2001 Foothills Levy Protect public open space through acquisition, donation, conservation easement, or land exchange 59% of voters approved $10 million in property taxes in 2 years
3 Original Priority Areas Dry Creek/West Foothills Hulls Gulch/Military Reserve Table Rock
Accomplishments 10,807 acres protected Expended $13,633,047 Approximately 4,000 city reserve acres Expended $13,633,047 $1.1 million in interest $4.2 million for Hammer Flat $1.6 million remaining $37,755,305 market value
Major Acquisitions Hammer Flat (701 acres) Hawkins (260 acres) Hillside to Hollow (258 acres) North Collister (expanded Polecat Gulch; 154 acres)
Donations Noble Reserve (600 acres) Stack Rock (1,320 acres)
Easements Daniel’s Creek Upper Dry Creek IDL & IDFG (1,928 acres) BLM, IDL & USFS (5,000 acres)
2013 Public Safety and Livability Bond Protect clean water, critical natural areas and wildlife habitat 62% voter support Two-thirds required
2014 Fire Bond 76% voter approved Allowed Mayor and Council to shift resources to other long-standing projects Bown library Parks development
2014 Open Space Reserve Plan Citizen engagement priorities Acquire & preserve more land Improve access Provide connectivity between properties
Additional City Priorities Improve access to the Boise River and promote natural stream corridors from the Foothills to the Boise River Provide an opportunity for leveraging funds Support partnerships with public and private entities Support the establishment of a temporary 2-year override levy to further preserve and protect the Foothills and Boise River
Proposed Temporary Levy Mayor and City Council support preserving and protecting open spaces and natural resources Current Levy account is nearly depleted A new ballot measure would ask voters to: Protect clean water and drinking water Protect wildlife habitat in the Foothills and along the Boise River Protect open space to enhance recreation Protect native plants while eradicating invasive plant species in the Foothills and along the Boise River
Next Steps Council Resolution to: Order an election this November Set ballot language