Planning and Implementing the Classroom of the Future in Independent Study Lesley Clifton, CCIS Executive Director, Dr. Jeffrey Felix, Eric Hall & Assoc., Jeff, @jeffrey_felix Steve Nelson, Consultant,
Keys to Future Planning Change your attitude toward the learner; begin making decisions that are learner centric. Build a robust infrastructure; systemic, sustainable, and capable of future growth. Retrain the instructors; a paradigm shift must occur and professional development is key.
Change your attitude about learners The learner has changed Starbucks Generation Pervasive mindset of personalization Expectations for data has changed Parents want specific results Legislators demand extensive data input Personalized learning is finally possible Digital learning allows for mastery Broadband changed everything
Starbucks Generation Have it your way… Personalization of clothing, communication devices, and food has become expected in the marketplace. …so why not in our schools?
Learning starts with the learner Diagnose the student then create multiple strategies to meet their unique learning style. The secret to personalized learning is that the learner owns their learning. The learner becomes a vital and willing participant in the instructional process.
Life in the 21st Century Fast Lane The difference is the speed of the change… Learning, rather than efficiency, should be our new goal. First time in human history that we have the ability to produce mass learning.
So What Classrooms Shall We Create?
So What Classrooms Shall We Create? Dealing With Limitations Organizational Traditionalism Regulatory Issues Physical Space Limitations
What Classrooms Shall We Re-Create? Use the 30 X 33 Foot Classroom “Box” Use Existing Furniture from School Site Use Tech Tools You Know You Can Get
What Classrooms Shall We Re-Create?
Sharing Your Ideas
Design With No Limitations!!!! What Works Best for Your Students? What type of buildings/space? What type of tech? Ambience/layout/design? Where do the students learn? Where do the teachers spend their time?
Sharing Your Ideas
Developing More Ideas
Planning and Implementing the Classroom of the Future in Independent Study Lesley Clifton, CCIS Executive Director, Dr. Jeffrey Felix, Eric Hall & Assoc., Jeff, @jeffrey_felix Steve Nelson, Consultant,