Imperial china China Reunites
WARM UP Read "China Rebuilds Its Empire" on page 178. Answer the following questions on your warm up under the title "Background Information." 1. Describe China during the 300 years following the fall of the Han Dynasty in A.D. 220? 2. Tell what you learned about Korea from the reading.
7.19 & 7.20 I CAN... -I can create a completed labeled map of China including the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Himalayas, Plateau of Tibet, and the Gobi Desert. -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
LABEL AND COLOR THE MAP OF CHINA. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE MAP. -I can create a completed labeled map of China including the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Himalayas, Plateau of Tibet, and the Gobi Desert.
-I can create a completed labeled map of China including the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Himalayas, Plateau of Tibet, and the Gobi Desert.
Words To Know-Picture Dictionary PEOPLE Wendi Yangdi PLACES/THINGS Changan Grand Canal Huang He Chang Jiang DYNASTIES The Sui -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
The sui A.D. 581, Chinese General Wendi becomes Emperor. Set up the Sui (Sway) Dynasty They unified China under the rule of Emperors. His son, Yangdi took over when he died. Built the Grand Canal. It connected the Huang He and the Chang Jiang Rivers. The Grand Canal made shipping between northern and southern China easier. This united China's economy. Yangdi used farmers to rebuild China – forced work, paid higher taxes. Farmers revolted. Killed Yangdi. This ended the Sui Dynasty. -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
What were the major achievements of this dynasty? Quick Check: What were the major achievements of this dynasty? Why didn't Yangdi's successes make his subjects happy and proud of his accomplishments? -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
Words To Know-Picture Dictionary PEOPLE Taizong Empress Wu Uighurs PLACES/THINGS Tibet DYNASTIES The Tang -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
Only female ruler of China ever A powerful leader A.D. 618, one of Yangdi's generals becomes Emperor. Founded a new dynasty, The Tang. Restored strong central government. Taizong – most powerful Tang Emperor Brought back civil service system of examinations. Gave land to farmers, brought peace to countryside. Late A.D. 600s, Empress Wu ruled China Only female ruler of China ever A powerful leader Added more officials to the government Strengthened the military -I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
How did a strong central government benefit the Tang people? Quick Check: How did a strong central government benefit the Tang people?
Growth and trade Tang rulers worked to restore China's power to Asia Took control of the Silk Road – increasing trade Chinese cities became wealthy A.D. 700s – growing challenges to their rule Turkish nomads – drove Tang armies out and took control of Silk Road Economy suffered Revolts by Chinese farmers weakened the Tang Fall of Tang Rule – A.D. 907
Words To Know-Picture Dictionary PLACES/THINGS Hangzhou DYNASTIES The Song
The Song Dynasty After fall of Tang, military leaders ruled China. A.D. 960, a general became Emperor and founded the Song (Sung) Dynasty. They governed until A.D. 1279. A time of economic prosperity and cultural achievement. Not enough military forces to protect entire empire For protection, moved their government south to Hangzhou.
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Exit 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Pick one Ask your beside partner one of your questions & record his/her answer. Create 3 questions you would put on the quiz and answer them. List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. Create a top 3 list of the most important facts of the lesson. Create one question about the lesson and ask your beside partner. Record his/her answer. 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Ask you partner the question & record his/her answer. 1-List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. 3 Words What 3 words would you use to describe the time period discussed in class today? Explain and justify your choices.
Copy the following I can statement in your comp. book. 2nd part of 7.20 Copy the following I can statement in your comp. book. I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang.
The essence of Buddhism I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. The “middle way of wisdom and compassion.” 2,500 year old tradition. The 3 jewels of Buddhism: Buddha, the teacher. Dharma, the teachings. Sangha, the community.
-What are the three jewels of Buddhism? I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Quick Check Answer the following questions in your comp book. Write the question and your answer. -How old is Buddhism? -What are the three jewels of Buddhism?
What is the fundamental cause of all suffering? I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. What is the fundamental cause of all suffering? Desire! Therefore, extinguish the self, don’t obsess about oneself.
The truth of suffering (dukkha) The Buddha's first sermon after his Enlightenment centered on the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhism. The truths are: The truth of suffering (dukkha) The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya) The truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha) The truth of the path that frees us from suffering (magga) I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang.
Nirvana Eightfold Path The union with the ultimate spiritual reality. I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Eightfold Path Nirvana The union with the ultimate spiritual reality. Escape from the cycle of rebirth.
-What causes suffering? -How does one end suffering? I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Quick Check- Buddhism Answer the following questions in your comp book. Write the question and your answer. -What causes suffering? -How does one end suffering? -What are the truths and the path? -What is Nirvana?
I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Take notes in your comp book. Focus on why the Tang flourished and how that could have impacted the spread of Buddhism. Think-Pair- Shair
Warm Up- Explain the basic beliefs of Buddhism. Explain how and why Buddhism spread in Tang China.
I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Read page182-183. Complete the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Buddhism in China and Buddhism in Korea.
I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang.
Distributive Summary Questions I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Distributive Summary Questions 1.Who first brought Buddhism to China in the A.D. 100s? A.Mongol invaders B.poets and artists C.scholar-officials D.traders and missionaries 2.Buddhist monks and nuns helped meet poor people's needs, and they were tolerated by early Tang rulers. A.TRUE B.FALSE
Distributive Summary Questions I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Distributive Summary Questions 3.Why did many Chinese become Buddhists? 4.Why do you think the Tang rulers at first encouraged the spread of Buddhism in China? 5.Why did China's rulers change their minds about Buddhism?
Why did Buddhism spread under the Tang? I can explain the reasons for the spread of Buddhism under the Tang. Answer in your comp. book in a short paragraph. Quick Check Why did Buddhism spread under the Tang?
7.21& 7.25 Copy in comp book -I can analyze and explain the role of kinship and Confucianism in maintaining order and hierarchy. -I can discuss the development of the imperial state and the scholar-official class.
Confucius A driving philosophy of dynastic China was created by a politician, musician, and philosopher named Confucius. Born in 551 B.C.E., Confucius wandered throughout China, first as a government employee, and later as a political advisor to the rulers of the Chou dynasty. In later life, Confucius left politics to teach a small group of students. After his death in 479 B.C.E., the ethics and moral teachings of Confucius were written down by his students to become the Lun-yü, or Analects. Many of his clever sayings are still followed today. "It is as hard to be poor without complaining as to be rich without becoming arrogant."
Answer the following in your comp. book. Write the question and your answer. What are 3 professions of Confucius? How old was Confucius when he died? Why did Confucius leave politics? What are the teachings of Confucius called? Take notes in your comp. book. Focus on the basic beliefs of Confucianism and his ideas about government.
Discuss the Chart “Confucianism.” Paste the chart into your comp book. Under the chart, Describe in writing the concepts of ren, li and yi. Read Document A with your partner. On your handout, write 3 features of ideal government according to the Document.
Complete a picture dictionary with the following word- Neo-Confucianism
Use the following QR code to access an article Use the following QR code to access an article. Read the article and answer the following questions in your comp. book. Use the article and your text pg. 184-185 to answer the following questions: -How did Confucianism & Neo- Confucianism help maintain order? -How did these ideas fit with the scholar official class?
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Exit 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Pick one Ask your beside partner one of your questions & record his/her answer. Create 3 questions you would put on the quiz and answer them. List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. Create a top 3 list of the most important facts of the lesson. Create one question about the lesson and ask your beside partner. Record his/her answer. 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Ask you partner the question & record his/her answer. 1-List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. 3 Words What 3 words would you use to describe the time period discussed in class today? Explain and justify your choices.