War on both sides of the world Vietnam War on both sides of the world
History of Vietnam At Geneva Conference – 1954, North Vietnam controlled by Ho Chi Minh, a Communist supporter Vietminh form to get French out of Vietnam In South, Ngo Dinh Diem has U.S. support and promotes free elections U.S. will support Vietnam from 1955 – 1975 from being taken over from North Vietnam (which was pro Communist)
Diem and Escalation Diem’s Fall French lose control, and leave – Dien Bien Phu (1954) Kennedy increases military support Thought many Americans blamed Democrats for loss of China to communism, and the Korea war ‘no victory, only containment’ Diem was a Catholic in Buddhist country Monks set themselves on fire in protest… Diem assassinated after fleeing for life when U.S. ‘OK’d’ coup to get him out
Escalation LBJ assumes Vietnam in 63 Forces against US: Refuses to order a full scale invasion of North Vietnam: did NOT want Russia and China in the war Forces against US: Viet Cong - Communist group, guerilla fighters, South Vietnam nationalists North Vietnamese, the Viet Minh - supported Charlie, with help of China and Russia Henry Cabot Lodge, ambassador to Vietnam, tells LBJ that more military is needed
Catalyst and War Gulf of Tonkin incident – August 1964 LBJ reports North Vietnamese had torpedoed US destroyer Congress passes resolution which gives LBJ authority to go to war - Gulf of Tonkin resolution Operation Rolling Thunder LBJ/Ho Chi Minh trail – runs though ‘neutral’ territory Pleiku – Viet Cong attack American soldiers MARCH 1965 – 1st US ground troops arrive WHY SO DEADLY FOR U.S. Viet Cong use jungle warfare, tunneling, guerilla warfare, psychological torture and physical Cong winning
Maddox & the protests begin
The war Tet offensive – January 1968 – VC surprise attack U.S. embassy in Saigon turning point in war for Americans! Seen as major political, psychological victory for VC and Vietminh Vietnam is first U.S. war televised – support of war goes down Advantages VC had over Americans Home court advantage Americans outnumbered 3 to 1 VC better equipped – Ho chi minh trail, Chinese Guerilla – landmines, tunnels,, torture/POWS
The fighting
B 52 Bomber
THE FIGHTING…CONTINUED US strategies Saturation, carpet bombing of jungles Agent Orange – herbicide Napalm My Lai Lt. Calley orders death of hundreds of children & unarmed civilians Sentenced to life, but only serves 3 years American public begins to hear stories of horrors of war
My Lai
Napalm http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/04/health/kim-phuc-vietnam-photo-medical-treatment/
RFK and Nixon 1968 – RFK runs for President (D), and is assassinated Humphrey (D) & Nixon (R) Chicago convention: major protest for war Nixon wins votes of silent majority Nixon – promises to restore order to U.S. and world - Peace With Honor Vietnamization – slowly get out US soldiers, and replace with South Viet. Fighters Secret bombings in Cambodia & tries to go into Laos to capture VC – all measures fail Angers Congress so they repeal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution WINS ELECTION OF 1968!
Call for Peace Paris Peace talks being in 1968 by 1972, nothing accomplished After Nixon re-elected, and more N Vietnam Bombings, peace accords signed – U.S., South and North Vietnamese Agree (January 1973) U.S. has 60 days to get out POWs released Laos and Cambodia relieved of attacks 17th parallel will remain border
POWs released
Saigon Falls After agreement, most U.S. soldiers get out, but some remain April 29, 1975 – South Vietnamese are surrounded by VC/Viet Minh Saigon falls U.S. troops in embassy escape by helicopters, as well as 6,000 Vietnamese Thousands of South Vietnamese are left to suffer consequences of VC Vietnam united as single Communist country
End Results of War in U.S. 58,000 Americans dead 300,000 Americans wounded 500,000 civilians killed in Southeast Asia U.S. did not welcome back all soldiers Pentagon Papers – cynicism of government Proved that U.S. had not been fully honest about war to America Vietnam Veterans memorial – 1982 Counter culture Americans start to be more involved in politics for a while
Counter Culture to War Pentagon Papers 1971, papers released proving that Congress and White House had lied to American public about war Government officials had made secret deals and fabricated info, including Gulf of Tonkin Student Protests in early 1960s on college campuses SDS – Student Democratic Society – reject wealth and prestige for love and peace New Left – calls for radical change in government & society Doves, peace vs. hawks, war
Counter Culture to War…Continued Free Speech Movement Berkeley takes lead Students take over buildings and invite media in The Draft Doubled in numbers by LBJ Targeted poor – all kids that couldn’t afford college Targets minorities Draft dodgers – head to Canada
American Opposition to Draft
Protests Washington DC Chicago – 1968 at Convention Columbia University – students take over Violence – mini bombs, police attacks, chem labs Kent State – 1970 Brought on by Cambodia bombings ROTC burned down by students, and government of OHio orders in National Guard 4 students killed by National Guard
Kent State
Vets Protest war…