England: A Great Place to Visit! Breanna Ms. Braganza Class 3-301 March 2006
Location of England England is an island located in Western Europe. It is located between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France. The northern one sixth of Ireland is included in England.
Geographic Features of England Most of England consists of rolling hills. It is more mountainous in the north. There are also flat lands in the east.
Climate of England Climate Seasons Since England is surrounded by water, the climate changes. It can be sunny one day and rainy the next. England has warm summers and cool winters. Seasons Spring - March to May Summer - June to August Autumn - September to November Winter - December to February
Environment of England Bird-watching is a popular pastime in Britain. England is home to 230 kinds of birds. A common bird in England is the red robin. brida
Holidays and Festivals of England Christmas is Britain’s most popular holiday. It is characterized by traditions which date back hundreds of years.
Government of England England’s government is called a parliamentary monarchy (ruled by one person). The leader of England is Queen Elizabeth ll. The Prime Minister is Tony Blair.
Industries of England The agricultural (food) industry of England produces wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, sugar, beets, fruits, and vegetables. Fishing is also an important industry of England.
Popular places to visit: Landmarks of England Popular places to visit: Big Ben (the Great Clock) London Tower Bridge London Eye (huge Ferris Wheel) Buckingham Palace (where the Queen lives)
Three Additional Facts England is hot and windy. English people use the left side of the road to drive. England is a country full of buildings like the United States.
Bibliography www.tfk.com www.cia.com www.wikipedia.com www.e-england.com
All pictures were taken from Graphic Resources All pictures were taken from Microsoft Clipart