Managing your references with Endnote: the basics Noemi Defossez - Subject Librarian Geography & Applied Linguistics
What we achieve today Understand what citing and referencing is and what details you need to do it correctly Create an Endnote account See how Endnote can help you store/organise your references/citations and create formatted reference lists/bibliographies quickly Know what resources exist to further help you with Endnote
Citations & References – why it’s important Your arguments will be clearly supported by evidence Your work will be more convincing Your reader can find your sources Your lecturer can see how widely you have read and whether you fully understand the work Your work will reflect expected academic values and good academic practice
Source: The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1973. Avoid plagiarism… Source: The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1973. Pretending something is your own when it isn’t… Not just the words, but the ideas/meaning too… Fail… See Birkbeck’s Assessment Offences Policy cc: jakebouma -
Citing & referencing is important as it is ‘acknowledging the work of others’ cc: LaurPhil -
Citations & References – what forms they take A citation in the text of your assignment which can be: Direct quotes Paraphrasing Attributing ideas Reference list/ Bibliography Listed at the end of your assignment : Reference list - every source cited in assignment must be listed in your reference list Bibliography – list includes all of your citations and references, as well as all of your reading not cited Acknowledgement of the work of others tends to take place in two forms: There are loads of different referencing styles. When you write for publication, the journal your write the article have a specific style of referencing that you have to adhere to. While you are studying you’ll use Harvard. Check with your module leaders for any variations. Make sure that you are consistent with whichever version of Harvard you choose.
Example of in-text citation
Example of a Reference List
Citation Styles Many different citation styles – all take form of three main styles: Author/date - Harvard, APA Footnote - Chicago Numbered styles - Vancouver What style to use is usually informed by academics Check your course/Moodle or lecturers for which style to use Learning Support Officers in departments
Referencing - Books McMillan, K., & Weyers, J. D. B. (2013). How to cite, reference & avoid plagiarism at university. Harlow: Pearson.
Referencing – Journal articles O'Donnell, K. (2011) Linking Multimodal Communication and Feedback Loops to Reinforce Plagiarism Awareness. Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 74 (2), pp 216-220.
How Endnote works Store Organise Use Add/import references from databases Add/import PDF Store Create folders/groups Add tags Organise Add citations into your assignment as you type Create bibliography Share with others Use
What Endnote can do for you Store reference/citation details of your saved articles/books into an online account Organize reference/citation details of your saved articles/books into folders Create bibliographies from your saved folders of article/book citation details in your chosen citation style Insert citation details from your online account into your assignments when you’re typing in your chosen citation style
What Endnote can’t do for you All of the referencing for you – to the get the best of your EndNote account you first need to understand how to reference properly Make a bad reference good – you will still need to understand the basic principles of citations & referencing Add the exact quote to your in-text citation or remember the exact page your quote is from – you will still need to record or add these details manually
Creating an Endnote Account
Signing up via the Web of Science Endnote is owned by Thomson Reuters who also own the Web of Science database Register for a free account with Web of Science to get an enhanced version of an online Endnote account, (more citation styles to choose from) Once registered, you can just go to to log in in future You will have to re-register in this way once a year
Select Register from top right of screen & enter your email address Create an account Log into the Web Of Science database with your Birkbeck username & password Select Register from top right of screen & enter your email address You’ll be emailed a one-time use code – copy & paste it into the Email Verification box on the Web of Science page Register your full details on the form & create a password for your Endnote account
Create a free EndNote Online account by registering on Web of Science database via Birkbeck eLibrary
Must be 8 or more characters (no spaces Password Guidelines Must be 8 or more characters (no spaces & must contain: - at least 1 numeral: 0 - 9 - at least 1 alpha character, case-sensitive - at least 1 symbol: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ `{ } [ ] | & _ Example: 1sun%moon
Creating an account Once registered, you can directly access EndNote Online here without going via Web Of Science Use the email address & password you’ve chosen for your Web of Science account & NOT your Birkbeck username & password details Can also create an Endnote Web account via the EndNote webpages with your email address Can also create an Endnote Web account via your Facebook & Linkedin accounts
Download Two Installers so you can crate bibliographies & Cite While You Write in your word documents
Configure your account Once logged into Endnote, click Options tab then select Download Installers Capture Reference button to import references into your EndNote library from webpages If installed correctly, you will see a Capture Reference Button or tab in the tool bar or bookmarks of your internet browser Cite While You Write – download & install EndNote toolbar for word
Collect references into your EndNote account
