1. Review process for revised life-saving criteria (January 2010) THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Objectives of this session 1. Review process for revised life-saving criteria (January 2010) 2. Key definitions 3. Discuss possible life-saving activities according to CERF definitions 4. Practical exercises: review summary of submitted proposals and discuss if they should be recommended to the ERC
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Revision The Two-Year Evaluation Independent Report (2008) recommended: Life-saving criteria should be placed in the context of core emergency needs Target the CERF more precisely so that the prioritization of needs becomes clearer. Ensure that CERF only funds activities arising out of humanitarian emergencies, both rapid and chronic. A certain degree of flexibility must be present in their application depending on the context In 2009: Consultations with global cluster leads, UN agencies, IOM and the CERF Advisory Group. 26 January 2010: The revised life-saving criteria were approved by the ERC
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA CERF Funding Criteria Projects must be for: life-saving activities core emergency humanitarian programmes defined as: Activities that within a short time span remedy, mitigate or avert direct loss of life, physical harm or threats to a population or major portion thereof. Also permissible are common humanitarian services that are necessary to enable life-saving activities (see Logistics and Support Services in LSC)
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Examples by Sector SECTOR CRITERIA EXAMPLES Agriculture Activities that have a direct and immediate impact in protecting and restoring the livelihood of families affected by an emergency Provision of seeds, tools and fertilizer to restore food production capacity, survival of productive animals when primary source of livelihood, initial inputs for plague control Coordination and Support Services (Common Services) Activities that support the delivery of priority life-saving activities provided by UN agencies, NGOs and governments in emergency response Emergency telecommunications equipment, evacuation services, transport, Joint Logistics Centers, safety and security measures Education in Emergencies Interventions aiming at restoring educational and recreational activities for children and adolescents during an emergency School tents and other education material, emergency repair of primary education facilities, essential life-saving skills
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Examples by Sector SECTOR CRITERIA EXAMPLES Food Aid Provision of minimum food requirements / basic food rations to people affected by emergencies General food distributions to fill gaps / pipeline breaks for the most vulnerable groups Health Activities that have an immediate impact on the health of population affected by an emergency Mass casualty management, Primary Health Care, SGBV response and psycho-social support, reproductive health emergency interventions, immunizations, outbreak control, HIV/AIDS emergency awareness, disease surveillance Nutrition Management of severe and moderately acute malnutrition Infant feeding in emergencies, micronutrient supplementation, therapeutic feeding centers
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Examples by Sector SECTOR CRITERIA EXAMPLES Shelter and NFIs Immediate provision of temporary/ semi-temporary shelter and basic NFIs for victims of disaster. Provision and distribution of materials, construction / repair of emergency shelter, cash grants / cash for work on a case by case basis Protection / Human Rights / Rule of Law Activities aiming at providing physical, social and legal protection (access to basic rights) to individuals and families affected by emergencies or protracted displacement situations Establishment of IDP/refugee camps, profiling of IDP / refugee populations for registration, child protection, SGBV response, psychosocial counseling and Human Rights awareness. Assistance for relocation and creation of minimum conditions for return
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Examples by Sector SECTOR CRITERIA EXAMPLES Water and Sanitation Provision of minimum requirements of water, sanitation and hygiene standards in emergency situations Provision of drinking water, emergency repair to wells/boreholes/pumps, water purification systems, sanitation systems, hygiene and sanitation supplies and awareness raising Mine action Activities that create immediate conditions of physical safety of populations affected by an emergency Emergency de-mining to allow humanitarian access, mine awareness and education
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Cross-cutting activities Coordination. Under the RR window only, the CERF will fund one cluster coordinator where this is demonstrated need for support. This coordination person must be part of a larger agency project which has been prioritized by the RC/HC and HCT. Coordination will not be supported in a stand alone project. Multi-Agency Assessments The CERF will fund multi-agency needs assessments in new emergencies, only under the RR window. Must be supported by the RC/HC and the HCT. The CERF will not fund single agency/sector specific assessments.
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA The CERF will not fund: Activities not immediately life saving (eg. disaster mitigation, early warning, prevention and preparedness, economic recovery, poverty reduction, and disarmament) Expenditures not covered by the CERF contributions: Recurring budget costs (office and maintenance costs, bank fees, etc.) Regular agency stockpiling Capacity building and training (funded only if related to direct implementation of emergency response)
THE CERF LIFE-SAVING CRITERIA Exercise In groups, discuss some paragraphs extracted from various CERF proposals submitted to the ERC. Please, determine whether or not they comply with the life-saving mandate of the CERF. Tick the appropriate box. YES, THIS FALLS WITHIN THE MANDATE OF THE CERF NO, IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR CERF FUNDING MAYBE, DEPENDING ON THE CONTEXT In plenary, share answers and discuss.