UTAR @ IT Services IT Infrastructure & Support Centre (ITISC) Software Development & Multimedia Services Centre (SODEMC) The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Presenter: Chew TY
Support Center Services Enquiry on: Network account accessibility Wireless Internet Access Technical Support Classroom PC, LCD Projector, Lab PC & Printer Collection of New Student ID Card ( *For those haven’t collect it during card distribution session ) The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Network User Account Computer Laboratories Wireless Internet Access Each student will be given a network user account to access IT facilities : Computer Laboratories Wireless Internet Access UTAR Portal WBLE, WBLE2 Course registration Student Email, …etc The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
8am – 7pm Computer Labs Monday 8.30am – 5.30pm Friday During Trimester During Trimester Trimester Holidays Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm 8.30am – 5.30pm Sat, Sun, Public Holiday Closed The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Wireless Internet Access ( W I A ) Bandar Sungai Long Campus Kampar Campus * Unlimited free access for students at common areas and Library The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Wireless Internet Access The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Step 1 : Choose “ Utarwifi “ Step 2 : Login ID = Student ID (without alphabet ) Password = IC number ( with “ – “ ) Passport Number ( *For International student)
UTAR Website www.utar.edu.my The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Student Email The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Student Email The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Student Email The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Important : Username once confirmed & activated CANNOT be changed Student Email Email account standard username@1utar.my Please login to UTAR portal and you will be prompted to create a new email account. It takes about 1-3 working days to activate the email account. Unlimited storage Important : Username once confirmed & activated CANNOT be changed The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal portal.utar.edu.my The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal portal.utar.edu.my The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal Menu The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal Portfolio The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal My Email The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
UTAR portal Announcement The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Course > Course Structure UTAR portal Course > Course Structure The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Course > Course Structure UTAR portal Course > Course Structure The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Course > Timetable UTAR portal The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Exam > Past Year Exam Paper UTAR portal Exam > Past Year Exam Paper The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Billing > My Billing UTAR portal Billing > My Billing The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
unitreg.utar.edu.my Course Registration Pre-register next trimester unit subject Meet academic advisor before pre-register The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Username/password same as UTAR portal
WBLE wble.utar.edu.my The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman The Username and Password is same as UTAR portal login
WBLE The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE Flexible in accessing course content Communication and collaboration via discussion forum and online chat Self-evaluation and assessments via online quizzes The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
WBLE2 The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Computer Labs Rules & Regulations Wear your I.D. cards in a proper visible position Observe the dress code of UTAR Leave your bags at the shelf provided outside the computer laboratories Keep noise to a minimum Switch your mobile phone to silent mode No food or drink is allowed Do not change the default setting for hardware or software of any PC and printer Do not remove any equipment from the computer labs. If there are problems or faults, report to the Computer Lab Administrator The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Gentle Reminder Students must wear collared shirt during student ID photography session. Student is required to pay RM25.00 if the student requested to retake the student ID photo for card replacement. The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Thank You The nerve centre of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman