Good Afternoon Everyone
Learning Outcomes After today's workshop you will be able to: Recognize the difference between a resume and a CV Identify proper format of a resume and content to include in a resume Write a basic resume
WHAT IS A RESUME? A summary of your qualifications Education Experiences (all types!!!) Skills Marketing tool -> an advertisement on you! Know your audience Be prepared to spend ample time preparing resume
HOW IS A RESUME USED? Most often used when applying for employment Can be used to apply for a co-op or internship or summer position, graduate or professional school or leadership positions in particular organizations A screening tool – the 10-20 second scan Resume Interview References Job Offer
WHAT IS A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)? Comprehensive biographical statement Usually 3 or more pages in length Emphasizes qualifications and activities Should address faculty roles such as teaching, research, service, professional associations and presentations
HOW IS A CURRICULUM VITA USED? a curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for academic, scientific, or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants
FORMATS Reverse Chronological Functional or Skills-Based
STYLE & APPEARANCE Stick to 10-12 font size Times New Roman and Arial are standard fonts Use bolding, italics, all CAPS, underlining, etc. Use lines to separate heading/sections Use bulleted statements with action-oriented verbs ½-1-inch margins all 4 sides are standard Balance white space and text
STYLE AND APPEARANCE (continued) Use neutral, professional resume paper – match to cover letter and reference page white or light colored paper Use same style paper for resume/CV, cover letter and references
WRITING TIPS Spend ample time preparing your resume/CV Be prepared to write and rewrite One-page resume is usually sufficient, CV’s are two or more pages Customize your resume/CV for each position Catch your reader’s eye Accentuate the positive Use action-oriented verbs and quantify when possible
Examples of Action Verbs
WRITING TIPs (continued) Remember the three C’s Clarity: make presentation clear and concise Consistency: do not mix categories and dates Conciseness: summarize and highlight - do not pad
THE BASICS OF RESUME CONTENT Categories used will vary based on your qualifications and/or intended goal Consider several versions of resume for different targets Describe more than duties/tasks performed indicate skills developed/demonstrated indicate value added – accomplishments