What is the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaal with it? Symbolism! What is the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaal with it? Symbolism: an ordinary object, event, person, or animal to which we have attached extraordinary meaning and significance. It allows us to communicate beyond the limits of language. It subtly reinforces ideas and makes a text a lot deeper and meaningful.
If we look at this symbolically, it means CANADA If we look at this symbolically, it means CANADA! We see a flag and we think about a country. Maybe we’ll take it one step further and see this as a symbol of POLITENESS or BEING UNDERDOGS, if those are traits we associate with Canada. If we were to look at this literally, it would just be rectangle with some colours on it and not particularly meaningful.
What’s the deal with the maple leaf? Why do we have it on our flag? It’s meant to SYMBOLIZE the nature and environment of Canada. Our flag is loudly stating that we have nice trees! The maple leaf represents all of the Canadian environment. It’s not claiming that we only have ONE leaf in the nation, or only one type of tree.
Going Down a Dark, Leaf Covered Path… And are these nine points on the end of the leaf meant to symbolize the nine original Canadian provinces? Are these crown-shaped points meant to symbolize Canada’s British background?
No. “Officially” they are not. The designer of the flag just chose that many points because that shape was most visible when it was blowing in the wind. But that doesn’t mean you can’t interpret it that way if there’s a logic to it and you want to see it that way. And it’s even easier to interpret symbols in a story where there’s no clear “answer.” There’s never a 100% correct meaning to anything.
OR IS IT ALL OF THOSE THINGS?! What About COLOURS? Why is this flag red and white? OR IS IT ALL OF THOSE THINGS?! And does the white symbolize the peace, purity, and honesty of Canadians? Is it red because that colour symbolizes the strength, courage, and valour of Canadians? Or is it red, for the St George Cross, and white, for the French royal emblem? And taken together you get the English and French heritages of Canada all rolled into one?
Where Do Symbols Come From? Symbols can be inherited or invented The most familiar symbols have been inherited, meaning, they have been handed down over time For example: no one really knows who first thought of using a lion as a symbol of power, courage and domination Once these qualities were associated with the lion, images of lions appeared on flags, banners, coats of arms and castle walls
Burnaby Central Symbol ….BUT WHY?!
“The blue and yellow of Sweden, the blue and white of Greece, the tri- colors of France, England and America, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, the yellow and red of Spain next to the novelties of Brazil or Australia, with old Japan and new China. Here is truly an international symbol.“ – Baron Pierre de Coubertin (symbol designer), 1912
First appearance of the heart symbol as we know it today, from the 13th century.
Why Create Symbols? You may ask why writers don’t just come right out and say what they mean. Symbols allow writers to suggest layers and layers of meaning-possibilities that a simple, literal statement could never convey. A symbol is like a pebble cast into a pond: It sends out ever widening ripples of meaning Whether you’re creating one or deciphering one, they make you feel smart.
Three Simple Rules to Help You Figure Out of Something’s a Symbol or Not 1. Appears more than once. 2. Seems to be connected with a character or event 3. Author or director spends long time on a description/shot of it
Is Moby Dick just about a bunch of dudes trying to hunt a whale? Or is the whale a symbol of all the parts of life that we try to control but cannot? Or is it a symbol of 100+ other different things?
Symbolism in Movies
In Return of the Jedi Luke wears nothing but black clothing to symbolize that he may turn evil and go to The Dark Side… But at the end of the movie, after he rejects the path of evil, his jacket opens to reveal that he was white and “pure” underneath all along…
Symbolism in Skyfall with JAMES BOND
In the very last scene, once James Bond has gotten his skills and mojo back, what do we see in the final scene?... What might this mean?...
Heavy symbolism in The Wizard of Oz?