Welcome to Henley Gifted services!
Evening overview Welcome & Introduction Philosophy /Local Plan Role of Gifted Resource Teacher Program Delivery Plans Extra-Curricular and STING clubs Communication Your Turn!
So what does gifted mean anyway? In Virginia, the regulations governing educational services define gifted students as those students … “…whose abilities and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require special educational programs to meet their educational needs."
Albemarle County gifted services philosophy Inclusive versus Exclusive Core Curriculum versus Satellite Curriculum Differentiation versus One-Size-Fits-All Collaborative Model versus Gifted Teacher Only
My role as grt ADVOCACY! Curriculum Creation/Differentiation/Collaboration Coordinating Extra-Curricular Activities and STING Clubs Enrichment Academic Counseling/Mentoring Identification Communication
Henley gifted services visual Instruction Enrichment Academic & Social Development
Explanation of services Instruction: Co-teaching, curriculum design, modeling strategies, pull-outs, long-term projects (National History Day & Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair). Enrichment: Anchor activities, challenge folders, differentiation (strategies, resources, modeling, curricular modification), independent study, extra-curricular activities, STING clubs. For information about the extra-curricular and STING club options at Henley visit www.hmsgiftedservices.weebly.com. Academic and Social Development: mentoring, modeling, counseling, academic advising, recommendations, (high school academies, UVA Summer Enrichment Program, camps, private schools) and other advisement.
Grade 5/6 transition Weekly meeting with GRT Smaller group of identified students Most activities take place during the school day No scheduled weekly meetings Larger number of identified students Many after/before school clubs and activities
Extra curricular activities sponsored by gifted services Robotics (FTC and LegoNXT) National Junior Honor Society GEMS Junior Scholastic Bowl Model UN Destination Imagination! National History Day Science Fair Rocketry
8th Grade Brain Games (Wednesdays) Jr. Scholastic Bowl (Thursdays) STING Clubs 8th Grade Brain Games (Wednesdays) Jr. Scholastic Bowl (Thursdays) Chess Club (Fridays)
Communication is key! Teresa M. Goodin Room #55 School phone #: 434-823-4393 Email: tgoodin@k12albemarle.org Website: www.hmsgiftedservices.weebly.com
Question to ask your child Questions to ask throughout the year: Is your child… Challenged and engaged in class? Taking advantage of opportunities? Growing intellectually? ***If the answer is no, talk to your child’s classroom teacher or myself to get him or her back on track.
Your turn Questions? Conference Reminder: Thursday September 29: 4:30-8:00 pm Thursday October 6: 4:30-8:00 pm