Add references three ways Direct Export Transfer them from databases & library catalogues Use export/import of links OR online search function within Endnote Web Capture Install the Capture toolbars in your internet browser Available for Internet Explorer & Firefox (not Chrome) Manual Add Type your references manually into a form on your Endnote account Useful for older material not found from online searches
Direct Export -Online Search Search Birkbeck Library catalogue for books while logged into your EndNote account Save the citation details of books to your EndNote account Can also link to ebooks from EndNote Good for book citation details
Direct Export - databases Most big databases allow Direct Export of references from the database to your Endnote account, (i.e. Web of Science, EBSCO databases, ScienceDirect) For databases without Direct Export functionality, (i.e. JSTOR & ProQuest databases), references need to be exported into a RIS format word file & then uploaded into EndNote via the Import References link under the Collect tab in Endnote
Import/Export Links on Databases IBSS LLBA ABI/Inform Web of Science Academic Search Complete PsychINFO PsycARTICLES
Importing References Import references in a plain-text file, data in the file must be tagged in machine-readable format Click the Collect tab; then click Import References Browse to select the text file Select the Import Option (filter) that matches the database where you created the file,(i.e. EBSCO, ProQuest) Select the group you want to send your imported references to Click Import
Importing References
Web Capture Reference from a webpage Use the Capture Reference feature for online resources that do not have buttons for direct export Once installed to your browser, click capture button and record citation details Capture Reference scans the bibliographic information presented on a web page and creates a reference for you to save to a new or existing group Some databases, such as Google Scholar™ and PubMed, allow you to capture an entire page of references all at once
Enter a reference manually In your Endnote Account, click the Collect tab & then click New Reference Select the appropriate reference type, (i.e. book, journal article etc.) Enter author, title, publication year etc. into the desired fields Fields commonly used by major style guides will appear first
Organise, manage & share your references
Organize your collected references into useful categories or folders by saving them into Groups Groups save you time & reduce the need to search for individual references from your entire library
Organize references into Groups Click on the Organize tab & select Manage My Groups Select New Group & give your group a name & click OK Putting references into groups by ticking box to left of reference or tick Select All box From the Add to Group drop-down list, select a named Group or select New Group Share your saves references with other EndNote Users
Organize your Groups Create up to 5,000 groups/folders to organize your references Saved references automatically go into the Unfiled group For references that end up in more than one group, select Duplicate References tab & then select & delete duplicates Sometimes possible to click through to full text of an article if the URL is present or Find Full text button is available Also have 5GB of space to attach full text PDFs that you have downloaded Click on the paperclip icon & navigate to where you have saved the PDF to attach it
Format references into a bibliography & Cite While You Write
Create Bibliographies from your Endnote Groups Click on the Format tab & select Bibliography link Select a group from the References drop-down list Select a bibliographic style from drop-down menu, (e.g. Harvard 2011, MLA) Select a file format from the drop-down menu - RTF (Rich Text Format) is the best file format for Word documents Print, save or email your formatted bibliography
Cite While You Write - Using EndNote with Word documents Place your cursor where citation should appear in your word document Select EndNote tab from word toolbar, then choose a citation style, (i.e. APA, MLA, Harvard) Click on Find Citation button to search your EndNote account for a reference Can search by author or keyword Select your chosen reference & then click Insert Citation Depending on how your in-text citation is written in your assignment, choose the Include Author or Exclude Author option from the drop-down menu before inserting
Other Endnote versions
Three ‘versions 'of Endnote EndNote is available in the following versions: An online version which is free for students & staff through Web of Science (Endnote Web) A paid-for desktop version with more features (currently £82 for students). There is also an iPad app with limited functionality (currently £2.50 via iTunes)
Paid for Endnote (Desktop version) Full Desktop EndNote can be bought at a student discounted rate (£82.80) from: Has more functionality & storage space – mostly useful if you are planning to publish in academic journals Only available on one computer, but can also use online version & transfer easily between versions You need to send a scan of your student ID card & Birkbeck profile to prove current enrolment 30 day free trial available:
Place your screenshot here EndNote iPad App Synchronize your references, attachments & PDF annotations to online & desktop versions Place your screenshot here Attach files from Dropbox to your references Cite While You Write not available
Comparing EndNote, Zotero & Mendeley Compare features: EndNote Desktop version EndNote Online (linked to WoS) Mendeley Zotero Cost Under £100 Free through Birkbeck Free Major citation styles Yes No. of citation styles 6,000 3,300+ 1,180 1,250 Bibliography creation Attach files Sharing options Reference storage unlimited 50,000 <10,000 Attachment storage 5GB free 2GB free 300MB free
Further help with Endnote Library Information Skills Moodle module Endnote produced video tutorials on YouTube