Hazardous Waste Disposal of hazardous waste is regulated by the EPA under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR Section 261 CSP is classified as “Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQGs)
Hazardous Waste CESQGs must identify all the hazardous waste generated. CESQGs may not accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste at any time. CESQGs must ensure that hazardous waste is delivered to a person or facility who is authorized to manage it.
Hazardous Waste CSP generates hazardous waste from the following: Hypo, acid, and caustic spills Any empty chemical container containing residue Used oil Special projects such as fiberglassing tanks.
Hazardous Waste Place containers in the hazardous waste area by the shipping table in the warehouse All containers in the area must be properly labeled and placed on secondary containment Exceptions: Oil should be placed in the “Used Oil” drum located by the forklift. Flammables rags should be placed in a red flammable container. One is located in the hazardous waste area, another in the workshop.
Hazardous Waste Improper Secondary Containment Proper Secondary
Hazardous Waste All waste must be logged into the yellow “Hazardous Waste Log Book”
Hazardous Waste A label must include the following. Company name and Address EPA ID number CSP’s is COD007062011 Accumulation Start Date In CSP’s case we use the date the container was put into waste area. Manifest Tracking Number We use the date it was put into the waste area with your initials The D.O.T. chemical name with UN ID Example: Hydrochloric Acid 1789
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Common UN ID numbers used at CSP A full list of UN ID numbers is available in the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) Chemical Name UN ID Hydrochloric Acid 1789 Sodium Hypochlorite 1791 Sodium Hydroxide Solution 1824
Hazardous Waste Empty lab chemical bottles and cooling water chemical drums can be thrown out or recycled if: They are rinsed out with water three times All chemical labels crossed out “Empty” is written on container
Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste is not allowed sit onsite for more than 6 months It is the responsibility of management and compliance to contact a waste company to pickup and dispose of hazardous waste
Non-Hazardous Waste The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sludge that is cleaned out from the filter press or the bottom of brine tanks is not considered hazardous waste. Periodically samples of the CaCO3 is sent for chemical analysis, if it come back clear the trash company comes and picks it up. Disposable gloves Salt from the rail area Brine spills
For updated information refer to the “CSP Safety and Environmental” manual