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and & or ignored by google California OR Arizona California AND Arizona “Tall woman” + “Short Man” Use the - sign to exclude Disney -California -land -movie -tv
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related: will list web pages that are "similar" to a specified web page
Wildcards "don't ask country * ask" “Isaac Newton discovered *”
File Type "First amendment" filetype:ppt
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intitle: global warming Intitle: Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title.
Screen Capture JING Command+Shift+3: takes a screenshot of the full screen (or screens if multiple monitors), and save it as a file to the desktop Command+Shift+4: brings up a selection box so you can specify an area to take a screenshot of, then save it as a file to the desktop Command+Shift+4, then spacebar, then click a window:takes a screenshot of a window only and saves it as a file to the
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