Canadian Defence Space and Future Spaced Based MDA Capabilities LCol Mark Roberts ISR Projects - Director General Space
Overview Mission DG Space Organization CURRENT Spaced Based Capabilities RCM and Polar epsilon 2 SAR Data Continuity Space Surveillance Requirements
Defence Space Mission To maintain Space Domain Awareness and deliver space-based capabilities to enhance and enable joint Canadian Armed Forces operations. Space Capabilities: Provided by the Royal Canadian Air Force for the Joint Warfighter
Canadian armed forces and Space Why is Space Important? Canada is the second largest country in the world with the world’s longest coast line. Yet the bulk of the Canadian population of 35 million is located within 100 miles of our southern border with the US. This unique geographic and demographic combination leads to significant sovereignty and security challenges. Space systems are often the only viable solution to address these challenges. Canada has FIVE frontiers: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, United States and Space Large land mass, sparse population, scarcity of existing infrastructure Particularly in Canada, Space-based platforms are integral to security and sovereignty activities Civil and commercial use of satellites for normal daily business is increasing Some have high economic implications Seldom apparent to the service end-user Auroral Zone, space weather specifically affects Canada and Arctic communications So how do space capabilities directly affect Canadian lives? More than you might realize…(next slide)
Positioning & Navigation Space is… Precision Strike Critical TO MILITARY OPERATIONS Missile Warning ISR SATCOM Weather IED Detection Positioning & Navigation Space Surveillance C3 Systems 21ST CENTURY WARFIGHTING DEPENDS ON SPACE!
These are just some of the space capabilities the CAF relies on! Surveillance of Space 2 - Follow on Polar Epsilon 2 (supports RCM) Enhanced SATCOM Project - Polar (Wideband & Narrowband) MEOLUT March 2016 These are just some of the space capabilities the CAF relies on!
Military space operations roadmap
CAF Space Organization Comd CJOC CJOC Directors and Components Comd NORAD Canadian Joint Space Component Commander Comd CANSOFCOM Commander RCAF Director General Space Director Space Operations and Readiness Operations Space Watch JSST (Deployed) Standards and Readiness Operational Analysis Director Space Strategic Plans Strategic Plans Concept Development & Exercises R&D HR OUTCAN Space Director Space Requirements NAVWAR ISR SATCOM Responsible to: Responsive to: “Dual Hatted” DG Space = JSCC CFICC CANSpOC Space Operations (Force Employment) Space Capability Development (Force Generation / Force Development) CAF Space Organization
International Partnerships Other Government Departments Director Space Requirements (DSR) Industry Iridium Lockheed Martin MDA Mitre Novatel Orbital OrcComm Surrey Systems Ltd Telesat Aerospace Airbus COMSDEV exactEarth GD GDC Honeywell Enabling Space Effects International Partnerships MOU FVEY DSR SATCOM NAVWAR ISR Other Government Departments Dept Fisheries & Oceans Environment Canada Industry Canada NRCan CSA PWGSC NSS RCMP CFD CFD DG Space DND Stakeholders ADM(PA) ADM(IE) RCN ADM(Pol) SOF CJOC JAG ADM(Fin&CS) ADM(IM) ADM(Mat) RCAF ADM(S&T) CA
Current MDA space capabilities
Operational Systems: Polar Epsilon
Ursa (Unclassified Remote-sensing situational awareness) Operational Systems: Ursa (Unclassified Remote-sensing situational awareness)
Future MDA SPACE capabilities
ISR Projects Space Force Development Polar Epsilon 2 RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) Surveillance of Space 2 Medium Earth Orbit Search & Rescue (MEOSAR) Space Force Development ISR Projects
ISR: Surveillance from Space Space-based ISR for CAF operations (complement to existing classified ISR sources) Easy sharing with mission partners, OGDs, etc. Queuing for other ISR assets Support for Maritime Domain Awareness, Arctic surveillance, deployed operations Polar Epsilon 2 – Exploitation of RCM Adding Automatic Identification System – goes from detect / partial track to 24/7 detect, track & cue In Implementation Phase Future Opportunities Long term sustainment of space-based ISR capabilities
Coverage Canadian Domestic AOI
Canadian RADARSAT Heritage C-Band radars Optimised for Wide-Area surveillance Hi-Res= ~1M Unclassified data 1995- 2013 RadarSat1 Government 2006 RadarSat2 Commercial 2018 RCM Government
RADARSAT Satellites Comparison RCM Mass Satellites 2750 kg one 2280 Kg 1430 Kg three Complete Coverage 2-3 days daily coverage Exact Revisit 24 days 4 days (12/sat) SAR Imaging Time AIS Collection 28 min n/a 15 min/sat 17 min/sat Antenna Span 15 m 6.75 m Polarization Single HH Single, Dual, Polarimetric Single, Dual, Compact Pol Altitude Duration of one Orbit Mission Life 800 km 100.7 min 5 years* 7 years 600 km 96.4 min 18
Polar Epsilon 2 & RCM Integrated Space Segment Radar and Automatic Identification System sensors PE2 led by DND – 2 x ground stations & processing facility will exploit RCM for DND/CAF Includes near-real-time within PE2 Mask Unclassified/Classified Ordering & Processing Daily coverage-Canada’s 3 oceans Arctic region coverage 4 times daily Daily global coverage 4-day CCD IOC Q4 2018 FOC Q1 2019
SAR Data Continuity Program Requirement for long term Whole of Govt plan RCM design life ends 2025/26 Capability/sensors: SAR + ? Tech: VDOP, cross cueing, MTI, duty cycle, predictive analytics International collaboration? Current Focus: Capture GC Requirements (SBS-RD)
Government of Canada Requirements Discussion Deck Government of Canada Requirements Weather Services Ice Monitoring Pollution / Oil Spills Crop Monitoring Manage Irrigation Land-use Resource Extraction Flood/Forest Fires Ship Detection Military Operations Search & Rescue Monitor Coasts Illegal Fishing Oceans Science Environmental Monitoring/Science Satellite Communications Tele-Health / Tele-Education Navigation through icy waters
DND Space-Based Surveillance Requirements Foundational document to be reviewed periodically Represents needs of DND/CAF Operational community (focus on MDA/Maritime needs) Global and Domestic AOIs Includes both Unclassified and Classified Requirements SBS-RD Intent - shareable w/ Allies, OGDs, Industry & Academia