Approved Plots from CRAFT


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Presentation transcript:

Approved Plots from CRAFT 17-December-2008 Note that slides with remarks in green are conditionally approved, and changes are requested. Note due to lack of time, some results and the beam halo alignment were not approved Note that earlier CRUZET and First Beam approved material has been collected here:

Event Displays

Approved CRAFT Results CRAFT Event Displays ECAL in magenta, HCAL in blue, tracker and muon hits in green Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results Opposite charge ECAL in magenta, HCAL in blue, tracker and muon hits in green Approved CRAFT Results

Traversing Pixel Detector ECAL in magenta, HCAL in blue, tracker and muon hits in green Approved CRAFT Results

Endcap and Barrel Muon Detectors ECAL in magenta, HCAL in blue, tracker and muon hits in green Approved CRAFT Results

A CSC-RPC-Tracker Muon RPC chambers in red, CSC strips in yellow, CSC wires in magenta Tracker and muon hits in green Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results CRAFT Slideshow Approved CRAFT Results


Cosmic Run at Four Tesla (CRAFT) Aims: Run CMS for 4 weeks continuously to further gain operational experience this year Study effects of B field on detector components (since MTCC) Collect 300M cosmic events with tracking detectors and field Aim for 70% efficiency Facts: Ran 4 weeks continuously from 13-Oct to 11-Nov 19 days with B=3.8T 370M cosmic events collected in total 290M with B=3.8T and with strip tracker and DT in readout 194M with all components in 4 runs exceed 15h Oct.21 VIP visit Approved CRAFT Results

Prompt Reconstruction Prompt reconstruction of runs at T0 took a typical latency of ~6h A total of ~20 datasets produced AlCaReco skims produced with a latency of ~12h (more later) Data skims produced, but with a long latency due to some technical problems Raw and Reco are in separate file collections Of the 290M muon triggered events with B=3.8T: 87% have a standalone muon track reconstructed 3% have a global muon track with strip tracker hits (~7.5M tracks) 3 x 10-4 after time adjustment have a track with pixel hits (~75K tracks) Make linear plot Explain tail Calculate event processing time Show expected processing time for minbias Approved CRAFT Results

CRAFT Data Handling: T0T1 From T0T1: average ~240 MB/s transfer rate In comparison, dedicated CCRC’08 challenge averaged 600 MB/s Approved CRAFT Results

Data Handling: Data Volume and Castor Total data volume transferred: 600 TB Some double counting of total 380 TB for full copy at T1-FNAL Castor I/O reached 5 GB/s Approved CRAFT Results

Detector Results

Operational Fraction of Strip and Pixel Tracker Strip Tracker TOB: 98.2% (0.6% recoverable) TIB/TID: 96.9 % (1% recoverable) TEC+: 99.2% TEC-: 97.8 % (1.7% recoverable) Pixels Barrel pixels: 99.1% Forward pixels: 94.0% Dominated by some readout chips without bias voltage and others without low voltage Reparation will be attempted during shutdown Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results Tracker Signal/Noise On track Strip clusters S/N ratio in peak mode of the read-out chip, corrected for the track angle TOB thick sensors : S/N = 32 TIB/TID thin sensors : S/N = 27/25 TEC (mixed thickness) : S/N = 30 Track hit finding efficiency of TIB and TOB layers, excluding modules not in operation Approved CRAFT Results

Cosmic Tracking using Tracker Three tracking algorithm used for track reconstruction, with different acceptance for cosmics: Combinatorial Track Finder (CTF standard algorithm for collisions) Road Search Cosmic Track Finder Momentum distribution for high quality tracks (partial statistics) 8 hits 1 hit in TIB L1/L2 1 hit in TOB L5/L6 ~70K tracks expected out of full CRAFT statistics with PT>100 GeV Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results Tracker Alignment Using 4M tracks for alignment and 1M for validation “Unaligned” is the nominal geometry “CRUZET” is the geometry obtained from the B=0T runs using the Hits and Impact Point method and survey constraints “CRAFTHIP” is the geometry obtained from the Hits and Impact Point algorithm applied to CRAFT data, including survey constraints “CRAFTMP” is the geometry obtained from the Millepede algorithm applied to CRAFT data Approved CRAFT Results

