Annual Assessment and Accountability Meeting Updates August 30, 2017 Susie Lee Bureau of K-12 Student Assessment
District Assessment Contact Verification Superintendent will confirm primary district assessment coordinator prior to each school year (beginning this fall) Mirrors accountability contact process Once confirmed, our office will send the primary contact a list of district level users for ShareFile and our listserv to verify access DACs will also receive reminders and instructions to verify user accounts in TIDE and PA Next
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) Renaissance Learning/Star Early Literacy® Provided for all students enrolled in a public VPK program in 2016-17 FLEIDs automatically assigned to these students, even if they enrolled in private kindergarten Visit the FLDOE FLKRS page for: Rostering options and instructions Training resources Manuals and checklists FAQ
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) Florida K-Readiness Renaissance Place Help Desk: 1-800-338-4204 or Rostering Setup Site access Technical issues FLDOE Support: or Policy Implementation
FLEID Requirements Students must have an FLEID to be entered into TIDE and PearsonAccess Next Adult/private school students may not show up on the day of testing without previously registering/requesting an FLEID Communication of this requirement to public schools, private schools, adult centers, and the public is key Address questions about obtaining FLEIDs to the FLEID Team at
Regular Print FSA Accommodations CBT Grade Level/Subject Paper-Based Tests Shipped Paper-Based Tests Scored Spring 2017 Unused Tests/ % Unused Spring 2016 Unused Tests/ FSA ELA Reading Grade 4 1,824 1,409 415 (23%) 741 (34%) Grade 5 2,163 1,600 563 (26%) 856 (38%) Grade 6 1,407 865 542 (39%) 1,225 (60%) Grade 7 1,258 800 458 (36%) 1,046 (55%) Grade 8 1,350 839 511 (38%) 944 (48%) Grade 9 1,429 891 538 (38%) 944 (49%) Grade 10 1,496 1,005 491 (33%) 967 (48%) FSA Mathematics 2,179 1,635 544 (25%) 936 (41%) 1,395 897 498 (36%) 1,256 (61%) 1,245 778 467 (38%) 1,175 (60%) 1,387 780 607 (44%) 1,147 (59%)
Extraordinary Circumstance Exemptions Per s. 1008.212, F.S., a student with a disability who the IEP team determines is prevented by circumstance or condition from physically demonstrating the mastery of skills that have been acquired and are measured by the statewide standardized assessment… shall be granted an extraordinary exemption from the administration of the assessment. Applies to FSA, NGSSS, and FSAA
Extraordinary Circumstance Exemptions Extraordinary exemption request must be submitted to the superintendent by the student’s IEP team no later than 60 calendar days before the first day of the administration window of the assessment for which the request is made. An exemption request for FSA ELA applies to both Writing and Reading (submitted no later than 60 days before FSA ELA Writing administration). Required documentation can be found in Rule 6A-1.0943 (Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities).
Medical Complexity Exemptions A child with a medical complexity may be exempt from participating in statewide, standardized assessments pursuant to the provisions of s. 1008.22(10), F.S. (definition in statute) Three options One-year exemption granted by Superintendent (reported to department annually) One- to three-year exemption granted by Commissioner Permanent exemption granted by Commissioner
Exemption Packets Verify that request packets contain ALL necessary documentation before submitting to the department If you have questions about documentation or requests, contact Lois Tepper in our General Counsel’s office (