MRBs Now and in the Future Municipal Securities Group / Housing Group MRBs Now and in the Future Tax-Exempt Mortgage-backed Securities (TEMS) September 26, 2016
Current trends in HFA single family financing TBA/specified pools/Fannie Mae cash window/MCCs Traditional MRBs Principal pass-through MRBs Challenges
What would the ideal MRB look like? Low cost of funds/no subsidies Minimal interest rate risk Earn full spread Minimal negative carry Minimal upfront and ongoing costs
Does such a bond exist? Yes, and it’s not a traditional MRB and it’s not a principal pass-through MRB…………………….. It’s TEMS (Tax-Exempt Mortgage-backed Securities) TEMS combine the efficiency, transparency and simplicity of the TBA market with the value of tax exemption TEMS is the only single family mortgage security that prices better than the TBA market
TEMS are the ideal tax-exempt mortgage security Lowest cost of funds available/no subsidies Minimal interest rate risk Earn full spread, either upfront or over time No negative carry / no reserves / no reinvestment / no 30 day lag Minimal upfront and ongoing costs
Selling TEMS to Stifel is similar to selling MBS in the TBA market Execute MSFTA with counterparty Execute MSFTA with Stifel Accept reservations/hedge in TBA market Same, plus identify hedges Purchase loans Same Execute TEMS trade/receive trade confirm Wrap loans into MBS Deliver MBS to counterparty Deliver MBS to TEMS trust/deliver TEMS to Stifel
TEMS Trade Summary Since September 2015 Stifel has executed 25 trades with Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) and Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA) for a total of $546 million, or about $22 million per trade Stifel has sold TEMS to 23 different investors and has added more investors each month The total additional premium earned was $5 million, or about .91% or $199 thousand per trade This represents 21% more in premium as compared with the comparable TBA trade
$32,877,264 UHC TEMS Series 2016K Benefit to Issuer Yields on Trade Date Price to issuer net of upfront costs 105.660 TBA price 104-23 TBA at time of trade 104.719 TBA yield 2.143 TEMS premium net of costs (%) 0.941 Net Benefit ($) 320,086 Issuer price 105-21.125 Issuer yield 1.983 TEMS CUSIP # 91743PBM6 MBS CUSIP # 36195E3Q9 TEMS offering price 106-11 MBS pool # AV4407 TEMS offering yield 1.867 Trade date 9/8/16 Settlement date 9/21/16 PSA (source: Bloomberg) 241 Pass-through rate 3 Loan WAC 3.402 UST 10 year yield 1.601 TBA yield spread to UST 10 year 0.542 TEMS Section 143 Yield 2.292 TEMS offering yield spread to UST 10 year 0.266
Housing Group Contact Information Barry Gottfried, Managing Director 212-847-6725 Robert Hynote, Managing Director 415-364-5964 Gary Brandt, Managing Director 410-626-6050 Chris Moriarty, Managing Director 212-847-6610
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