WHO ARE WE? Volumetric Concrete Australia Pty Ltd (VCA) is a company specifically formed to bring to the Civil Construction Industry a new and innovative Mobile method of Producing Innovative and Specialist Concrete as an alternative to traditional Readymix Concrete batch plants
THE NEW PRODUCTS VCA will introduce “Global Volumetric Mixers” and “Rapid Setting Cement” to the industry to enable High Early Strength Concrete to be batched on site The Volumetric Mixers will also have the capability to produce a standard range of concrete mixes
THE NEW EQUIPMENT VCA will be distributing Volumetric Mixers under the Global Mixer brand from the USA and adapting them to Australian conditions
MODELS AVAILABLE 8 – 10 cubic metre model 4 – 6 cubic metre model
CAPABILITIES Airport Pavement repairs Major concrete roadway repairs The Volumetric Mixers capabilities can be utilised in many situations as a Mobile Concrete Plant and produce specialty mixes that conventional concrete plants can't or won't. Airport Pavement repairs Major concrete roadway repairs Emergency repairs Construction Small load solution Remote situations
OTHER USES The Volumetric Mixers have the ability to be other than just a Concrete batching plant. They can be utilised as : Portable Stabilising Plants for Heavily Bound and Lightly Bound Pavement production (Flexible and Rigid Pavements) A site solution for treatment of Soils prior to re-using on site or transporting to landfill
RAPID SET CEMENT To compliment the Volumetric Mixers, VCA is importing Rapid Set Cement in bulk, and a range of bagged products for the construction industry and DIY markets.
CTS RAPID SET CEMENT (RSC) RSC is a pure Hydraulic Cement. No additives are introduced to achieve High Early Strengths RSC is produced from the same raw materials as Portland Cements RSC has the capability of gaining structural strength in 1.5 hours after placement RSC drying shrinkage is approximately ¼ the value of Portland Cements RSC has been used successfully since 1981 in the USA is extensively specified and used by Caltrans. (California Department of Transport)
RSC TEST RESULTS Compressive Strength 2.25 hrs 9.0MPa 3.25hrs 28.5MPa 7days 62.5MPa 28days 78.0MPa Flexural Strength 2.25hrs 1.4MPa 3.25hrs 4.3MPa 4.25hrs 4.5MPa 24hrs 6.6Mpa 7days 6.1MPa 28days 6.2MPa
RSC TEST RESULTS Shrinkage 7 days 100µm 14 days 120µm 21 days 130µm
SUMMARY VOLUMETRIC MIXERS The Volumetric Mixer is a new way of looking at how we solve some of the onsite situations we come across. The production of fresh concrete when and where we need it with minimal wastage. Adaptable to change Remote solution Emergency solution Can produce up to 55m3 of Concrete per hour As a Stabilising Plant, up to 100 tph of material
SUMMARY RSC Rapid Set Cement is a new product to Australia which can be incorporated into Concrete mix designs and be utilised in many ways Emergency Repairs Airport Slab Replacement Concrete Pavement repairs New Construction Precast Industry
VOLUMETRIC CONCRETE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD A new and innovative approach to the Concrete requirements of an industry moving ahead