The Cuban Revolution and the Cuban Missile Crisis
I. The Cuban Revolution Background to Castro Fidel Castro - Born August 13, 1926 Son of a wealthy Spanish sugar cane farmer and a domestic servant He attended the University of Havana to study law and started a law office after graduation. Castro was a supporter of the democratic system in Cuba (he wanted to run for parliament)
Cuba in the 1940’s-50’s Cuba was a close American Ally since the Spanish American War There was large amounts of American investment in Cuba Agriculture companies Many real-estate investments(Hotel Industry) Guantanamo Bay Naval Base Caribbean Playground for Americans Casino, clubs, beaches
White Boards What type of economic situations lead to Communsim?
Problems in Cuba Problem major source of the economy was from sugar productions Wealth in Cuba was concentrated in a very small upper-class High level of unemployment Deep rooted social and racial divides Slavery had only ended in 1880 Limited options for impoverished majority
The Dictator Fulgencio Batista- Cuban President 1934- 1944 Then led a coup and became leader from 1952-1959 Kept close ties with the US to protect and support US industry in Cuba
US stops support of Batista Pro democracy student groups and protests erupted against Batista regime became more brutal and repressive in the mid 1950’s US stopped supporting his regime Under his leadership status-quo was kept (rich got richer and poor poorer) Little hope for Democracy
White Boards Why would the US protect Batista?
Fidel Castro Un happy with the lack of democracy and inequality in Cuba Failed attack on Moncada Barracks in 1953 2 years in Prison and exiled to Mexico after a very public trial
The revolution starts in Mexico In Mexico met with other Marxist revolutionaries to plan an attack on Cuba Met Ernesto “Che” Guevara- Argentinean Med Student devoted to Marxist revolutions world Wide /watch?v=f3UwlmQn0ks
The Cuban Revolution 1956 Castro and others land in Cuba boat named “Granma” Seek shelter in the highlands (Sierra Maestra) There they gain huge support from rural peasant class They are promised a better future under a Marxist Gov (equality of land, wealth, social class)
Tactics in winning the War Began launching raids on small army posts Through out Cuba used sabotage and Guerrilla warfare against Batista Blow up roads, power, rail lines… Began educating the poor with their socialist viewpoints Gained huge support amongst urban and rural poor
Tide turns in Castro’s Favor Batista became more repressive pushing more people to Castro's side Became so repressive that the US no longer supported him By 1958 Revolutionaries controlled schools, hospitals, farms, and many factories on the Eastern part of the Island
Discuss Why did these educated men decide to embark on socialist Revolutions?
With these heavy losses Batista resigned on 31 December 1958 Castro Takes Cuba With these heavy losses Batista resigned on 31 December 1958 Fled with his family and closest advisors to the Dominican Republic A temporary group of generals took control Castro continued his fight against the Military January 8th 1959 Castro enters HAVANA and begins to take control of the nation
US Fears Castro slowly becomes more aligned with the USSR creating fear in the US US business also lost millions when Castro took their properties with out compensation
II. US Cuba Tensions and the Cuban Missile Crisis
President Eisenhower organized training of Cuban exiles for an attack Bay of Pigs Invasion President Eisenhower organized training of Cuban exiles for an attack Exiles were trained in Central America and given weapons by the US Goal to start an uprising and kick Castro out of Power
Discuss What was the socio-economic group of the first wave of migrants from Cuba and WHY?
President Kennedy inherited this and gave approval for the attack Bay of Pigs Invasion in April of 1961 Was a complete failure US gave no support to invaders( fear getting into war with Cuba) This pushed Castro to seek Soviet support against the US
Operation Mongoose tch?v=ytfCYBZXBHA Plans to Get Rid of Castro From starting rebellion to assassination attempts Increase espionage in Cuba CIA confirmed 8 plots( Could be more) This led to constant Flights of US spy planes October 14 a flight found Nuclear Missile Sights in tch?v=ytfCYBZXBHA
The Cuban Missile Crisis Oct 14th- Oct 28 Initial Plan of actions Pressure the Soviet Union and the UN Oct 22 Kennedy Public address to the US Start a Naval Quarantine (Blockade) of Cuba Began troop mobilizations in Florida
Missiles in Cuba only defensive Khrushchev attack on Cuba= war Soviet Response Missiles in Cuba only defensive Khrushchev attack on Cuba= war Sent Soviet Ships Submarines made it past blockades US Response was to go to Def Con 2 DefCon 1 prepare for launch fully armed DefCon 0 NUCLEAR WAR
Phone search WHITE BOARD What was the range of the missiles in Cuba?
What each leader wanted Kennedy Castro Khrushchev -Wanted Missiles out of Cuba -Give a promise of not invading Cuba -end Naval quarantine -US not attack Cuba -Limit Cuban exile activity in Cuba -Return of Guantanamo Bay -End Economic Blockade Would take missiles out of Cuba US Promise not to Invade Cuba US remove Missiles from Turkey
Agreements Are Made Oct 27 RFK Met USSR Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin Notice that missiles were leaving Turkey anyways Soviets needed to remove Missiles or they would be destroyed
Soviets Agree Khrushchev's Decision Oct 28 Radio announcement stating Removal of Missiles under UN verifications US Would not Invade Cuba -US would remove Missiles in Turkey but not made Public -IF this was made public Kennedy would and the US would look weak as making a Missile swap
White Board Who got the worst deal out of the situation? Discuss why
Why put Missiles in Cuba Soviets lacked numbers and technology of US Nuclear Missiles This would be pressure to have the US remove some of their Missiles Cuba was used to improve Soviet protection Blockade of Cuba lasted Nov 20th 1962 Economic Sanctions last till today Show later