Lady Macbeth – first meeting This includes the first time we meet Lady Macbeth and how the audiences views her. Zak Tribe
“is too full o’th’milk of human ________” Act 1 Scene 5 “is too full o’th’milk of human ________”
“is too full o’th’milk of human kindness” Act 1 Scene 5 “is too full o’th’milk of human kindness” This implies that Macbeth has too much kindness to go through with killing the king.
“I may pour my _______ into thine ear” Act 1 Scene 5 “I may pour my _______ into thine ear”
“I may pour my spirits into thine ear” Act 1 Scene 5 “I may pour my spirits into thine ear” The use of the word spirits shows that she has an evil streak if she cooperates with spirits/evil/the devil.
“and chastise with the valour of my _________” Act 1 Scene 5 “and chastise with the valour of my _________”
“and chastise with the valour of my tongue” Act 1 Scene 5 “and chastise with the valour of my tongue” This implies that she is going to try and persuade Macbeth into to killing Duncan.
“thick my______, stop up th’access and passage to_______” Act 1 Scene 5 “thick my______, stop up th’access and passage to_______”
“thick my blood , stop up th’access and passage to remorse” Act 1 Scene 5 “thick my blood , stop up th’access and passage to remorse” The fact that lady Macbeth is asking witches (the devil) to stop her from feeling remorse, shows that she is going to carry out evil deeds. This can also suggests that she is weak because she does not want to deal with the guilt after she goes through with actions classed as sins in the
“tend on mortal thoughts, ______ me here” Act 1 Scene 5 “tend on mortal thoughts, ______ me here”
“tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here” Act 1 Scene 5 “tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here” Also asking the “instruments of darkness”, to stop, her from being lad like, having emotions.
“look like the _______ _______, but be the ________ _________” Act 1 Scene 5 “look like the _______ _______, but be the ________ _________”
“look like the innocent flower , but be the serpent under’t” Act 1 Scene 5 “look like the innocent flower , but be the serpent under’t” She is telling Macbeth to look like a perfect host on the outside, but be a man willing to kill to power underneath.
“leave all the _____ to me” Act 1 Scene 5 “leave all the _____ to me”
“leave all the rest to me” Act 1 Scene 5 “leave all the rest to me” This is after her meaning with the witches, Macbeth has killed Duncan and she wanted him to place the knives back at the scene.
“bear welcome in your ____” Act 1 Scene 5 “bear welcome in your ____”
“bear welcome in your eye” Act 1 Scene 5 “bear welcome in your eye” This links back to when she says “look like the innocent flower…”