Black History Month Project Creating The Brochure Black History Month Project
Objectives In this unit, you will learn how to write an effective brochure. You will: use the writing process to create your own brochure. write informational text using text features appropriately. self-evaluate your writing. demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Vocabulary Advertisement: The public announcement of something such as a product, service, business, or event to get people interested in it. Audience: The intended readers of a particular piece of writing. Brochure: A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing event, location, or product information. Informational Text: Text that gives factual information about any topic. Purpose: The reason or reasons that a person creates a piece of writing. The eleven different types of purpose include to express (or voice), to describe, to explore/learn, to entertain, to inform, to explain, to argue, to persuade, to evaluate (or judge), to problem solve, and to mediate (or settle differences). Writers often combine purposes within a piece of writing. Text Features: The parts of printed items that help the reader find and learn information easily: print features, organizational aids, graphic aids, and pictures/illustrations.
Keep these things in mind… Make sure your brochure… addresses a specific audience. has a clear purpose. uses descriptive and precise writing. contains a variety of text features. Print Features font italics bold print colored print bullets titles headings subheadings labels sidebars text boxes captions Illustrations Graphics colored photographs charts black and white photographs graphs labeled drawings enlarged photographs
How to Create a Brochure In Publisher
How to Create a Brochure In PowerPoint
Use the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds says that humans like the look of things when they're divided into three parts. Brochures are often already divided into three parts vertically, but you can also divide them into three horizontally too. Try to have text or pictures that separates a few of the pages into three parts.
Keep the text readable. Don't use text that is really small and don't use lots of different fonts. Two, maybe three fonts should be used at most. The print should be easily readable, often 10 point or larger.
Streamline the information. Think really hard about what information you want to include and where it should be located. The information should be laid out in a way that makes sense and you should only include information that is absolutely necessary. For example, don't spend two pages covering athletics and only one talking about academic programs and tuition.
Keep it simple. The design should be as simple as possible. Don't use any more text or images than you absolutely have to. Don't use patterned backdrops or anything that makes the brochure look busy. A clean, modern look is key.
Editing the final product Make sure that you have… checked your spelling. used capital letters appropriately. used punctuation at the end of every sentence. checked to make sure that all sentences are complete sentences.