The Story of Milk!
Facts about cows A cows diet is a combination of hay, corn, barley and different grasses. These mammals have four stomachs to digestive their food. Cows drink about a bathtub of water each day (about 151 litres). Most importantly, cows produce the milk that humans drink.
Here is a cow grazing A cow chews her cud (regurgitated, partially digested food) for up to 8 hours each day.
Cows are milked A milking machine is attached to the cow and the milk is cooled and pumped into a large storage tank. Milking doesn’t hurt the cow.
A shiny metal truck picks up the milk and takes it to the milk factory A shiny metal truck picks up the milk and takes it to the milk factory. It's like a fridge on wheels... it's insulated.
The milk is pasteurised, which means it’s quickly heated to destroy any bacteria that might be harmful to us.
After the milk is processed, it is put into bottles and cartons and taken to the shops for you to buy.
Milk is good for you.