Using Victorian Curriculum to plan learning in Visual & Media Arts F - 6 Webinar, 23 November 2016
Session overview Victorian Curriculum: The Arts – Media Arts Content Organisation Adapting and adopting existing learning materials
Workshop materials Participants will need An existing unit of work or sequence of learning A copy of their school curriculum planning template Access to Structure chart F-10 scope and sequence Curriculum mapping template and instructions For note-taking and writing – either paper or digital formats can be used.
Victorian Curriculum: The Arts 4 Strands: explore & express/represent ideas practices present & perform respond & interpret + 2 Organising ideas: students learn as artist and as audience Students learn by making & responding
Learning in Media Arts Media Arts Practices In Making and Responding students engage with the key concepts, story principles and both technical and symbolic elements of media arts. Making in Media Arts is the use of knowledge, skills, techniques, process and materials that communicate ideas and intentions. Students design, produce and distribute media artworks. Responding includes exploring, analysing and interpreting media artworks. In making and responding to media artworks, students develop critical perception, personal expression and collaboration.
Learning in Media Arts Media forms: film, news reports, documentary, advertising, animation, music videos, video games, graphic novels and multimodal media arts forms. Key media concepts: used to tell stories; technologies used to produce, access and distribute media; various institutions that enable and constrain media production and distribution; audiences; representation. Technical and symbolic elements of media: including composition, space, time, movement, sound, colour and lighting for media forms in different contexts. Story principles: structure, intent, characters, setting, points of view and genre. Techniques and processes: pre-production, post production, distribution, engagement. Materials: images, sound, text and technologies.
Media Arts strands Strand Explore and Represent Ideas Media Practices Present and Perform Respond and Interpret Explore, investigate and experiment with ideas and develop characters, representations and viewpoints through characters, sound, settings, stories and text. Use media technologies and media conventions to create and represent stories in media forms. Planning, producing, distributing for specific audiences and contexts in media forms. … reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as an audience and producer. …Identify specific features and purposes of media artworks.
Content Descriptions & Elaborations Level 4 Content Descriptors Learning activities Explore & Represent Investigate and devise representations of people in their community, through settings, ideas and story structure in images, sound and text. Creating a sequence of images, sounds and text or a combination of these, to clearly establish the beginning, middle and end of a story or an event Media Arts Practices Use media technologies to create time and space through the manipulation of images, sounds and text when telling stories. Applying text to accompany still or moving images, for example credits in a title sequence selecting appropriate fonts, colour and suitable length of time for display Present and Perform Plan, create and present media artworks for specific purposes with awareness of responsible media practice. Storyboarding and filming a short sequence showing a conflict by selecting camera angles, lighting and costume to convey meaning without dialogue Respond and Interpret Identify intended purposes and meanings of media artworks, using the key concepts of media arts. Describing representations and interpreting meaning in media artworks from different social, cultural or historical contexts, for example, different ways traditional stories can be retold using media technologies
Content Descriptor & Achievement Standards Level 4 Content Descriptors Level 4 Achievement Standards Investigate and devise representations of people in their community, through settings, ideas and story structure in images, sound and text. Students describe similarities and differences between media artworks they make and view. They discuss how and why they and others use images, sound and text to make and present media artworks. Use media technologies to create time and space through the manipulation of images, sounds and text when telling stories. Students use the story principles of intent, structure, setting, characters, media elements and media technologies to make and share media artworks that communicate ideas to an audience. Plan, create and present media artworks for specific purposes with awareness of responsible media practice. Identify intended purposes and meanings of media artworks, using the key concepts of media arts.
Learning in Visual Arts Focus on the practices of visual artists in different cultures, contexts and environments. Thinking, responding, making. Viewpoints of responding and making artworks through the practices of the artist and the engagement of the audience. Key ideas and issues in contemporary art practice that reflect beliefs and values of society. Visual conventions: underlying structure of artworks. Style, art elements and art principles. Materials, techniques and processes that are used in artistic practice.
