Managerial Roles and Skills Presentation on Managerial Roles and Skills Ishwari Prasad Ghimire NASC
Objectives Explain managerial roles Understand management concepts Identify key managerial roles
“We cannot do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow” --- Nelson Jackson
WHAT IS MANAGEMENT ? F.W. Taylor - “Art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done the best and cheepest way”. Henry Fayol – “To Manage is to forecast, to plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control”. • Peter F.Drucker –”Management is work and as such it has its own skills, its own tools and its own techniques”. • “Management is the art of getting things done through and with people”.
INTRODUCTION A Manager Manager is a person who is selected by the Top Management and given a designation/post intheOrganization to the fulfill the goal and Objective of the Organization. He is instructed by the top management to manage the activities (every activities of the Organization)
Cont…. Any person who perform the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling for the accomplishment of Predetermined Organization goals is called as Manager. Manager is not actually do the work but guide others to do things correctly.
Functions of manager Planning Controlling Organizing Staffing Directing
A Good Manager has….. … the capability to get people of ordinary ability to perform in an extraordinary manner!
Functions of manager Planning Controlling Organizing Staffing Directing
Role of Manager Role of Manager Interpersonal Roles Liaison Figurehead Leader Informational Roles Spokesman Recipient Disseminator Decisional Roles Negotiator Resources Allocator Disturbance Handler Entrepreneur
Interpersonal Roles Figurehead Performs symbolic duties like signing legal documents, welcome to visitors. Leader Motivation and direction subordinates - training, counseling and communication with subordinates. Liaison Interaction with people both inside and outside the Organization, use phones calls, email and meetings.
Informational Roles Recipient Receive information about changes, opportunities and problems that the Organization may face. Disseminator Forward information to subordinates, send memos and reports. Spokesman Represent the Organization in public through speeches and reports.
Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Identify new ideas and seek innovative methods to improve the performance of the Organizations. Disturbance Take corrective action in case of disputes. Resolve conflicts among subordinates. Resource Allocator Allocation of various resources like money, material, time, scheduling, budgeting. Negotiator Negotiate with other parties like customers, suppliers and government.
Managers activities
5 Differences Worker Works alone Does the work Like a player in the team Is lead and Managed Responsibility: Single Manager Works with others Develops people/customers Like a coach and a counsel; Pitches in as player when needed. Is the Leader/Manager according to the condition Responsibility : Various
Key Responsibilities Planning of work Proper and effective communication Getting co-operation of Employees Encourages a team spirit Better utilization of Resources Selecting the Procedure Maintaining good human relations Solve the Problems
Cont… Arrange training and development facilities Decision Making Focus on Brands / New Products Distribution Channel Management Timely Reporting and Feedback Developing Team Members Market Development Market Intelligence Strong Customer Focus
Key Special Skills Director Motivator Human Being Guide Friendly Planner Supervisor
A Good Manager will….. …always succeed in getting more output and better results from his team members …and they will deliver this willingly!
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