Determine Author’s Point of View The Men We Carry In Our Minds Scott Russell Sanders Determine Author’s Point of View
This story explores the provocative issue of gender inequality and the writer’s evolving perspective on the issue. This story will require you to determine the writer’s point of view and also challenge you to determine your own point of view. Why this text?
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 2-7 (RI.2.6) What ideas is the author likely to explore in his essay based on the conversation between the author and his female friend? Sometimes authors begin essays informally, an anecdote, or, as in this case, a casual conversation. This is an opportunity for them to introduce an issue and suggest the beliefs and values they might explore in their essay.
Determine Central Ideas Lines 34-46 (RI.2.6) Determine the central idea that emerges from the author’s response to Anneke’s statement in lines 34-46. The central idea is the more important point or message that an author wants to get across in a written work. Some works have several central ideas. These can be determined by examining key details.
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 47-58 (RI.2.6) Cite an example from the text which shows how Sander’s early views of men were shaped. One way an author reveals his or her point of view is by examining its origins in past experiences.
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 64-82 (RI.2.6) As you read lines 64-82, what does the author’s style suggest about his point of view toward his subject. An authors style, or way of using language can convey his or her point of view in a unique way. It’s important to analyze how an author arranges words in a sentence (syntax), and the choice of words that convey his or her attitude toward the subject (tone).
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 64-82 (RI.2.6) As you read lines 78-82, ask yourself what Sanders thinks that he, as a man, might experience in the future based on the details in these lines? The author’s point of view can often be inferred fro the details he or she includes and from the observations he or she makes about them. It can also be directly stated.
Determine Central Ideas Visual Element p. 133 (RI.1.2) How does the photograph of coal miners support the central idea present in the text? Visual elements are often included to reinforce central ideas.
Determine Central Ideas Lines 98-102 (RI.1.2) Review lines 98-102. What do these sentences suggest about the connection between the soldiers and the earlier description of laborers? An essay can contain several central ideas that connect and build upon each other.
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 110-124 (RI.2.6) How do you know that the essay shifts from a broad generalization to a more personalized focus in lines 110-124? Provide specific evidence that shows this shift. Essays can be structured so that they begin with generalizations and shift towards a more individualized focus.
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 160-166 (RI.2.6) Explain why Sanders was baffled by the women’s accusations against men. An author’s point of view can be formed not only by his or her personal experiences, but also how those experiences relate to a wider world view.
Determine Central Ideas Lines 172-181 (RI.1.2) Identify the reference to the work’s title in this paragraph. Summarize the central idea of the essay. Often, the title of a written work can hint at the central idea.
Determine Author’s Point of View Line 188 (RI.2.6) At this point in the essay, is Sanders any clearer about whether or not he should feel guilty, whether or not he is a “persecutor” or a “victim”? The development of an author’s point of view is often a process. , the conclusion of which is expressed a the conclusion of a piece of writing.