmark and Compression Adjustments
11/4/2015 Strategic Goal 5 Positive work environment with a highly qualified, diverse workforce New Positions:
Utilities Operating Budget $4.3M Capital Budget $0.4M 11/4/2015 Utilities Operating Budget $4.3M Capital Budget $0.4M Adding a New Position Water & Sewer 2.5% User Fee Increase -which equates to an increase of $2.26 to a typical customer’s bimonthly bill
11/4/2015 Utilities TCSD Ad Valorem Remains Flat at $0.32
Combined Tax Rates for those in TCSD 11/4/2015 Combined Tax Rates for those in TCSD $0.32 $0.53
Challenges Funding for Road Improvements 11/4/2015 Challenges Funding for Road Improvements Public Safety Needs and Loss of Volunteers Closing the Salary & Total Compensation Gap Public Education Funding from the Commonwealth and Local Needs Programs to Assist residents in need with Tax Burdens
11/4/2015 Budget Schedule February 21, 2017; Schools, Sheriff, Fire/EMS, Animal Protection, Authorize Tax Rate February 28, 2017; Revenue, Debt-policies, CIP, Public Utilities, Health, Judicial Administration March 7, 2017; HR Workforce, General Administration
11/4/2015 Budget Schedule March 14, 2017; Community Development, General Services, Parks & Recreation Town Hall Meetings: Districts 2 & 3, March 21, 2017, 7:00 pm, Central High School, 2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland Districts 4 & 5, March 23, 2017, 7:00 pm, Hermitage, 1248 Hermitage Road, Manakin-Sabot District 1, March 30, 2017, 7:00 pm, Fire Station 6, 4810 Three Chopt Road, Louisa
Budget Schedule April 4, 2017 - 7:00 pm: April 18, 2017 - 3:00 pm: 11/4/2015 Budget Schedule April 4, 2017 - 7:00 pm: Budget Public Hearing Tax Rate Public Hearing April 18, 2017 - 3:00 pm: Budget Adoption
Conclusion The Recommended Budget: 11/4/2015 Conclusion The Recommended Budget: Does NOT increase the Property Tax Rate Does NOT increase the TCSD Tax Rate Supports The Board of Supervisors Strategic Priorities of Public Safety, Education, and our Employees Is based on the feedback provided from a diverse group of our valued residents