Idaho Bird Conservation Partnership Fall 2016 Meeting November 15 Boise, Idaho
OVERVIEW JV Niche in a Changing World IWJV Update from Management Board and Staff State Conservation Partnerships / 6 Key Elements of Success The Idaho Bird Conservation Partnership and the IWJV
U.S. Habitat Joint Ventures Self-directed public-private partnerships Six original JVs born out of NAWMP in late 1980s All-bird /seamless network today Two principles: Science foundation to conserve continental bird populations at desired levels Partnership-based habitat conservation delivery – leveraging resources IWJV You all know our business model. It really does come down to two key principles…science and partnership.
Joint Venture Coordinator Retreat – November 2015 BUSINESS MODEL Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) at scales that influence populations, bringing a landscape perspective to local delivery. Track record of making conservation entities stronger because we occupy a unique niche of supporting our conservation partners. Leverage a diversity of conservation expertise, and create collaborations at a variety of scales in ways that nobody else can. Dave is with the JVCs this week. Should be some important coordination that comes out of the meeting.
IWJV Mission To conserve priority bird habitats through partnership-driven, science-based projects and programs Public-private partnerships: key to meeting the grand challenges of the future
IWJV Staff
IWJV Management Board Retreat Seeley Lake, MT Spring 2016 Challenges, Niche and Core Competencies As reflected in the summary, six key challenges facing the landscape conservation community in the Intermountain West were identified to facilitate a discussion related to the IWJV’s niche and core competencies in addressing these challenges. The first challenge – landscapes across the continent continue to change in ways, and at scales, that are impacting bird populations and affecting the western way of life – is core to the role of Joint Venture and science-based model of Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC). We work to articulate why, where, and how much habitat is needed for priority bird populations, and how it should be most effectively delivered. The other five challenges involve social and political constraints (e.g., societal engagement with conservation, fractionalization within the conservation community, litigation and regulatory uncertainty, diminishing effectiveness of traditional habitat programs, etc.). The IWJV niche in addressing these challenges rests in our ability to engage diverse stakeholders and support “individual” values and interests (with “individual” defined broadly and encompassing individual agencies or organizations). Our emphasis in collaboration, building relationships and partnerships is key to success in the future. Additionally, an important niche for the IWJV is scientific transfer and communication using our interdisciplinary team of professionals. We should strive to “connect all the dots in a landscape” through bridging programs, agencies, and a diversity of conservation expertise, and create new models of implementation. the Management Board views Habitat Delivery & State Conservation Partnerships as a key priority to fulfill our role in strategic bird habitat conservation. The underlying reason behind this perspective is that the JV is viewed as an entity that catalyzes action by delivering conservation on-the-ground. One Board Member stated, “The IWJV gets it done.” In addition, it is widely believed that both Science & Planning and Communications/Human Dimensions are equally or nearly as important as the delivery work. This perspective is due to the fact that habitat conservation cannot be delivered without a robust level of science to inform where we work and what we do. Likewise, on-the-ground conservation cannot occur without strong advancements in transferring science, and the design of proactive, relevant, and action-oriented communication goals and objectives that meet people where they are – and where they live. With additional funding, growing both the Science & Planning and Communications/Human Dimensions programs will allow the IWJV to continue to target actions and inform future priorities (e.g., strategic allocation of resources). These results reflect an important finding. The three core programs that have been foundational to the IWJV since 2008 – Habitat Delivery, Biological Science & Planning (addressing landscape change at unique scales for priority bird populations), and Communications/Human Dimensions – continue to be value-added and our integrated work in these areas sets the JV apart from other organizations and entities.
Working Wetlands & Water in the West Our work in the wetlands and sagebrush arenas are on track. With respect to working wetlands and water, we have developed a business model that hinges on developing data to inform conservation delivery – as demonstrated in our flagship landscape, the SONEC region – and aligning partners and programs for collaborative wetlands conservation. The State Conservation Partnerships and private landowners will be key to our success in the future. New stakeholders that need to be engaged include federal land management agencies, municipalities, and water districts. Using lessons learned in SONEC, we are poised to identify additional IWJV Wetland Focal Areas to expand our wetland initiative work. This will require developing a process for strategic identification and implementation of wetland habitat conservation in key landscapes with cost-benefits considered.
of the Sagebrush Habitat Conservation Movement Evolution of the Sagebrush Habitat Conservation Movement On the sagebrush habitat conservation front, the new BLM-IWJV Intra-Agency Agreement marks the latest advancement in the IWJV’s sagebrush efforts, designed to scale up the Natural Resources Conservation Service Sage Grouse Initiative Strategic Watershed Action Team. This new body of work will feature collaboration across public and private lands to deliver sage grouse and sagebrush habitat conservation actions (e.g., conifer removal, FIAT, wet meadow restoration, and/or grazing improvements). The IWJV will also play a role in the sagebrush conservation arena through expanded partnerships with WAFWA, the FWS, and private landowners as part of new and/or on-going efforts. For example, WAFWA, with support from the FWS, is playing a lead role in developing science to support applied delivery, and plans to develop a conservation strategy for the sagebrush ecosystem. Likewise, the FWS, in partnership with Audubon, is hosting a Sagebrush Ecosystem Communications Forum to develop a communications campaign. The IWJV can participate in these efforts and bring our unique set of core competencies, identified above, to the table. Sagebrush Ecosystem and Communications Forum August 2016 - Salt Lake City, UT
Expansion of Paradigm-changing Conservation Success
Emulate SGI-SWAT Model This agreement will: Expand the capacity-building model and priority conservation practices pioneered through the NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative by… Transferring the successful private lands model to public lands, and; To leverage collaborative public-private partnerships. The purpose of the intra-agency agreement between the BLM and the IWJV is to provide a key mechanism to implement the Memorandum of Understanding between the BLM, NRCS, and the U.S. Forest Service. This recipe for success is moving the needle across the range. We are taking the SGI model as a groundbreaking method and the BLM recognizes this and is investing $$$ following their lead.
