F. Odorici - INFN Bologna DT Trigger links Outline: From local trigger to Sector Collector From Sector Collector to Regional Trigger ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
DT trigger links layout Detector in UXC DT front end Barrel Trigger Boards (BTI,TRACO,TSS) LVDS link: Ethernet cables FTP cat. 6. rate 480 Mbps @ max 40 m C B Minicrate Server Board LVDS copper link Towers in UXC Sector Collector Opto link Opto-link: multimodal fibers 850 nm 1.6 Gbps @ 100 m Counting room in USC DT Track Finder DT Sorter GLOBAL MUON TRIGGER ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
Trigger Server to SectorCollector LVDS link For each Trigger Server use a unique stream for & : - 80 bits (2 tracks)/BX @ 40 MHz LVDS link on < 30m shielded copper cable: 2 cables/minicrate (Ethernet class 6 FTP, 4 pairs/cable) Chipset from National Semiconductors: Serializer 10-to-1 DS92LV1021 (8 chip/link) Cable equalizer CLC014 (8 chip/link) Deserializer 1-to-10 DS92LV1212A (8 chip/link) Total quantities: 2000 links (chipsets) + 12 km of cable Serializer 10 to 1 Deserializer 1 to 10 Equalizer TX RX ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
2x40 m ethernet cable FTP cat.6 LVDS link test Test of 8 links: 8 serializers + 8 (equalizers + deserializers) as needed for a complete Trigger Server data transfer. Use two cables of 40 m (max foreseen is 30 m). Inject random patterns @ 40 MHz TX rate: 480 Mbps Succesfully tested for: expected working conditions, Clock jitter tolerance, Bit Error Rates, radiation tolerance. 2x40 m ethernet cable FTP cat.6
F. Odorici - INFN Bologna LVDS link test setup RX TX 40m Cable Pattern Units ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
Expected Working Condition in CMS LVDS link test results Expected Working Condition in CMS LVDS link working range Power Supply VCC 5% VCC 10% Ambient Temperature < 50o 20o ÷ 80o Cable Length Max 30m 1 ÷ 40m Clock (no Jitter) 40 MHz 16 ÷ 49 MHz Jitter tolerance & BER Jitter = 48 ps Jp-p = 360 ps ( TTCrx without QPLL @ -20dBm attenuation ) Jitter ≤ 80 ps Jp-p ≤ 800 ps BER, tested up to 10-12 (has no impact on DT muon efficiency) ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
SectorCollector to DT-TrackFinder opto-link stream : 110 bit (4 tracks) per sector/BX @ 40 MHz; stream: 42 bit (3 tracks) per sector/BX @ 40 MHz; Opto-link with multimodal 850 nm fibers (length < 100 m): use GOL @ 1.6 Gb/s (32 bits @ 40 MHz): stream : 4 links/sector; stream: 2 links/sector; 360 links/detector; Laser (Tx) and PIN-detector (Rx) under evaluation PIN GOL Deserializer TLK 2501 VCSEL Agilent HFBR-772 HFBR-782 Honeywell HFE4190-541 HFD3180-102 ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
SectorCollector to DTTF opto-link arrangement 1 Plugin board/ DTTF 4 Rx / board Wedge arrangement: +2 +1 +0 -0 +2 -1 +1 -2 DTTF Wheel –2 to +2 (6 board/wedge) -1 -2 Sector Collector Wedge xx Wheel –2 to +2 (5 board/wedge) Same board-layout The two boards for wheel –0 and +0 share same inputs from SC of wheel 0 DTTF Full Wedge (1 board) 40 LVDS Rx / sector 6 GOL Tx / sector 2 Plugin board/ DTTF 5 Rx / board DTTF crate- backplane ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
Summary on Trigger links Two transmission technologies adopted: LVDS ser/des for chamber-to-towers (UXC) data transfer: extensively tested (reliabile, jitter & radiation tolerant) Gigabit opto-link for tower-to-DTTrackFinder (USC) TX: based on GOL; other components under evaluation; ongoing tests with prototype links; final decision by may 2004. RX error detection (at each BX): check of parity bits at each transfer step; error flagging but no error recovery. ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
DT Trigger Synchronization Outline: Trigger system paths Signal skews TTC distribution, clock ... How to synchronize ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
The phase of the DT trigger decision The phase associated to the DT trigger decision, wrt CMS, depends mainly on three factors: clock paths: how the timing Trigger and Control system (TTC) is distributed (fiber lengths) among the trigger sub-systems. how the TTCrx clock is configured (in term of delay settings) in each sub-system and how it is distributed to the nearby electronics; trigger data paths: how many BXs take the processing step in each sub-system and how longs are paths (cables) for each data transfer. particles time of flight in the detector. ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
