Wildlife: Feral Hog Quiz Go to Last Slide for Directions Tye Snellgrove, Lowndes High School Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2006 Go to Last Slide for Directions
True false Russian Pickled Pig’s Feet Mule foot Feral 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
T-F for 1 Question: Hogs were first brought to the United States by Hernado de Sotto in 1539. Check Your Answer
T-F 1 for 1 Answer: true Back to the Game Board
T-F for 2 Question: Feral hog populations with domestic ancestry are the most common morphotype found in the U.S. Check Your Answer
T-F for 2 Answer: true Back to the Game Board
T-F for 3 Question: Feral hogs are members of the family Suidae and includes feral hogs, European wild boars and their crosses. Check Your Answer
T-F 1 for 3 Answer: true Back to the Game Board
T-F 1 for 4 Question: Feral hogs are omnivores, meaning they feed on a variety of both plant and animal matter. Check Your Answer
T-F 1 for 4 Answer: true Back to the Game Board
T-F 1 for 5 Question: Feral hogs are carriers for both swine brucellosis and pseudo-rabies. Check Your Answer
T-F 1 for 5 Answer: true Back to the Game Board
Russian for 1 Question: What is the best developed sense in feral hogs? Check Your Answer
Russian 2 for 1 Answer: smell Back to the Game Board
Russian 2 for 2 Question: What is the average liter size for feral hog sows? Check Your Answer
Russian 2 for 2 Answer: 4-6 Back to the Game Board
Russian 2 for 3 Question: Surprisingly, what foods have feral hogs been known to consume? Check Your Answer
Russian 2 for 3 Answer: lamb or goats, fawns, quail, turkey eggs Back to the Game Board
Russian 2 for 4 Question: Why are feral hogs and javelina different? Check Your Answer
Russian 2 for 4 Answer: Feral are true pigs while javelina belong to a different mammal family. Back to the Game Board
Russian 2 for 5 Question: Where were the first pure Russian wild boars brought to in U.S.? Check Your Answer
Russian 2 for 5 Answer: New Hampshire Back to the Game Board
P,P,F 3 for 1 Question: In how many states do wild, feral, and Russian boars exist ? Check Your Answer
P.P.F 3 for 1 Answer: 19 Back to the Game Board
P.P.F 3 for 2 Question: In which state is the feral hog classified as a game animal? Check Your Answer
P.P.F 3 for 2 Answer: Florida Back to the Game Board
P.P.F 3 for 3 Question: Which state has the largest hog population? Check Your Answer
P.P.F 3 for 3 Answer: Texas Back to the Game Board
P.P.F 3 for 4 Question: What are two of the three legal control methods in Texas ? Check Your Answer
P.P.F 3 for 4 Answer: hunting, trapping, catch dogs Back to the Game Board
P.P.F 3 for 5 Question: What are the two states where Russian wild boars may still exist ? Check Your Answer
P.P.F 3 for 5 Answer: Texas, New Hampshire Back to the Game Board
Mule foot 4 for 1 Question: Are feral hogs good to eat ? Check Your Answer
Mule foot 4 for 1 Answer: Yes, if the meat is cared for properly. Back to the Game Board
Mule foot 4 for 2 Question: What is a shield? Check Your Answer
Mule foot 4 for 2 Answer: A tough shoulder hide on boars that protects them from fights with other boars. Back to the Game Board
Mule foot 4 for 3 Question: Is it advisable to stock feral hogs on your property? Check Your Answer
Mule foot 4 for 3 Answer: Absolutely not. In Georgia, to move wild hogs, they must first test as brucellolis and psuedo-rabies negative. Back to the Game Board
Mule foot 4 for 4 Question: What are two of the four good baits to attract feral hogs to traps? Check Your Answer
Mule foot 4 for 4 Answer: Corn, milo, sweet feed, raspberry flavored jello. Back to the Game Board
Mule foot 4 for 5 Question: At what national meeting was a two day seminar held on feral hogs? Check Your Answer
Mule foot 4 for 5 Answer: The National Symposium on Feral Hogs in Texas. Researchers, extension personnel, wildlife managers, and others met to discuss research on wild hogs. Back to the Game Board
Feral 5 for 1 Question: Describe changes in the hog population over the past 10 years. Check Your Answer
Feral 5 for 1 Answer: Wild hog’s range has expanded as their numbers have increased. Back to the Game Board
Feral 5 for 2 Question: What type of habitat do wild hog’s prefer? Check Your Answer
Feral 5 for 2 Answer: Wet swamp land that is thick and woody. Back to the Game Board