Visual Arts strands Strand Explore and Represent Ideas Media Practices Present and Perform Respond and Interpret Explore ideas, experiences, observations, imagination …. artworks and artists from different cultures and times. Experiment, select, apply Materials, techniques, processes, technologies and visual conventions. Create and display artworks considering audiences, ideas and artists’ intentions and meaning. … reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as a viewer and artist …Identify specific features and purposes of artworks from different periods of time and cultures.
Content Descriptions & Elaborations Level 4 Content Description Elaboration sample Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times to express ideas in visual artworks. Researching artworks of different styles and artists from different times and cultures, to inspire their own expression of ideas, for example, in forms such as printmaking and drawing, and styles such as realism or expressionism Use materials, techniques, technologies and processes, and explore visual conventions to make artworks. Practising a variety of techniques and using various technologies to find different ways of interpreting a theme and/or subject matter, for example, making a simple animation or storybook Create and display artworks, describing how ideas are expressed to an audience. Discussing how artworks are made and how the choice of materials can influence the meaning of artworks, for example, what the artwork is made of, the choice of material to enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention Identify and discuss how ideas are expressed in a range of places and cultures. Comparing artworks made for different reasons, using appropriate visual conventions, and identifying different interpretations
Achievement Standards & Content Descriptions Level 4 Content Description Achievement Standard Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times to express ideas in visual artworks. Students plan and make artworks that are inspired by artworks they experience. Students discuss how artists use materials, techniques and visual conventions in artworks. Use materials, techniques, technologies and processes, and explore visual conventions to make artworks. They use materials, visual conventions, techniques and processes to communicate their ideas. Create and display artworks, describing how ideas are expressed to an audience. They discuss and evaluate the art making processes, materials and techniques they use to express their ideas. Identify and discuss how ideas are expressed in a range of places and cultures.
This is the document that you will need to have available to you for the session. Source: Brunswick East Primary School Curriculum Planner
The Concept What is the purpose of the unit? EXPLORE & REPRESENT PRACTICES PRESENT & PERFORM RESPOND & INTERPRET What is the purpose of the unit? What do you want the students to achieve at the end of the unit? Ideas? Skills? What activities will be taught in the unit?
Strand focus – key concepts What are the key concepts that are taught and how will they relate to the Content Descriptors? Thinking about the same activity or aspect of the unit/sequence, when students are ‘exploring’ or ‘representing’ what Media arts practices are they using? are they also ‘responding’ or ‘interpreting’? EXPLORE & REPRESENT PRACTICES PRESENT & PERFORM RESPOND & INTERPRET
Unpacking How is the activity aligned to prior learning? varied to cater for different levels of knowledge and skill? How does the activity connect to the rest of the unit/sequence? EXPLORE & REPRESENT PRACTICES PRESENT & PERFORM RESPOND & INTERPRET
Assessment opportunities Highlight sections of the achievement standard/s that are addressed by this activity at the level at the previous level (Visual Arts & Media Arts) at the following level (Visual Arts & Media Arts) EXPLORE & REPRESENT PRACTICES PRESENT & PERFORM RESPOND & INTERPRET Describe the assessment strategies associated with the activity you have been analysing. Consider: formative summative self, peer and teacher feedback
Reflection and Evaluation EXPLORE & REPRESENT PRACTICES PRESENT & PERFORM RESPOND & INTERPRET How will the students know what they have learned? What evaluation will they carry out on their learning? What creative, critical and reflective Thinking will the students use?
Curriculum mapping Mapping identifies the extent of curriculum coverage in units of work and clearly links teaching, learning and assessment while working with the curriculum continuum. Mapping templates support teachers to identify where content descriptions and achievement standards are being explicitly addressed within the school’s teaching and learning program. Instructions: Templates For each Arts discipline F-6 7-10
Next steps update rubrics, success criteria, learning intentions etc. transfer information to school curriculum planning template discuss the process and findings with colleagues and/or curriculum leaders repeat for other units write a new unit or sequence of learning using this process as a checklist
Feedback Please complete the survey from F-10 to let me know about the relevance of this presentation for your work and whether it met your expectations. You can also email me directly: Kathryn Hendy-Ekers Curriculum Manager: Visual Arts phone: 61 3 9032 1697 email: