CollabCAD VSSC has entered a total of 174 bugs in BETS. 160 bugs has been closed. The pending bugs on its priority basis are listed in the following slides.
CRITICAL 1) IC2170-Reference concept to place the sketch to be implemented. HIGH 1) IC2496-Array Copy / translate in User defined workspace gives wrong results. 2) IC1966-Selection of point on curve is difficult; takes more time. More snapping options like nearest point, intersection point to be introduced.
1) IC2506- Co-ordinate Axis Display-> If work plane & work view are MEDIUM 1) IC2506- Co-ordinate Axis Display-> If work plane & work view are same then it is highlighting the global (GCS) & local (LCS) coordinate system. But if the work view is changed, the local coordinate system will not be visible. After changing the work view also, LCS should be visible
LOW 1) IC2187-Lofting between two curves with user defined control points. 2) IC2167-Top-Down assembly concept is to be introduced. 3) IC2163-Dynamic Rotation of individual parts to be introduced. 4) IC2047-Surface stitching. 5) IC2021-Implicit Selection Enhancements. 6) IC1967-Region selection of curves for Slab etc. 7) IC1960-Properties of Layer and Layer Locking needed. 8) IC1201-Help window focus problems. 9) IC2511- Use of free-form surface. 10) IC2503-Projection on Work Plane
VSSC CollabCAD Cell The VSSC CollabCAD cell recruited new programmers for CollabCAD development in August 2013. An initial 5days training was conducted by NIC to familiarize the programmers with modeling side in August. Another training was conducted by NIC which dealt with System side
CollabCAD Cell System Details CollabCAD cell is currently having four 64 bit FUJITSU machines and one 32 bit HP workstation. Currently Development environment has been setup only in 32 bit HP workstation machine. Codes are being regularly updated on every Tuesday and Thursday.
Installed Operating System Ubuntu 10.04(64 bit) CentOS 6.3(64 bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6(64 bit) Windows7 Pro(64 bit) Mandrake(32 bit)
CollabCAD Software Installation Binary Full version of CollabCAD 1.9.9b has been successfully installed on all Ubuntu10.04 and Windows7 Pro machines. In CentOS and RHEL CollabCAD installation has not been successful.
CollabCAD Development 2 Development setups has been created in 32 bit Mandrake machine. OCC 3.0 OCC 6.0 Both are working properly.
VSSC CollabCAD Development Cell Work carried out in VSSC CollabCAD cell includes the parts from VSSC drawings like Holder, Brackets, Ring segments, Bulk Head Segment, Fixed fin panel. The problems faced by VSSC CollabCAD cell while creating the part model has been communicated with NIC. The problems are listed in the following slides.
Issues informed to NIC(Explicit Modeling) 1) While trimming by auto split for creating solid model by revolution error displayed saying that the curves are not closed. Some unwanted points are created while trimming by auto split. 2) While changing the view the software gets stuck displaying Null pointer Exception error message. This is happening frequently. 3) Solid blending issues. At times it displays error message saying Error creating closed profile even if the profile is closed. 4) In the tree display, if we point the cursor to a particular blending operation it is not getting highlighted in the model. So it is difficult to modify the blend geometry . 5) Slab up to surface is having trimming issue. It gets slabed beyond the selected surface.
Parametric Modeling- Issues While drawing in explicit mode we can fit to screen without aborting the command. But while drawing with profile not able to fit to screen. User cannot control the direction of Arc while creating using Profile command. It takes default anticlockwise direction. If we create an entity using basic commands like line, arc, circle and then convert it to Profile using Basic-> Profile->Select it gets converted to Profile. But not able to modify the profile curve. While drawing using 2D constraints if we undo an operation the symbols of constraints gets staggered
Continued… Angular constrain not giving the correct angle output. When angle constrain between 2 lines is given as =180 it throws error Distance constrain not asking for distance value If we give constrain to an entity then give trim option the constrain gets deleted by itself
Issues Resolved in the latest version 1) While doing circular array copy duplicate of the original entity is created . Every time we need to delete the duplicate entity ---Now the issue has been resolved in CollabCAD1.9.9b 2) While doing circular array of a slabed entity the selection of base point and head point of the slabed entity is not getting exactly the required point. Only by changing the view we get the exact point. So we are not able to get the required circular array---The Bug has been resolved 3) After filleting if we undo the operation the entity created will not be the original as before doing fillet. The radius part formed during fillet will be deleted----The Bug resolved
Plot Configurator (Issues Resolved) Plot configurator has got major modification from the previous version of CollabCAD. 1) Detailed View has been introduced. 2) Now its possible to work in the part modeling even if the plot configurator remains open. 3) In 2D plot configurator once the whole view is imported, then if we modify the position of top, front, right view the hatch lines of the section view remains in the original position. It doesn't get displaced with the section view. But if we are modifying the position of section view only the hatch lines moves with the section view ---Now it is working fine. 4) Dimension text intersecting with the extension line of dimension — Now we can change the dimension text position laterally.
Issues with Plot Configurator-latest version (V1.9.9b) Conversion from 2D plot configurator to PDF is not possible. View alignment problem with plot configurator. UNDO and REDO option is inactive. Fillet dimensioning is not possible. No option for zoom/Pan. No implicit option to get the start point/end point correctly. For doing angular dimension only few lines are getting selected. 8) In title block, line spacing cannot be edited.
Whenever we give a detailed view after entering note at first it appears perfect. But when we retrieve it again the note will be duplicated and it will be displayed at the top of the rectangular frame of detailed view. Section view of detailed view is not available. Thickness dimensioning not available in plot configurator. Cumulative dimensioning required in both plot configurator and part modelling. Cross section line for getting section view of curved portion is difficult to position accurately. Parallel dimensioning between the centre of circle and inclined line not possible.
Thank You