Diagnostic Expository Essay Prompt Sept 7, 2017
Syllabus & Summer Reading Choices: Adoration of Jenna Fox Lord of the Flies Secret Life of Bees Ender’s Game Assignments Formative- Short answer questions- Due: Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017 Summative-Essay- Due: Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017
Big Questions English I Pre-AP Search for Identity Why do humans seek class structure in society? How can we change society? What makes a great friend? What would you do for a friend?
9/7 Learning Target Today We Will: Write Expository Essay So We Can: Assess our strengths and weaknesses in writing I’ll know I have it when I can: Create a 3 or better rough draft expository essay
Rough Draft Due Now Typed Submitted to moodle I will be available in the commons tomorrow for help if you need it.
Literary Terms Summative (Summative Test) over definitions: Today Log into Google drive Go to my moodle page Clink on the link Complete the test
Expository Essay Outline Intro: Hook Thesis Body Paragraphs: (3) Topic sentence (ties back to thesis) Facts/Evidence that supports topic Explanation of how these facts and evidence support topic Conclusion: Restate Thesis Summarize main points Call for Action
Intro in more detail The introduction has a "hook or grabber" to catch the reader's attention. Some "grabbers" include: Opening with an unusual detail: (Manitoba, because of its cold climate, is not thought of as a great place to be a reptile. Actually, it has the largest seasonal congregation of garter snakes in the world!) Opening with a strong statement: (Cigarettes are the number one cause of lighter sales in Canada!) Opening with a Quotation: (Elbert Hubbard once said , "Truth is stronger than fiction.") Opening with an Anecdote: An anecdote can provide an amusing and attention-getting opening if it is short and to the point. Opening with a Statistic or Fact: Sometimes a statistic or fact will add emphasis or interest to your topic. It may be wise to include the item's authoritative source. Opening with a Question. (Have you ever considered how many books we'd read if it were not for television?) Opening with an Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement. (The whole world watched as the comet flew overhead.) The introduction should also include a thesis or focus statement. The Thesis/Hypothesis is your statement of purpose. The thesis/hypothesis should be one sentence in length. This is the foundation of your essay and it will serve to guide you in writing the entire paper.
Body Paragraphs (3) The Body The writer then provides evidence to support the opinion offered in the thesis statement in the introduction. The body should consist of at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to back your thesis statement. Since almost all issues have sound arguments on both sides of the question, a good persuasive writer tries to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide counter-arguments along with the main points in the essay. One of the three paragraphs should be used to discuss opposing viewpoints and your counter- argument. The following are different ways to support your points Facts - A powerful means of convincing, facts can come from your reading, observation, or personal experience. Note: Do not confuse facts with truths. A "truth" is an idea believed by many people, but it cannot be proven. Statistics - These can provide excellent support. Be sure your statistics come from responsible sources. Always cite your sources. Quotes - Direct quotes from leading experts that support your position are invaluable. Examples - Examples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete. They are the proof.
Conclusion The Conclusion An expository essay usually ends by summarizing the thesis, the most important details of the explanation, and why this topic is important. 1. Restate your thesis or focus statement. 2. Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the main points of your position. In order to do this you can paraphrase the main points of your argument. 3. Write a personal comment or call for action. You can do this: With a Prediction: This can be used with a narrative or a cause and effect discussion. The conclusion may suggest or predict what the results may or may not be in the situation discussed or in similar situations. With a Question: Closing with a question lets your readers make their own predictions, draw their own conclusions. With Recommendations: A recommendations closing is one that stresses the actions or remedies that should be taken. With a Quotation: Since a quotation may summarize, predict, question, or call for action, you may use a quotation within a conclusion for nearly any kind of paper.
Diagnostic Expository Essay
Thesis Statement Sentence Starter It is better to _______________ because_____________
Final Draft If you think you haven’t written a full 23 lines, you may add another reason/body paragraph-just be sure to add that reason in your thesis statement. Thesis statement: It is better to _______________ because_(1st reason)___and_______(2nd reason)_____. Make sure you keep the same order for your body paragraphs that you introduce in the thesis.
Label the following on your digital copy Intro Hook Thesis Body Topic sentence Example Explanation Conclusion Restated Thesis Main summary of an example Why this issue is important Label the first word of each of these sentences. Use the labels listed in Red.
Do’s and Dont’s Don’t Do This
Do’s and Dont’s The right way.
Hard copy Due at end of period. Must fill the page. (2 lines) Must not go outside the box Cannot create new lines Must be legible Must have paragraphs (but do not skip lines. Thumb space indent) Full name and period number.
9/7 Learning Target Today We Will: Write Expository Essay So We Can: Assess our strengths and weaknesses in writing I’ll know I have it when I can: Create a 3 or better rough draft expository essay