F. Odorici - INFN Bologna DT trigger paths Detector in UXC R P C T I G E C S T R I G E DT front-end Barrel 250 Stations’ minicrates Trigger Boards (BTI,TRACO,TSS) C B TTC opto link Server Board Chamber Control Board LVDS copper link TTC opto link Sector Collector Towers in UXC Opto link DT Track Finder TTC opto link DT Sorter Counting room in USC DT Regional Trigger GLOBAL MUON TRIGGER ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
DT’s TTC distribution in UXC55 (Cavern) To 5 wheels: 2 Sector Collector crates/wheel: 1 TTCrx/Sect.C.crate Counting room TTCvi 2+2spare 2+2spare 1+1spare 1+1spare 20 TTCex 2+2spare Tower (Left) 25 25 Tower (Right) 2+2spare TTCoc 1:32 TTCoc 1:32 2+2spare ~ 100 m 1 1 Q.ty TTCvi 1 TTCex TTCoc (1:32) 10 TTCrx 260 Fibers 100m 20 Fibers 10÷30m 250 Fibers 1.5 m Sector Collector crate Sector Collector crate ~ 10÷30 m Fibers from TTCoc-to- minicrateTTCrx might have different lengths! 50 minicrates/wheel 1 TTCrx/minicrate ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
DT’s TTC distribution in USC55 (Counting room) Sector Processors (14 modules/crate) & Wedge Sorters (2 modules/crate) ~ 5 m ~ 2.5 m TTCvi Sectors & wedges (6 crates) 1 TTCoc 1:16 7 TTCex Global Sorter & DAQ (1 crate) 1 Q.ty TTCvi 1 TTCex TTCoc (1:16) TTCrx 7 Fibers 5m Fibers 2.5m A TTCrx, on an Interface Module, sitting in the center of each crate. Fibers for all crates can have same lengths! ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
DT sub-systems clock distribution Chamber Control Board: Distributes TTCrx clocks up to 7 trigger boards (+7 DAQ boards); clock skew tuned with individual delay lines (0.5ns step); Detector in UXC DT front end Barrel Trigger Boards (BTI,TRACO,TSS) C B Minicrate Server Board Sector Collector crates: TTCrx master module distributes Clock (BC0, L1A and Reset), via backplane LVDS signals, to all SCs Clock skew tuned to < 1 ns. LVDS copper link Towers in UXC Sector Collector Opto link Counting room in USC DT Track Finder Regional Trigger crates: TTCrx master module distributes Clock (BC0, L1A and Reset) via backplane LVDS signals DT Sorter GLOBAL MUON TRIGGER ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
F. Odorici - INFN Bologna Skew summary DT trigger informations are distributed through the system and transmitted on different paths: they have to be correlated (at various stages) with the right time-phase to provide a correct trigger decision. The skew on signals from equivalent sources (stations, sectors, wheels ...) must be cancelled, i.e. compensated. Sub-system Source of skew Max estimated skew Minicrate Clock among Trigger Boards and Server Board (cable lengths) 10 ns Sector Collector TTCoc-to-minicrateTTCrx opto-fiber lengths (10÷30m) 100 ns Particle time of flight on stations 9 ns LVDS cable lengths (10÷30m) Regional Trigger Opto-fiber lengths (90÷100m) 50 ns Total: 269 ns (11 BX) ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
F. Odorici - INFN Bologna How to synchronize Our approach: Relative BX synchronization distributed on 3 levels: Minicrate, Sector Collector, Regional Trigger. At each level, a local synchronization is performed to compensate for skew due to transmission from the previous level. A coarse synchronization (± 1 BX resolution) is obtained via pipe-lines. BX tagging: each minicrate forwards the BCreset information. A fine synchronization is obtained via clock delay lines: scanning and centering of clock-edge vs data-edge. ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
Local synchronization Minicrate: BTI synchronisation (BX identification via HighQualityTriggers and mean timer method): fine tuning (up to 0.1 ns) of hit sampling on each station (via TTCrx). Skew among TRBs and Server Board: fine delays (0.5 ns) of individual clocks. Sector Collector (4-5 stations/sector): TTC fibers, Time-Of-Fligth and LVDS cable compensation: via clock delay lines (fine, 0.5 ns) and pipe lines (coarse, 0÷16 BXs). Regional Trigger: Opto-fiber lengths compensation: delay (fine, 0.5 ns) & pipe lines (coarse, 0÷8 BXs) after opto-receivers. All DT modules must be synchronous on different crates: fine tuning (0.1 ns) of clock via TTCrx. ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna
Final remarks on synchronization Cabling (copper and fibers) of stations, wheels etc. can be performed without requiring equal lengths and zero skew (easier & cheaper). Opto-fibers between UXC & USC (TTC and trigger opto-links) have equal lengths. Loss of Synchronization is checked (at each BX) by comparing the Bunch Counter value (2 LSbits) after each transmission step. The absolute BX assignement is obtained by histogramming the BX occupancy wrt BCreset. ESR for Muon DT minicrate System (3 nov 03) F. Odorici - INFN Bologna