Drugs acting on Nervous system Aconite
In the last class we learnt about Recap In the last class we learnt about The monograph of the CNS plant drug BELLADONNA
Objectives On completion of this class you would be able to learn about The monograph of the CNS Drug ACONITE
Recap In the last class we learnt about Belladonna its cultivation Macroscopic characters Active constituents, uses etc
ACONITE Syn : Monkshood Biological Source : Nabhi (Telugu) Biological Source : It consists of dried roots of Aconitum napellus Family : Ranunculaceae Geographical Source : Wild plant in Germany, Switzerland and France Cultivated in England Fig.31.1
Morphological Characters ROOT Shape : Parent root and daughter roots are obconical and tapering below Size : 4 -10cm long, 1-3cm in diameter Surface : Slightly twisted and longitudinally wrinkled, shows rootlets or the scars The parent roots are more shriveled than daughter roots which show apical buds Fig.31.2 Fig.31.3
Morphological Characters ROOT Fracture : Short and horny Odour : Slight Taste : At first slightly sweet, later causing tingling sensation and finally producing numbness of the tongue Fig.31.4
Chemical Constituents Terpene ester alkaloids: hydrolysis Benzoyl aconine Aconitine + Acetic acid Alkaloids found in combination with Aconitic acid Alkaloids Picroaconitine and Aconine are less toxic than Aconitine
Chemical Constituents Other alkaloids: Hypaconitine Neopelline Nepelline Neoline Mesaconitine Ephedrine
Chemical Constituents Minor constituents: Aconitic acid Vitamin C Abundant Starch
Uses Respiratory, Antipyretic and Cardiac depressant actions Mainly used externally in Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Gout
Aconite Poisoning High doses or repeated doses produce Aconite poisoning – toxic symptoms are developed Milk is prescribed as antidote in Aconite poisoning Stomach should be washed out using emetics Artificial respiration and stimulants (such as strychnine, atropine and digitalis) are useful and the patient should be kept warm
Summary In this class we discussed about the CNS Plant drug – ACONITE Aconite contains mainly Terpene ester alkaloids Mainly used for its Respiratory, antipyretic and cardiac depressant actions
Quiz 1. Aconite belongs to the family a) Apocyanaceae b) Loganiaceae c) Ranunculaceae d) Solanaceae
Quiz 2. The plant part that is useful in Aconite is a) Leaves b) Flowers c) Roots d) None of the above
Frequently Asked Questions 1. Mention the source and macroscopy of Aconite Write the botanical source and chemical constituents of Aconite 3. Mention the uses of Aconite