“Adoption, Care and feeding of a REDCap Server” Paul Litwin – Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Anthony Colles – University of East Anglia Naveen Karduri - BC Children's Hospital Research Institute Brian Main – Eastern Virginia Medical School
Implementation Physical Location Hardware Considerations If institutional resource, Secure Server Farm is preferred. If Departmental, Where can the server live that is safe and secure? Hardware Considerations How many users, projects and subjects are anticipated? What is the total budget to get things started? Operating System Windows Server or Linux If Linux, Which Distro? Database MySQL (Community or Enterprise) MariaDB
Prerequisites Make Sure computer is fully up to date Install Visual C redistributables (Some MySql processes require them) Install bzip and add it to the path environment variable Install an appropriate WAMP or LAMP stack
Installation Create the root REDCap directory in the Web Server directory (Apache – “htdocs” IIS – “wwwroot” Download and extract the REDCap New Install archive Move files into the REDCap web directory Open the install.php file in a browser Follow the on Screen Instructions
Security Physical Security Data Security Remote Access IP Restrictions Is the server safe In a locked space with climate control and reliable power? Data Security Encrypted at rest? Encrypted in Transit? Absolutely! (SSL/https) Remote Access Who should have it? Who actually does? IP Restrictions Is the system accessible from off site? Should it be? Backups Local HDD, Remote Tape, T2D or D2T, Cloud, Archival
Upgrades How? Development Platform Upgrade Testing Download the archive file, extract, copy to server, Open Control-Center Development Platform Upgrades should be applied to a development/test environment first! Upgrade Testing Upgrades should be tested using copies of existing projects as well as creating and modifying new projects. Try to break it! Applying Upgrades to Production Schedule the Upgrade after normal business hours and Notify Users. Take the system offline in Control-Center Make a Full Backup of the Data in MyPHPAdmin Make sure the last Tape or other backup completed with no errors Download, extract, then move the new version files into the Web Directory Open Control-Center Follow the Directions Execute the Upgrade SQL Script in MyPHPAdmin Verify settings in Configuration Check Once Satisfied, Bring the System back online.