Develop Conservation Capacity By… The BLM and the IWJV will further develop sagebrush habitat conservation capacity by focusing on four objectives: Field Delivery – to help accelerate, coordinate, and streamline conservation treatments within and near high sage-grouse abundance centers and sagebrush focal areas; Science – to help spatially prioritize conservation treatments, measure the biological response of sage-grouse and sagebrush obligate species to conservation treatments, conduct outcomes-based monitoring, and transfer decision support tools to managers to strengthen program delivery; Communications and Outreach – to increase communications and outreach related to BLM accomplishments and success stories related to sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystems linked to IWJV, NRCS SGI, and other partnership communications programs; and, Partner Coordination and Support – to increase public and private participation in cross-boundary conservation efforts by developing relationships with federal, state, and private stakeholders invested in strategic habitat implementation. Specific emphasis will be placed on supporting communication and coordination at the state and local level through facilitating workshops, meetings, and other forum to deliver conservation. OBJECTIVES Field Delivery Science Communication & Outreach Partner Coordination & Support
Guiding Principles Working within GRSG priority habitat Core sage grouse area near Dillon, MT Working within GRSG priority habitat Science-driven conservation of intact landscapes (i.e. active restoration and management) Adding value to SGI targets and outcomes Acknowledge, recognize and embrace proper grazing practices Acknowledge, recognize and communicate BLM-led innovations and partnerships Community-based and invested for long-term sustainability Transferability = 1) best practices 2) social-relationship building
Approach to Grassland Habitat Conservation Flagship Species Approach to Grassland Habitat Conservation: The IWJV could explore the potential for supporting existing flagship species efforts which already have substantial traction and, importantly, a solid or rapidly growing science foundation. The two potential flagship species for Intermountain West grassland conservation with the greatest momentum and relevancy to people are as follows: o Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse: We could support the conservation efforts of state fish and wildlife agencies through provision of IWJV capacity for habitat delivery, fund leveraging, and communications to spur habitat conservation for grassland and shrub-steppe associated migratory birds. The effort of the states is advanced enough at this juncture that explorations in this arena could begin as early as 2017. o Long-billed Curlew: The IWJV partnership is heavily invested in better understanding the key landscapes and habitat needs of Long-billed Curlews that breed in the Intermountain West. Upon completion of current research, we could begin helping partners secure field delivery capacity and leverage for habitat conservation of important habitats for this grassland-dependent species. These activities could benefit a suite of other grassland birds and/or waterbirds that use these habitats.
Produce Landscape-Scale Wetlands Science Provide Science Support and Capacity to Sage Grouse Initiative and BLM Apply Science to Habitat Conservation SCIENCE & PLANNING RMP seasonal distribution and study area map. Locations represent fall staging sites. Colors indicate population trends from 1996 - 2014; green = increase, yellow = stable, and red = decline. Black points identify highest bird densities and represent >90% of the known population. Rates of rural land-use change will be measured in these areas (black points) and proximal breeding habitats to examine factors impacting changing crane distribution and abundance.
Sandhill Cranes 40% of Rocky Mountain population of Sandhill Cranes breed in Idaho
HABITAT DELIVERY Strengthen Public-Private Partnerships Conserve Priority Habitats through Collaboration at Multiple Scales Increase Access to Funding and Build Capacity Track Conservation Actions and Outcomes for Adaptive Management
COMMUNICATIONS & HUMAN DIMENSIONS Continue Strategic Visioning Design and Deliver Tactics & Tools Launch Human Dimensions Research and Evaluations Build Communications Capacity
State Conservation Partnerships State Conservation Partnerships (SCPs) bring public and private partners together to promote and coordinate habitat delivery efforts that contribute to the achievement of high priority regional and continental bird objectives. These self-directed work groups strive to implement strategic habitat conservation that is aligned with national and state bird conservation initiatives and State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs). The SCPs provide the critical communication link between the IWJV Management Board, staff and local habitat conservation communities. State Conservation Partnerships
Organic with diverse wiring diagrams, no formula
Responsive to conservation issues and challenges at the right scale
“Special Teams” Diversity in expertise Multi-talented Bring various tools, partners, programs, and mechanisms together to design conservation strategies Connect upward and outward Bring paying partners to the table Showcase and transfer success
6 Key Elements of Success Focus on habitat delivery using the latest science and decision support tools Don’t get spread too thin – from all birds/all habitats to strategic focus and prioritization Identify local champions to connect state coordination/planning to priority landscapes Pool resources and generate funding towards focused investments in priority landscapes Chairs have the support of their agency leadership, bringing technical, funding, and political support to the partnership Track and communicate outcomes of the partnership, and share success
2 Examples of SCP Wetland Planning SONEC Wetlands Conservation: Oregon Implementation
200 miles
2012 assessment Closed Lakes Basin (Warner/Harney) The Wetlands Conservancy Institute for Natural Resources EPA-funded
Wetland Complex Evaluation using a conceptual model Biodiversity Score Condition Score Vulnerability Score Agriculture & Recreation Results 371,758 surface hectares of wetlands in Wyoming 221 wetland complexes 9 are now statewide priorities
Idaho Bird Conservation Partnership and the IWJV Challenges & Opportunities?
Making On-the-Ground Conservation Happen Water Recharge/Flood Irrigated Habitat Initiative Partner Position Wetland Dynamics Evaluation Resource Directory BLM-IWJV Sagebrush Habitat Conservation Initiative Communications/Sharing Success Other?
Thank you for your partnership!