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Welcome to A level Business Studies Exam Board: Edexcel 9BS0 Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy September 2016 – May 2017
Welcome and Orientation Welcome, Introduction Theme 3 builds on Theme 2 studied last year (“Managing business activities”…. explore the finance and operations functions, and investigate external influences on business) Feedback for JF - Complimentary subjects taken by Students Interests in key Business Issues: examples – Greed is good? (Business Ethics / Role of the Entrepreneur) Environmental Issues? Corporate and Social Responsibility? Role of Government promoting Business. International Corporations – potential for corruption, influencing political decisions, international relations; Links between Business and Politics (Hinkley Point Power Station, Heathrow Expansion, Overcrowding on Private Sector Trains running on Public Sector Rails – as advertised by J. Corbyn) Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Business studies: Business decisions and strategy Course Overview This class Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Business studies: Business decisions and strategy The Course Theme 3 = 2 hours contact per week + homework Own your learning View scheme of work in advance of lessons @DLS (Demo…) Read at least the relevant textbook section Tell me if you don’t understand HW in on time – if an issue please tell me in advance – hence please don’t leave HW until the night before My expectation - review your last week’s notes for 30 mins at end of each week Please do feedback to me things that worked for you / helped you in the lesson and also things that didn’t work / could be improved Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Business studies: Business decisions and strategy Key Knowledgebase Edexcel A level (2015 onwards) Specification: ss%20Studies/2015/specification-and-sample-assessment- materials/9781446914694_GCE2015_A_BUS_WEB.PDF Course and exam guide: (aka “Cheat Sheet”/ “Heads Up”) ss%20Studies/2015/teaching-materials/Getting-Started-Guide.pdf (See PDF pages 37-48) Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Course and Exam Guide Overview PDF p31 (see previous slide) Overview: In this theme, students develop their understanding of the concepts introduced in Theme 2 and explore influences on business strategy and decision-making. Students will need to build upon the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in Theme 2 in Theme 3, making connections across these two themes in Paper 2, and across Themes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Paper 3. Teaching approaches to content must reflect this. Students will need to apply their knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts in the assessments and demonstrate an awareness of current business issues Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Course and Exam Guide Content This theme moves from functions to strategy, enabling students to develop their understanding of the core concepts and to take a strategic view of business opportunities and issues. Students analyse corporate objectives and strategy against financial and non-financial performance measures and how businesses grow, and develop an understanding of the impact of external influences. The theme covers the causes and effects of change and how businesses mitigate risk and uncertainty. Students must investigate different types and sizes of organisation in various business sectors and environments, and in local, national and global contexts. Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Business studies: Business decisions and strategy The Exam (Summer 2017) materials/Getting-Started-Guide.pdf (PDF Page 14) Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Homework: Orientation on Exam Papers 2 & 3 That Examine This Course Look through sample exam papers 2 and 3 on page 43 and page 77 (of the pdf) at and-sample-assessment-materials/Business_A_SAM_Collation.pdf Prepare two factsheets using Word (1 per paper) to share with the class: Clear heading on the factsheet of the Paper being described Part 1: Very clear description of which questions / sections are candidates required to answer. (Description around 2 paragraphs) Part 2: Describe the type of questions being asked per exam section (1 paragraph per section). Part 3: Prepare a table showing the breakdown of marks per each section. Assuming equal knowledge per section, include a column showing the optimal allocation of time per section. (Example below using Paper 1) Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Example Part 3:Breakdown of marks/section The Goal is to understand intimately the structure of the exam papers Paper 1: Markets and Business Behaviour (120 minutes) Section Marks Optimal Time per Section A – answer all questions 50 60 minutes B – answer all questions Total Marks 100 1.2 mins/mark Business studies: Business decisions and strategy
Business studies: Business decisions and strategy HW part 2: In preparation for next lesson please search a definition of the following types of Corporate Objective: A “SMART” Objective A Mission Statement Corporate Core Values or Beliefs As an extension (if time) think about WHO such statements are aimed at and WHY such statements exist Business studies: Business decisions and strategy