Brain Research Update by Jenny Redding For Faculty Summer Institute 2009
Why Is Brain Research a Hot Topic? New Medical Technology Available MRIs CT Scans New Information Available to Educators
Sources Rita Smilkstein, Ph.D. - Last Fall, Aug. 2008, author of We’re Born to Learn © 2003 Eric Jensen, Ph.D. - Information from Teaching with the Brain in Mind © 2006 (possible report out for Fall Flex, Aug. 2009)
Recap of Rita Smilkstein’s Presentation We’re born to learn There is a natural process to how the brain learns
Field Research Results = Following Stages for Learning Stage 1: Motivation (interest, obligation, …) Stage 2: Start to Practice (trial and error) Stage 3: Advanced Practice (lessons, increased confidence) Stage 4: Skillfulness (some success, enjoyment) Stage 5: Refinement (improvement, people begin to get creative) Stage 6: Mastery (teach others, gain recognition)
The Natural Learning Process We learn through these six stages because this is how the brain learns—by constructing knowledge through sequential stages.
The Brain’s Constructive Learning Process Like twigs on a tree that can only grow from a branch that is already there, so dendrites can only grow from a dendrite that is already there—from something the learner already knows.
The Brain’s Constructive Learning Process (continued) Then, over time and with practice, like twigs growing on a tree, learning is constructed, higher and higher, with skill and understanding increasing.
IMPLICATIONS Students who haven’t had the opportunity to grow the foundation dendrites for a new topic or skill don’t necessarily have the basis from which to construct higher levels of skill and knowledge.
IMPLICATIONS Students from different cultural or linguistic backgrounds have different neural networks. Students need a metacognitive understanding/ knowledge base which we must attempt to provide. The best question to ask is: “See if you can figure this out.”
EXAMPLE FROM RITA S. Setup: “You are a college student. You find out that the head of the mafia in your city has killed your father and married your mother, but you have no proof. What do you feel? What will you do?” Students now read “Hamlet” and can personally connect to it. They can think and talk about it with understanding.
CONCLUSIONS The first lesson must be a no-fail activity to which every student can make a personal connection Recommended Procedure: First, individual reflection Second, share in pairs or small groups Then, discuss as a whole class Finally, teacher adds information, information the students will be eager to hear and discuss further
Information from Eric Jensen What about emotions? Dopamine and endorphins increase when a person is relaxed raising confidence level. Cortisol increases when a person is stressed cutting them off from higher cognitive functions
IMPLICATIONS Use music and pattern-finding activities to set up the optimal brain chemistry. (More to come from Eric Jensen next August.)
GOAL Desired State for Student = a State of Relaxed Engagement Do Not Bore Do Not Overwhelm
BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU Maybe you’re a part-time, full-time teacher Going to learn new ways to teach today You’ve got hope on your face . . . this is the place You’re going to learn something that’ll help you keep pace! BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU!
BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU Try some repetition, emotion, the notion We’re born to learn, just have a little faith That the brain works fine given some time Practice makes perfect when dendrites combine! BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU!
BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU Setting up the chemistry, you’ll see, it’s easy Getting your students to stay engaged Your feet on the ground, stay unwound, Keep that stress from getting them down! BRAIN RESEARCH WILL ROCK YOU!