Great, now what exactly does that mean? Welcome to Venture Great, now what exactly does that mean?
What is Venture? Venture is a special class for intellectually gifted students that meets about 5 hours a week. It is meant to challenge you and teach you how to think in new and different ways. It will emphasize creativity, thinking skills, questioning and searching for answers, using technology, and a whole lot of other areas that are not covered in depth in the regular classroom. Best of all, students are allowed to choose some of the topics and/or learning projects in the Venture classroom.
Does that mean I’m intellectually gifted? Yes, you are intellectually gifted. That means that you have the potential to learn new information quickly and you can remember information without numerous repetitions. It does NOT mean that EVERYTHING will be easy. It means that with determination and hard work, you have the potential to do anything you want. You can be a great scientist, a doctor, a loving mother, an artist, or someone that takes the easy way out and accomplishes very little. Success is NOT guaranteed.
Characteristics of Intellectually Gifted
How did I get into Venture? All first graders are screened using an ability test. Students in 2nd grade and up are referred for testing by someone that recognizes a need for screening. Students that score in the 90th percentile or above on the group screening ability test are sent for further screening, using a collection of data that includes performance data, checklists, and an actual IQ test administered by a licensed psychometrist. Students that have enough data and an IQ score above the 90%, then go before the LSC committee for a ruling and placement. It is NOT one score on ONE TEST. It is a collection of information.
Why should I be in Venture? Venture is an ADVENTURE. Venture is a chance to learn new things in a fast-paced environment. Venture is a place where you fit in with others that learn the same way you do. Venture helps you “grow” your natural abilities. Venture allows you to form lasting friendships. Venture develops leadership and team skills. Venture is, well, FUN!
See for yourself ...
Will I be good at everything? Asynchrony is the term used to describe the mismatch between cognitive, emotional, and physical development of gifted individuals. Gifted children often have significant variations within themselves and develop unevenly across skill levels. For example, a gifted child may be excellent in math, but poor in reading--or vice versa. Often, intellectual skills are quite advanced, but fine motor or social skills are lagging. Experts do not completely agree, but because asynchrony is so prominent in gifted children, some professionals believe asynchronous development rather than potential or ability, is the defining characteristic of giftedness.
So, will my life will be perfect? No, not quite. Everyone encounters problems and we have to learn how to work through those problems. Because we may be more mature in one area than another, this can cause a problem, if we do not approach all things with understanding. Some of the problems we may encounter may include heightened awareness, anxiety, perfectionism, stress, issues with friends, and concerns with identity and fit. Parents, teachers, and other adults are here to help and guide. Keep in mind: Gifted in one area does not mean gifted in all Giftedness can lead to the masking and misunderstanding of problem signs Not all gifted children are alike, everyone has their own unique social- emotional profile There is no single, definitive recipe for maintaining your emotional equilibrium Follow the adult’s model to balance and set the tone to reduce stress/anxiety in the your life. We can learn strategies and tools for dealing with the ebb and flow of life
Where can I get more information? Email the teachers: or Websites: National Association for Gifted Children MS Association of Gifted Children MS Dept. of Education – Gifted Programs