Identifying Chinese Belief Systems –identify which Chinese belief system is reflected by each of the following statements by writing either Confucianism, Daoism or Buddhism below each. Have no friends [that are not] not equal to yourself. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. The fully enlightened one is the highest among all living beings. The best way to run the world is to leave it alone. While his parents are alive, a son may not move far away. Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little. The student hated the new dress code and refused to follow the rules, now the administration gave him detention, his parents grounded him, his girlfriend broke up with him. – maybe he should just accept the changes. The student desperately wanted a new cell phone – she spent so much time thinking about it her grades suffered. The student that disrespects his teachers deserves no respect himself.
Have no friends [that are not] not equal to yourself. CONFUCIANISM Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. DAOISM The fully enlightened one is the highest among all living beings. BUDDHISM The best way to run the world is to leave it alone. DAOISM While his parents are alive, a son may not move far away. CONFUCIANISM Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little. BUDDHISM The student hated the new dress code and refused to follow the rules, now the administration gave him detention, his parents grounded him, his girlfriend broke up with him. – maybe he should just accept the changes. DAOISM The student desperately wanted a new cell phone – she spent so much time thinking about it her grades suffered. BUDDHISM The student that disrespects his teachers deserves no respect himself. CONFUCIANISM