National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program Award Number: 70NANB14H056 Development of Roadmap and Consortium for Innovation in Sheet Metal Forming Challenge Code Tier 2 Project Titles 3.4 Closed-Loop Control of Deep Drawing Process Using Servo-Controlled Press 2.5 Plane Stress Fracture Prediction for Aluminum and High Strength Steel Sheets 3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part
3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part Objective: Develop a set of methods that can be used to manufacture ultra-high strength steel sheet B-plr & Deep Channel like part. Technical Benefits: Enable to use ultra-high strength steel sheet for most structural stamping application. UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming
3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part Approaches: Experimental draw, Trim/Pierce, and Flange/Restrike die Scale): Design, Build, Trails, Measurement and analysis Processes: double action, with/without pad, variable Ram motion control, variable binder force control Simulation modeling validations: material modeling, lubrication Modeling, temperatures’ effects Die material and coating effects validation Proposed Scaled Part: Combination of B-Plr and Shot Gun + Springback: Side-Wall- Curl & Twisting Springback: Side-Wall- Curl & Twisting Stretch-Bend Fracture? UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming
3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part Technical Obstacles: Formability (Virtual Predictability Validations are needed) Local Formability (Edge Cracking, Stretch-Bending with R/T<5, material fracturing near necking strain): Difficult to predict using Shell Elements directly. Criteria and empirical guideline are needed, and fracture models may help. Springback control (Virtual Predictability Validations are needed) Virtual Compensation: General stamping (R/T<5), Consistent Material properties Side Wall-Curl mode: Post-Stretch/Compression (Steak Bead; Stingers/formations on Binder; Compression before the end of stroke). Twisting Mode: Balanced twist moment by binder restraining conditions… Sheet Material inconsistency, variable friction response: Lubrication, Temperature…. Lubrications: Temperature effects, CAE Modeling Long tool/die life (Experimental confirmations are needed) Die Materials optimization: Draw-die, Trim/Piercing Die, Restrike / Flanging Die Die Coating, Treatment: PVD, Nitriding, Surface Roughness Non Technical Obstacles: Material inconsistency: thickness, properties Material anisotropy Lubrication condition uncertainty Press and die deflection cost: $500K Die Design and Build: $260K, Try-outs Trials and Stamping made: $100K; Measurement and Analysis: $30K; Material Testing: $30K; Simulation modeling and Validation: $80K Time: 24 Months UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming
3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part Path to Implementation: Lab scale validations: Experimental die. NAFTA Steel, OEMs, Universities cooperation Full scale validation: B-Plr NAFTA Steel, OEMs Universities cooperation UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming
3.5 Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Part Discussion: Anything missing for active industry support? Estimated benefits realistic & complete? Technical and non-technical obstacles complete or over reaching? Alternative implementation paths or better approaches? Conflicts with intellectual property or trade secrets? UNH - 28 October 2016 Sheet Metal Forming