Regional Image Campaign The Regional Image Campaign & North East England Ambassador Programme Regional Image Campaign
What is the Regional Image Campaign? Established in 2005 to promote North East England as a great place to live, work, invest, do business, study and visit Changed perceptions outside of the region by promoting the excellent quality of life on offer in the North East Looking to translate this success across our key sectors to promote the region’s strengths in business and innovation
North East England Ambassadors Campaign success North East England Ambassadors Created a strong brand identity and strapline in ‘Passionate people. Passionate places’ We have updated perceptions of the region Increased knowledge of North East England outside the region Projected positive images consistently over time Widespread regional support Tyne & Wear 1
North East England Ambassadors Next steps North East England Ambassadors Inward investment Talent attraction and retention Regional ambassadors network Evolve ‘Passionate people. Passionate places’ Need to embed business messages promoting the region with targeted sector specific activity Become known for innovation and new leading sectors Northumberland 1
Planned activity Regional support and confidence building - Regional press activity - Business events Sector specific image (starting with Chemical and Engineering sectors): - Development of innovation case studies - Advertorials in sector press - Recruitment literature - Sector fact sheets - Engineering DVD - Refresh websites - Social networking and social media
North East England Ambassadors A network of passionate people spreading the word about North East England as a vibrant and forward thinking hub for business investment, growth and career advancement. By becoming an ambassador you can: Put North East England on the map as a dynamic, influential centre for innovation and business success Contribute to the future growth and success of North East England Be part of multi million pound marketing campaign to benefit your organisation and extend your business messages
Ambassador toolkit Ambassador toolkit As a regional ambassador you receive access to the Ambassador toolkit Up-to-date regional business information Helping you to spread the word about the region Regional media features and submit news articles and business events Networking opportunities online and member events Ambassador newsletter keeping you up to date
What does this mean for your business? Everyone can play their part No obligation, no reporting to me or One North East! The toolkit also enables you to download or request your own ‘Passionate about’ strapline to tell the world exactly what your business is passionate about Use North East England facts and figures, images and information to talk-up the region wherever you go and help to give North East England the reputation it deserves All absolutely free of charge!
Thank you Tori Clayton Ambassador Programme Manager T 0191 229 6861 M 07824 537 289 E