Turn in your Cornell Notes from Friday to the class basket! Warm-Up Your first FULL binder check is this Friday… How many sets of Cornell Notes are required for each class, each binder check? What are the correct date range for your notes? What are the 3 options that are acceptable for Cornell Notes? Turn in your Cornell Notes from Friday to the class basket!
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Completed rough drafts DUE TOMORROW! FINAL TYPED Shield Essay Project DUE Friday, August 18th Binder Check WITH Cornell Notes – Friday – August, 18th Monday Aug 14, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Review/Check Cornell Notes Write Thank you letter to Mr. Rother Essential Question: How do you write a friendly letter? Objective: I will use my resources from my portfolio and my Cornell notes and compose a handwritten thank you letter.
Shield Essay Rough Drafts Completed drafts DUE TOMORROW!!!
Life Shield Project Rubric Item Points Possible Points Earned Life Goal Shield 10 Outline/Rough Draft 20 Peer Editing Form Final Draft: Correct MLA format, typed, 2-3 pages long Paragraph 1 5 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 TOTAL 80
Thank you letters DUE BEFORE THE END OF CLASS to the class basket!!!! Use the Friendly Letter Format included in your portfolio – you do NOT have to include your address Your letter must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs Each paragraph must be a minimum of 3 sentences Paragraph 1 – Thank Mr. Rother for giving his time to speak to the class Paragraph 2 – Summarize the main ideas that you took from his presentation Paragraph 3 – Explain how you plan to use his advice to help you be successful DUE BEFORE THE END OF CLASS to the class basket!!!! If you have extra time…. Work on your Shield Essay
Warm-Up Have your Outline/Rough Draft out on your desk – I will be checking them during warm-up In COMPLETE SENTENCES - Write down 2 things that you learned about yourself through the process of creating the life shield and writing the shield essay rough draft
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: FINAL TYPED Shield Essay Project DUE Friday, August 18th Binder Check WITH Cornell Notes – Friday – August, 18th Tuesday Aug 15, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Peer Editing Essential Question: How can I edit my writing? Objective: I will collaborate with my peers to edit the rough drafts of our essays.
Peer Editing Reader #1: Reader #2: Reader #3: Reader #4: Reader #1: Reader #2: Reader #3: Reader #4: Did the author use a “hook” to get your attention? □ Yes □ No Does the introduction clearly lay out what will be discussed in the following paragraphs? Does paragraph #2 clearly discuss who the author is? Does paragraph #3 clearly discuss the goals for the author’s life and career? Does paragraph #4 clearly discuss the author’s personal challenges? Does paragraph #5 clearly discuss the author’s personal strengths? Does paragraph #6 clearly state how the author will use his/her strengths to overcome his/her weaknesses? Does the conclusion summarize what was discussed in paragraphs 2-6? I have underlined parts that don’t make sense.
You will have 8 minutes with each partner Peer Editing You will have 8 minutes with each partner Do NOT switch until I tell you! Give constructive, honest feedback
Wednesday/ Thursday
Warm-up Please write 2-3 sentences about this quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: FINAL TYPED Shield Essay Project DUE Friday, August 18th Binder Check WITH Cornell Notes – Friday – August, 18th Thursday Aug 16/17, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up 10 steps of the tutorial process Get ready for our first binder check Essential Question: What are the 10 steps of the tutorial process? Objective: I will be able to describe the 10 steps of the tutorial process.
On the back of your 10 Steps Tutorial Handout… Divide the back of your paper into 12 equal squares to take notes
Your paper should look like this… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pick 3 examples: 7. 8. 9. 10. Finished Early Role of AVID Tutors Your paper should look like this…
The Tutorial Process
What are Tutorials? Tutorials are a time for students to collaborate and help one another with questions they are having in academic classes.
How Often Do Tutorials Occur? Tutorials are typically scheduled on: Block Days
Taking Notes in Class #1 Students take Cornell Notes from lectures, videos, presentations, textbooks, etc. in their academic classes.
Preparing for Tutorials #2 At home, students complete side 1 of the AVID Tutorial Sheet which includes one higher level question from their academic classes, Cornell notes, homework, class work, quizzes, or tests
Developing Level 2 & 3 Questions #2 Questions for tutorials should be level 2 or 3 questions. Level 2 or 3 questions are not required for math. Hint: If the questions can be answered simply by looking in your book or your notes, it is probably a level 1 question. You may use the following handout for help developing level 2 & 3 questions.
Collecting Tutorial Sheets #3 As students enter the AVID classroom, the AVID teacher or an AVID Tutor collects the AVID Tutorial Sheets. The Tutorial Sheets are the “golden ticket” required to enter class.
Scoring Tutorial Sheets #3 AVID Teacher scores side 1 of the AVID Tutorial Sheets. If the tutorial slip is turned in late, the AVID teacher will deduct 10 points from the total score. Scoring
Choosing Student Tutors #4 One student from each tutorial group may be assigned the role of Student Tutor. Student Tutors help facilitate the tutorial process.
Getting Into Tutorial Groups #4 The AVID Teacher will assign the AVID tutorial groups.
Presenting the Questions #5 Students present their questions to the group one at a time by writing them on a white board. Students give a 30 second speech to explain what they know up until their point of confusion. Then group members and the AVID tutor ask questions to help the students with their questions.
How to Present a Question #5 Write the problem neatly on the whiteboard. Face the group members. Read the question out loud to the group. Explain any prior knowledge and what you already understand about the question. Explain what strategies you used in attempting to answer the question. Indicate to your group exactly where you became confused as you worked to answer this question.