Feral 5 for 3 Question: What is a group of wild hogs called? Check Your Answer
Feral 5 for 3 Answer: Sounder Back to the Game Board
Feral 5 for 4 Question: What is the actual name from which “russian” was taken? Check Your Answer
Feral 5 for 4 Answer: Prussian Back to the Game Board
Feral 5 for 5 Question: What is a more accurate name that is used among researchers for Russian Boars? Check Your Answer
Feral 5 for 5 Answer: Eurasian Back to the Game Board
Click Here to go to First Slide Customizing the Quiz Show Template The Blank Quiz Show Review is ready for you to customize. This presentation is designed to be a review for a unit. You make up the categories, questions and answers, then show the review to your class using a scan converter or projector. All the hyperlinks connecting the points on slide two to the correct questions have already been created. Once you have created one review, you can give the blank PowerPoint show and these directions to students and assign them to create the next review. Students, in groups of five, can make up 5 questions each: one for each category, or each in charge of a category of their own. 1. Double-click on the quiz show template file “Blank Quiz Show Review” to open it. 2. Click on File and Save As to give the quiz show template a new file name. This way you can save the blank copy to use again. 3. Change the view to Slide Sorter from the View Menu. 4. From the Edit menu, choose Replace. In the first line of the box that appears, type Topic 1, then tab to the second line. Type in your first category name. Click on the Replace All button. You should get a message that 11 changes were made, and you should be able to see the changes in the slides. 5. Repeat this process to change all your general “topics” to your specific topic names. When you are finished, switch back to Slide View from the View Menu. 6. Go to Slide 3 by clicking on the double down-arrow at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar. 7. Click after the colon in the text box reading "Question:" to type in your first question. 8. Go to Slide 4. Click after the colon in the text box reading "Answer:" to type in the answer to your first question. 9. Repeat with all slides in the quiz show presentation. Don't forget to save your work every few minutes by clicking on the third icon on the top toolbar (looks like a floppy disk). 10. Showing the presentation: Open the new document in PowerPoint. From the View menu, choose Slide Show. To link to the questions from slide 2, move the mouse over a number so that a hand appears. Click on the number. You must do the same to go back to the gameboard on each answer slide. DO NOT click on the slide just ANYWHERE. That will take you to the next slide instead of back to the gameboard. Make sure ONLY to click when you see the hand indicating a hyperlink. Click Here to go to First Slide
Click Here to go to First Slide Jeopardy Quiz Game Suggested instructions for playing the game with a class: 1. Project the game onto a large screen or use a large computer monitor at the front of the class. 2. Divide the class into teams of up to four players. Have any other students count off 1 to 4 and sit in the audience. 3. Provide each team with a flashlight, whistle, or other means of "buzzing-in" to indicate they know the answer. 4. Appoint a scorekeeper. 5. Appoint a reader to read each question to the group. 6. The teacher or a student can act as moderator. 7. Let the first team select a category. 8. Once the question pops up, the first team to "buzz-in" gets to try to answer the question. 9. Add or deduct the number of points corresponding to the number they selected under the category. 10. If the first team misses, the remaining teams can buzz-in and answer the question. 11. If no team knows the answer, the audience is given the opportunity to answer. The first person to raise his or her hand and answer correctly receives the points for the team that corresponds to their number. 12. Go back to the game board and let the team who answered correctly select the next category and point value. This power point may include a slide with a list of terms the teacher may wish to print out to assist the students during the game. Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Click Here to go to First Slide Click Here to go to customizing your own quiz game