Tracker Barrel Alignment Mean of residual distributions (cm) Sensitive to module displacements Only modules with >30 hits considered TIB 96%, TID 98%, TOB 98%, TEC 94% HIP algorithm : TIB RMS = 26m TOB RMS = = 28m Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results Pixel Occupancy Maps (cm) (cm) The top and bottom modules have a funny effect which was a software bug that is now fixed. (cm) (cm) Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results Pixel Signal Barrel Pixel cluster charge corrected for the track angle The top and bottom modules have a funny effect which was a software bug that is now fixed. Approved CRAFT Results

Pixel Barrel Alignment RMS=47mm Barrel aligned at module level (200-300 hits, 89%) Endcap aligned at half-disk level (8) Approved CRAFT Results

Drift Tube Muon System at CRAFT Data MC MB4 MB3 MB2 MB1 Residuals Reasonable agreement between data and MC after cosmic muon arrival time fit Sigma ~ 200 – 260 m B field degrades MB1 in wheels +/-2 Sector 4, wheel -2  Clean up statistics boxes Approved CRAFT Results

DT Drift Velocity Along Z, Field On/Off Innermost stations on outer wheels have largest radial field Maximum difference in drift velocity is 3% Approved CRAFT Results

Average of single DT cell efficiency per SuperLayer Lower values correspond to Superlayers with some group of disconnected (temporary ) channels Make labels more visible Approved CRAFT Results

Measured Endcap Deformation at 3.8T [mm] SLM 1 SLM 2 SLM 3 3 Straight Line Monitor (SLM) Laser Lines per Muon Endcap Station 10 optical CCD sensors per SLM Radial distance along SLM [mm] Approved CRAFT Results

HCAL Barrel Muon Reponse Event selection: Muon track matching in DT and Tracker 20 GeV/c < Pµ < 1000 GeV/c CRAFT: 200 K events MC: 15 K events CRAFT data HB energy: signal from HB towers corrected for muon path length in HB Test Beam 2006 Pµ = 150 GeV/c Mean signal = 2.8 GeV Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results 28 Cluster Occupancy The figure shows the occupancy map of clusters in the ECAL barrel in cosmic muon runs with the magnetic field at 3.8T and the APD gain set to 200 (x4 the LHC conditions). Clusters are seeded either from a single crystal above 15 ADC counts (≈130 MeV) or from two adjacent crystals above 5 ADC counts (≈2x43 MeV). Axes show crystal coordinates along the eta and phi directions. The top and bottom regions have larger occupancy due to the vertical cosmic rays flux. There’s an excess in the top EB- region, which is closer to the shaft of the CMS P5 pit; other modulations are due to the cluster efficiency varying with crystal light yield. EB+7 and EB+16 suffered from low voltage problems linked to power supplies and services which are located outside the Supermodule and being fixed. The empty 5x5 crystal regions are trigger towers which were masked from the readout. EB+ EB- TOP BOTTOM Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results 29 Average timing The figure shows the average time associated with clusters in ECAL barrel, in cosmic runs with magnetic field and and APD gain set to 200 (x4 the LHC conditions). Time is measured in clock units (25 ns) with respect to the nominal settings for collisions. Clusters in the bottom are seen later with respect to the top part as a result of the time of flight of the cosmic rays. EB+ EB- Exclude channels not read out TOP BOTTOM Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results 30 Energy spectrum The figure shows the spectrum of energy deposits in the ECAL barrel in cosmic muon runs with the magnetic field at 3.8T and the APD gain set to 200 (x4 the LHC conditions). Clusters are seeded either from a single crystal above 15 ADC counts (≈130 MeV) or from two adjacent crystals above 5 ADC counts (≈2x43 MeV). Energy is obtained summing the energies of all the crystals belonging to a cluster. Approved CRAFT Results

Approved CRAFT Results 31 Stopping power The figure shows the stopping power of cosmic muons traversing ECAL as a function of the muon momentum as measured in the tracker. In ECAL the energy deposit is measured by the cluster energy matched to the track; the track length is estimated from track propagation inside ECAL crystals. Loose selection on the distance of closest approach of the track to the centre of CMS is applied. Experimental data (dots) are compared to the total stopping power (dE/ρdx) in PbWO4 (black continuous line). The dashed lines are the contributions due to collision loss (red) and bremsstrahlung radiation (blue). Data are displayed in the momentum range where sufficient number of events survive the selections. Errors on the vertical scale are statistical only; error bars on the momentum represent the bin width. Results indicate the correctness of the tracker momentum scale and of the energy scale in ECAL calibrated with electron at test beams. Approved CRAFT Results