Mid-West Electric Consumers Associations 2017 Kiel Weaver Republican Staff Director House Water, Power and Oceans Subcommittee
Subcommittee Jurisdiction Bureau of Reclamation Four Power Marketing Administrations WAPA, BPA, SWPA and SEPA U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA Fisheries U.S. Geological Survey
Water, Power and Oceans Subcommittee Membership: Doug Lamborn (R-CO) -- Chairman Daniel Webster (R-FL) – Vice-Chairman Jared Huffman (D-CA) – Ranking Democrat 11 Republicans, 8 Democrats
Making Water and Power Infrastructure Great Again March 1 Subc Hearing on “Modernizing Western Water and Power Infrastructure in the 21st Century” Witnesses: Andy Colisimo, Colorado Springs Utilities Andy Fecko, Placer County Water Agency Bob Lynch, Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona New legislation on: One Stop Shop Permitting Hydropower at BOR Facilities BOR, WAPA Transparency
Federal Hydropower Federal hydropower usually a source of revenue for other things. “Beneficiary Pays” rule should apply Capacity has been lost due to various federal laws and regulations
Non-federal Hydropower Subject to Federal Power Act (licensing and relicensing) Allows Federal Natural Resources Agencies to impose “Mandatory Conditions” 12,600 additional MW at existing non- powered dams Non-federal hydropower (conduits, hydropower) can be built at federal projects. But barriers and outdated regulatory regimes remain.
Electricity Rights of Way on Federal Lands Almost 90,000 linear miles of electricity rights of way on Forest Service and BLM lands. Issue is inconsistent federal management of rights-of-way. Liability also an issue Bipartisan bill passed the House last year; Senate interest.
Debate Topics on Infrastructure What is the Federal nexus? If there is a federal cost, how is it paid for? Does it apply to the “beneficiaries pay” rule? How do we incentivize non-federal parties on infrastructure? What is the Future of the BOR and the PMAs?
The PMAs PMAs provide wholesale “at-cost” power to 1,200 public power entities in 33 states. Successive Administrations have proposed elimination/reforms for PMAs. The “Chu Memo” in the last Administration was the latest effort
Turnover on Capitol Hill 42% of House Members are new since the 2012 election 36% of Senators are new since the 2012 election High staff turnover in personal offices and committees