Grammar School of Jan Pivečka in Slavičín
Location and brief introduction Our school is located in a small town Slavičín, which lies on the southeast of Moravia. First year of a four-year study in our grammar school was opened at 1st September 1992. Here study students who are 16 and sit for the leaving examination when they are 19. In 1994 was introduced eight-year study which study students from 11 and do A Levels when they’re 19 too. Classes of eight-year study are called: prima, sekunda, tercie, kvarta, kvinta, sexta, septima, oktáva. Classes of four-year study are called: G1, G2, G3, G4.
A fact file September 1st , 2005, our school changed the name to Grammar School of Jan Pivečka. It used to bear a name Grammar School in Slavičín before. In the school work 34 teachers now and we have got 340 students.
At our school all students have got these subjects: czech language, maths, physical science, chemistry, biology, computer science, history, English language, French or German language, geography, social sciences, PE, musical appreciation or artistic appreciation and students can choose other optional subjects. Our school has got 12 schoolrooms, laboratory of natural fields, classroom of physical science, art studio, computer classroom and language multimedia classroom. There is an available gym, sport facilities , tennis courts, a dining hall and a buffet.
Our activities and school actions. Every student may choose some voluntary or vocational subject for his free time, for example conversation in English, French, Russian, German,and IT , Maths etc. For students who love sports are available games (volley-ball, floorball). Our school also organises days full of sports- Discomarathon- Girls take aerobics with a trainer and can win some interesting prices. During the winter months students go for in the ski course. It means they are learnt how to ski in some Czech mountains. This stay is usually for five days.
Music & Drama We have a music group and choir consisted of our students. This group is called Manteca. They have published three cds so far. Another interesting activity is drama class. Especially younger students attend that and they perform at school performances.
Foreign partner schools and trips Our school has good relationships with schools from foreign countries. To the partner schools belong schools from Germany, Italy and France. Students have a chance to visit England, Germany, France and Italy for 10 days, get new experience and improve their foreign language. Every year before Christmas we visit Vienna because of its beautiful Christmas markets and some student visit Berlin.
Local event - Christmas Every year in our city takes place the Switching on the Christmas tree – really beautiful event finished up with fireworks. Manteca (music group) performs there and majority of people from the town get together to enjoy that.
Dance Favourite action are dance lessons , taken from september to december. There is a professional dancer who learns us various dances such as Tango, Waltz, Cha-cha, Samba, and Jive. The last lesson is finished with a ball for students’ parents, close relatives and friends.
Majáles- something like a fancy-dress party Majáles- something like a fancy-dress party. Every class makes own short scene on particular theme. Then we stroll the town in our costumes. Balls- one of the most favourite events organised by students. The first one is not only for students, but also for their parents, teachers and another people. The second one belongs to students and adults don’t take part there except of teachers. Boys and girls get dressed up and enjoy this party.
Other student activities. publishing school newspapers – always interesting and full of information about students and our school student council- we can say our opinion and share it in school decisions COMENIUS, SOCRATES, co-operation with two Slovak schools- Dubnica nad Váhom and Bánovce nad Bebravou, + international Comenius News partners (2009-2010) GLOBE literary competition- younger students learn a poem and teachers decide who the best reciter is.
PE education + A ball