INFORMATION ENGINEERING: CONCEPTUAL ELEMENTS RELATED INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Alex Rosenbrock Teixeira. Federal University of Paraná/Brasil Maria do Carmo D. Freitas. Federal University of Paraná/Brasil Alisson M. Laurindo Federal. University Technological of Paraná/Brasil
contextualization Objetivos Hikage, O. K. (2011). Planning the development of systems of information technology: a multiple case study in manufacturing companies. Universidade de São Paulo, pp 10-16
How to articulate the information to obtain competitive advantage? 1) Data are central to information processing and certain relationships are significant for a company and should be represented in the structure of their systems. 2) Strategic review of the data that make up an information system, and its interactions with other subsystems involved. 3) Understanding the flow of information and organizational stages where information is generated, accessed and exchanged. Such processes involve a variety of systems, stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and departments of the organization. 4) The orderly flow of information generates speed, economy and especially strategic advantage, as proposed Davenport (1998) e Hicks (2006) Information Management Information Management Strategic Management Information Systems Strategic Management Information Information Systems Information Davenport, T. & Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge: how organization manage what they know. Boston. Harvard Business School Press. pp 126-128
Information Management Context Information Information Management Strategic Management Information Information Systems
Hicks, B.J.; Culley, S.J.; Mcmahon, C.A. (2006).
Strategic Advantage The orderly flow of information by Information Engineering, generates speed, economy and especially strategic advantage, The goal of Information Engineering is to provide the means to respond to changing information needs of an organization; The ability of IE to connect the different management processes, creates a strategic advantage to the organization. 3) The mapping of information flows characterize the presupposition of the generation of strategic advantage, considering possible imbalances or even potentiation of action of a particular information. Demurjian, S. (2008). Information Engineering. Computer Science and Engineering Department, Connecticut, USA. pp 4-23.
Mapping of Information Engineering Fonte: Adapted Schlögl (2005) Schlögl, C. (2005). Information and knowledge management: dimensions and approaches. Institute of Information Science. University of Graz, Austria.
INFORMATION ENGINEERING IE is an integrated set of techniques by which business models, data models and process models are constructed from a knowledge base, to create and maintain information systems with a focus on strategy and competitive advantage generated by manipulation suitable and qualified processes described. Information Management Strategic Management Information Information Systems It's in Information Engineering occurring systemic observation of the life cycle of information effectively in the organizational environment. Begins by generating (conception, creation), processing (information system), storage and disposal (information management) and reuse (tomb) closes the cycle of Information Engineering. Authors (2014)
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