MAPPS BLM Update Washington, DC, March 2017 Donald Buhler Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Washington DC Branch of Cadastral Survey and Lands Bureau of Land Management’s Mission to manage and conserve the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under our mandate of multiple-use and sustained yield Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Major BLM Priorities Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Secretary Ryan Zinke I will work to improve the management of our federal lands for multiple uses, including recreation, conservation and responsible energy development. I intend to restore trust by working with states and local communities to inform agency decisions. I intend to promote greater public access, responsible development and ensure that professionals within the Department of the Interior receive the resources, training, and tools needed to make informed decisions that give voice to the American public. I also recognize and will preserve those lands that deserve special recognition and are better managed with man as an observer. Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Energy Dominance Unleash America’s $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves A plan to refill the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Effective management of the 100,000 oil and gas production wells Coal restart Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Fluid Minerals The BLM manages the Federal government’s onshore mineral estate – about 700 million acres held by the BLM, U.S. Forest Service and other Federal agencies and other surface owners, including Indian tribes. The goal of the onshore oil and gas program is to facilitate safe and responsible energy development while providing a fair return for the American taxpayer.
Fluid Minerals Oil and gas from public and Indian lands provided 11 percent of the natural gas and 7 percent of the oil used in the U.S. In 2015. Generated more than $2.24 billion in royalties, rental payments and bonus bids, all of which were split between the U.S. Treasury and the states.
Solid Minerals Mineral development is an important land use within the BLM's multiple-use mandate. In communities across the country, mining provides jobs, economic activity and important commodities that are essential to maintain a high quality of life.
Coal Restart Over the last decade 20% of the Nation’s energy was derived from Federal land. The total economic output from BLM coal leases for Fiscal Year 2015 was $14,106.9 million.
Renewable Energy Over the past decade, renewable energy producers have used public lands to generate electricity and get it to the market. The BLM is in the forefront of building the nation’s renewable energy capacity by authorizing wind, solar and geothermal energy development projects on public lands or by authorizing transmission projects across those lands. Since 2009, the BLM has authorized 58 solar, wind, and geothermal, for a total of approximately 15,500 megawatts of renewable energy capacity
Energy Challenges and Opportunities Natural gas venting and flaring build a system that recaptures what is being wasted All of the above energy policy, which includes renewables Build transmission projects on federal lands in accordance with the principles of multiple use and fully consider and preserve other activities, i.e. conservation and recreation Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey The BLM’s Lands and Realty Program manages a wide range of public land-use transactions such as: Land purchases sales, exchanges, and withdrawals Authorize leases, permits, and rights-of-way Cadastral Survey Services
Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey From enabling energy development, to permitting commercial filming, to defining boundaries and maintaining public land records, the lands and realty staff ensure that the public lands are managed for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under the BLM’s mandate of multiple use and sustained yield. An important component of the BLM's land-management strategy is transfer of land ownership or land interests through purchases and donations, sales and exchanges, and withdrawals. The BLM also issues leases and permits for the public to use, occupy, and develop public lands for a various purposes. Examples include commercial filming and photography, advertising displays, crop harvesting, residential occupancy, recreation facilities, construction equipment storage, assembly yards, well pumps, and other uses.
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Lands Activities Small parcel exchanges or conveyances that benefit the local community Oppose the large-scale sale or transfer of public land. “Teddy Roosevelt had it right when he put under federal protection millions of acres of federal lands. … federal lands should not be sold to states and I have voted 17 times against such action.” Secretary Zinke More access to public lands -- should be available for the enjoyment of all Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Land Activities Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) creates parks and open spaces, protect wilderness and forests, and provide outdoor recreation opportunities The mix of lands under different management poses numerous issues, ranging from protecting recreational access to respecting the rights of private land owners Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management FY 2017 and 2018 Budget More business driven 2017 In negotiation at Congress Potentially a CR with unknown amounts Change in emphasis 2018 Cuts of 10% Energy emphasis/jobs Infrastructure Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Opportunities in Cadastral and Lands Authoritative cadastral and lands data, geospatially enabled, is critical to BLM and Interior Strong support for Administration’s energy goals Efficient delivery of energy to meet growing demand and address the nation’s aging energy transmission infrastructure Addressing the federal and private parcel information to support these efforts Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Cadastral/Land Records Minerals Locatable minerals for infrastructure s initiatives Commodities - rare earth for technology Coal Restart Oil and Gas Application for permit to drill with better geospatial and tabular data More ROW s for operations and pipelines Renewable Energy Permitting for Solar, Wind and Geothermal with more information on restrictions New Transmission Cadastral/Land Records Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Minerals and Land Record System Request for Information (RFI) published in 2014 Planning Phase initiated FY 15 & FY16: MLRS action plan and strategy/budget for FY16 completed Core Team established and working on Project Charter Preparing SOW for Contractor support Award Contract 2017 Authoritative data for cadastral, lands and geospatial information is critical to MLRS Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Certified Federal Surveyor (CFedS) Approved by the Secretary of the Interior in 2004 response to deficiencies on Indian surveys. Co-administered by BLM and NSPS Provides extensive training for Professional Land Surveyors in dealing with federal survey processes. Expanded to other federal agencies, state and local governments
Cadastral Survey, Lands and Realty CFedS - The future Provides for more efficient cadastral services for federal, state and local governments Continuing Education for most state licenses Encourage more utilization - i.e. Natural Resource Conservation Service, other federal agencies, state and local governments Cadastral Survey, Lands and Realty
Potential Legislative Energy Acceleration Bills Infrastructure Bills – Surveying/Geospatial is the foundation for building infrastructure H.R. 621, Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act – requires extensive parcel management information and other State Lands Bills – i.e. Advancement of Conservation and Education – Relinquish State trust land within Federal conservation areas and select replacements National Defense Authorization Act Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management
Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management Questions Division of Cadastral, Lands and Realty Management