Questions to Ask During Tutorials #6 Can you explain your question in another way? What do you already know about the question? What have you already tried? Where could you find a similar problem in the book? Do you have Cornell notes that may help? Where could you go for more information? What website might help you with your question? What does ___________mean? How would you graphically illustrate your process? What would happen if you changed _____________? What if you tried ______________? How would you teach this to a friend?
Recording Notes #6 Students take out a sheet of notebook paper and take 3-column notes during the tutorial process. Notes
Reflection #8 Students complete the reflection portion of the AVID Tutorial Sheet once all questions from the group have been answered. Completed AVID Tutorial Sheets are turned into the AVID Teacher for grading. Reflection
Scoring Tutorial Sheets #9 AVID Teachers finish scoring the AVID Tutorial Sheets.
Verify Your Learning #10 Better understanding = higher test scores = better grades = higher self-esteem = better future!!!!
Finished Early? Do your homework. Remember that you have a group of students available to help if you need it! Write summaries for your Cornell notes Write questions on the left side of your notes Study your notes or quiz one another Organize your AVID binders Read a book silently Ask AVID tutors about their college experience
Role of AVID Tutors During Tutorials Encourage students to ask questions of one another Keep the discussion going Make sure all students participate Guide students to the answer without simply supplying the answer Model higher order thinking questions (level 2 & 3 questions) Meet with the AVID teacher at the end of the period to discuss any concerns
Cornell Notes Half Sheet Turn this page of notes into “Cornell Notes” Fill in your heading Write in the Essential Question/Topic Write a question for EACH of the 10 steps Write a 2-3 sentence summary on the back AFTER Mrs. Dyke has checked your half sheet - staple it to your notes
Tutorial Videos What they did well What they need to improve on Video #1 Video #2 Create this chart on a blank piece of paper: (make it BIG - it should take up the whole paper)
Tutorial Videos YgOY qno
You will turn in your shield essays AFTER WARM UP Please write 2-3 sentences about this quote:
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: FINAL TYPED Shield Essay Project TODAY Binder Check WITH Cornell Notes – TODAY MONDAY&TUESDAY – Meet in Rm. 415 Computer Lab – make sure you know your information to log on the computers Friday Aug 18, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Collect Life Shield Essays Binder Checks Essential Question: How do I stay organized? Objective: I will have my binder checked every other week.
Monday and Tuesday Meet in Rm. 415 Computer Lab – make sure you know your information to log on the computers
Turn in Shield Essay: Put these items in the following order and STAPLE them together and put it in the basket on the front table: Grading Rubric Half Sheet Life Goal Shield Shield Essay Outline/Rough Draft Peer Editing Form TYPED Final Draft
Binder Checks Make sure the top of your binder check form is completed: Name AVID Teacher – Mrs. Dyke Check 1st semester, period 5 or 6 Fill in your class schedule on the first row of the table Be sure to note if you have the 2 hour math block
ONLY notes DATED 8/7 – 8/17 will be graded Binder Checks Meet with your 6:00 partner Pull out your binder grade check form from the sheet protector and exchange with your partner Fill in the date 8/18 in the first column ONLY notes DATED 8/7 – 8/17 will be graded
Class #1 10 points/5 points each Regular Cornell Notes: Heading – 1point Essential Question – 1 point Questions on the left – 1 point Notes – 1 point Summary – 1 point Cornell half sheet attached to class worksheet: Questions on the half sheet – 1 point Notes attached – 1 point Learning Log Heading – ½ point Essential Question – ½ point Minimum of 8 sentences – ½ a point each for 4 points
Class #2 10 points/5 points each Regular Cornell Notes: Heading – 1point Essential Question – 1 point Questions on the left – 1 point Notes – 1 point Summary – 1 point Cornell half sheet attached to class worksheet: Questions on the half sheet – 1 point Notes attached – 1 point Learning Log Heading – ½ point Essential Question – ½ point Minimum of 8 sentences – ½ a point each for 4 points
Class #3 10 points/5 points each Regular Cornell Notes: Heading – 1point Essential Question – 1 point Questions on the left – 1 point Notes – 1 point Summary – 1 point Cornell half sheet attached to class worksheet: Questions on the half sheet – 1 point Notes attached – 1 point Learning Log Heading – ½ point Essential Question – ½ point Minimum of 8 sentences – ½ a point each for 4 points
Class #4 10 points/5 points each Regular Cornell Notes: Heading – 1point Essential Question – 1 point Questions on the left – 1 point Notes – 1 point Summary – 1 point Cornell half sheet attached to class worksheet: Questions on the half sheet – 1 point Notes attached – 1 point Learning Log Heading – ½ point Essential Question – ½ point Minimum of 8 sentences – ½ a point each for 4 points
Class #5 – 10 points/5 points each Regular Cornell Notes: Heading – 1point Essential Question – 1 point Questions on the left – 1 point Notes – 1 point Summary – 1 point Cornell half sheet attached to class worksheet: Questions on the half sheet – 1 point Notes attached – 1 point Learning Log Heading – ½ point Essential Question – ½ point Minimum of 8 sentences – ½ a point each for 4 points
Planner – 15 points Check the weeks of 8/7 AND 8/14 For ANY blank squares (other than block periods) take off 1 point
Neatness/Organization – 5 points For every loose paper in their binder not in the proper class section take off 1 point
Required Materials – 5 points Take off 1 point each if they are missing any of the following materials in their pencil pouch/binder: 2 pencils 2 pens 2 highlighters Notebook/filler paper
Total points Add up their score and write it in the last column Write your initials, acknowledging that you have graded your partner’s binder completely and accurately Turn in your Binder Check Grade form to the Basket on the front table
KEEP YOUR BINDER CHECK FORM IN THE SHEET PROTECTOR Place your Binder Check Grade Forms into the class basket