PHED 1111: Physical Education Ms Christina Sagawe Spring 2012 Section :___206__________________ Name: __Hanadi Alhabboubi___________________ ID:___200901730__________________________ Major: ____MIS______________________ Assignment: Nutrition Analysis (30%)
Assessment Rubric Criteria Assessment Rubric For Nutrition Analysis Scores Daily Diet Record – day 1 Include food types, amounts, calories, food servings, and estimated meal calorie %. Include a Word document page showing your calculations for % proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal (worth 6/14%) 14% Chart 1 Use your answers from your Daily Diet Records to answer the 19 questions 3% Chart 2 Use your answers from Chart 1 to complete this chart 1% Conclusions and Implications Answer typed. Using your results from this lab discuss your diet. Mention the % of food types you eat from the 4 main food groups. Compare your % values with the recommended % values. What diet changes should you make? Are you eating enough calories? (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 12% TOTAL 30% Criteria Assessment Rubric for Selecting Nutritious Foods SCORES Favorite versus Nutritious Food Choices Include food names (not food numbers), calories, protein calories, carbohydrate calories, fat calories, and total calories 16% Food Selection Results Use your answers from the Favorite Versus Nutritious Food Choices Table to calculate the various calories % 4% Conclusions and Implications Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet (mention food servings and % values). Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number, food servings, % values). (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 10% TOTAL 30%
Low fat milk egg Toast Peanut batter Orange 1 cup 1 egg 2 slices 1 Tb spoon 1 120 75 150 100 60 12 gm 8 gm 5 gm 5.4 3.6 11 7 gm 5 gm 30 gm 6 gm 1 gm 7 gm 8 gm 15 gm 1 serving = 100% 515 57 1 28 19 100 Rice Yogurt ( low fat) Grilled chicken Salad Apple Juice 1 cup 6 oz 50 gm 112 240 120 150 25 60 45 gm 9 gm 3 gm 12 gm 8 gm 5 gm 5.5 4.3 13 14 gm 10 gm 5 gm 1 2 gm 15 gm 1 = 100% 595 77 2 33 28 100 Mashed potatoes Ground Beef Cooked Vegetables Salad Pineapple Juice 1 cup 3 oz ½ cup 160 225 50 25 60 30 gm 10 gm 5 gm 15 gm 2 1 6 gm 21 gm 4 gm 2 gm 2 gm 15 gm 6.3 5.3 11.5 =100% 520 77 2 33 28 100 Low fat milk Toast Low fat Feta cheese mango 1 cup 2 slices 2 oz 1 120 160 150 12 gm 30 gm 8 gm 6 gm 14 gm 5 gm 1 gm 10 gm 5. 3. 13 2 =100% 100 550 72 2 28 16 266 gm 18 ser 122 gm 17 ser 70 gm 14. ser 22.3 28.8 48.8 2180 2
1 day 2180 1. Compare your food servings with the recommended servings for the 4 main food groups. In breakfast, I got 48.08% of carbohydrates my intake 10 serving and the recommended serving between 6-11 and I got 28.8% of fat from eating when I ate 5 kinds of fat. Also, I got 22.3% of protein when I ate 5 kinds of milk\meat. 2. Compare your % values with the recommended % values for protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The recommend percentage value of protein is between 10-35% and I got 22.3% which is good. I got 28.8% of fats and the recommended value of fats between 20-35% which is also good. I got 48.8% of carbohydrates and the recommended percentage is between 45-65% . In result, because my percentage value between the recommended value I think I am in perfect diet. 3. What diet changes should you make? (Mention fiber, types of protein, drinks, types of fat, etc.) I should increase my fiber intake. Change white bread to whole wheat bread, change rice to brawn rice. 4. Are you eating enough calories? How many calories should you be consuming daily? (see The nature value of calories for the women is between 2000 to 2400 per day and my result shows that I ate 2180 calories a day, comparing with what I got, I have to increase my calories to get a healthy body and to avoid the diseases.
633 17.89 455 21.68 1447 40.89 1676 51.28 1588 44.88 805 24.07 3538 2098 1. Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet. A balance nutritious diet is too eat everything in a balance with different kind of food which contain food groups to provide the body with its needs to maintain the good health. This kind of diet provides enough flexibility that each person can create a balanced diet based on his\her eating preferences and needs. My favorite diet is to eat what I like in a balance without avoiding my self from eating anything. Favorite diet: have a lot of calories that most of this calories are fat, and the nutrition diet calories contain a lot of carbohydrates. Also the favorite diet contain a lot of fast food; it is do not have the primed serving number of food, the nutrition diet have all healthy food. 2. Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number). I do my nutrition diet based on what is important to my body , what my body needs to be healthy and based on the serving food primed and the percentage of protein, carbohydrates and fat that I should have each day. The result which I got was 2098 of calories.
French Toast Syrup Cake, Donut Apple Orange Juice 180 60 125 96 114 23 4 1 8 49 60 61 86 100 108 60 9 6 Pancake Yogurt Orange Corn Flakes Milk 146 227 64 97 159 19 39 6 8 33 67 161 57 87 48 58 27 1 2 78 575 36 356 183 693 105 420 166 Cheese Burger Pizza French Fries Salad with Italian Dressing Donut 307 510 239 162 125 61 174 12 8 4 120 173 115 28 61 126 158 112 60 Vegetable Soup Apple Juice Fish Sandwich Plain Salad Mustard 160 177 432 37 4 21 1 56 6 107 116 147 27 4 32 229 4 1343 264 497 582 810 84 401 265 Mexican Rice Steak French Fries Soft Drink Cake 213 880 239 144 274 17 290 12 14 160 115 144 175 36 590 112 85 Green Beans Baked Potato Broiled Chicken Spinach Apple Juice 54 90 284 50 117 11 12 224 18 1 43 78 18 116 60 14 1620 333 594 823 595 266 255 74 3538 633 1447 1588 2098 455 1076 505 17.89 40.89 44.88 21.68 51.2 24.07