ASTER for Global Geoscience Mapping Prepared by Michael Abrams, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA Presented by Stephane Chevrel, CA-06 PoC, France CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER on NASA’s Terra Platform The 1st (and only…) geoscience-tuned satellite sensor Launched in 1999 on Terra Platform Joint project of U.S. NASA and Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry Wide Spectral Coverage - 14 bands in VNIR, SWIR, TIR High Spatial Resolution - 15m to 90m Along-Track Stereo Capability 60 km Swath Width Systematic global coverage SWIR module failed in 2009 CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER spectral bands and reflectance spectra ASTER VNIR-SWIR-TIR band positions Spectral discrimination capabilities 3 VNIR bands : vegetation, iron oxy-hydroxydes 6 SWIR bands : clay minerals, alteration minerals 5 TIR bands: silicates (left) ASTER VNIR to SWIR mineral spectra (right) ASTER SWIR mineral spectra Figures courtesy R. Hewson, CSIRO CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
Mineral Exploration with ASTER Alteration mapping with ASTER VNIR and SWIR bands; Central Iranian Volcano-Sedimentary Complex Sarcheshmah, Sereidun, Darrehzar copper deposits shown in B, C, D enlargements . Porphyry copper deposits of the Dehaj-Sarduiyeh Copper Belt, SE Iran . Mineral Exploration and Alteration Zone Mapping Using Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering Approach on ASTER Data at the Central Part of Dehaj-Sarduiyeh Copper Belt, SE Iran . Thanks to its spectral coverage, ASTER enables mapping minerals or group of minerals of interest in mineral exploration . sericite–illite is the dominant alteration mineral group exposed at the area. . The discriminated minerals at most occurrences, including Sarcheshmeh, Sereidun, Darrehzar, and Kuhepanj showed circular to elliptical pattern with illite–sericite as dominant zone, scattered kaolinite–dickite and sparse alunite–pyrophyllite, surrounded by a combination of epidote, chlorite, and calcite jarosite-sericite, sericite-illite, pyrophyllite-alunite, kaolinite, chlorite-epidote-calcite Zadeh et al., 2014 CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
Mineral Exploration with ASTER Alteration mapping, Mt. Fitton in east-central Australia. Talc mineralization precious metals are exploited. Alteration is associated with both types of deposits. False color IR Al-OH group content MgOH group composition MgOH group content Hewson et al., 2015 CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
Mineral Exploration with ASTER Mt. Fitton: comparisons between ASTER mineral mapping and geophysical data (radiometrics and aeromagnetics) R: AlOH G: Ferric Fe B: Silica R: K G: Th B: U ASTER AlOH composition product highlights variations in mica chemistry, related to structurally active versus inactive areas, whilst the radiometric potassium highlights broader changes in host rock mica (and feldspar) chemistry. Aeromag CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia Australian ASTER mosaic comprises 3500 ASTER scenes spanning a 10 year period. Mosaic was cross-calibrated (reduced to reflectance) using Hyperion satellite hyperspectral imagery. Spatial resolution is 90 m. False Colour Infrared CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia 17 Geoscience maps were created False Color IR Landsat TM regolith ratios Green vegetation Ferric oxide content Ferric oxide composition Ferrous iron index Opaque index AlOH group content AlOH group composition Kaolin group index FeOH group content MgOH group content MgOH group composition Ferrous iron in MgOH/Carbonate Silica index Quartz index Gypsum index Using simple ratios and thresholds, mineral indices were created using all ASTER bands. VNIR for vegetation, iron oxides; SWIR for hydrous minerals and carbonates; TIR for silica, quartz and gypsum CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia Silica Index Proportional to SiO2 content but also affected by particle size. low high CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia AlOH Group Composition e.g. Al-Clays: phengite, muscovite, paragonite, lepidolite, illite, brammalite, montmorillonite, kaolinite, dickite, beidellite White mica chemical gradients (exploration) Transported versus in situ regolith materials. Productive agricultural soils. Surface permeability (water catchments). pH indicator. Al-rich muscovite/illite kaolinite paragonite beidellite Al-poor muscovite/illite (phengite) montmorillonite CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia Halls Creek Mobile Zone, WA published 250K geology ASTER AlOH Group composition phyllic zone argillic zone oxidised zone Au Cu The continental ASTER Australia geoscience maps are used at local scale thanks to 90 m spatial resolution. The AlOH map highlights phyllic alteration in mining district in Western Australia 5 km CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016
ASTER Global Geoscience Maps From ASTER Geoscience Maps of Australia to ASTER Global Geoscience Maps CSIRO Share software with JPL Provide tech support QC finished products Distribute maps JPL Provide all ASTER L1T data Cloud-mask data Mosaic, cross calibrate CSIRO (Australia) and NASA/JPL (U.S.) are planning to produce global geoscience maps using the techniques developed by CSIRO for Australian maps. Estimated completion date: 2018 CA-06 Energy and Mineral Resources Management GEO-XIII Plenary St. Petersburg 8 November 2016