Snake charming Musical Listening 2
Snake Charming Composer: Anonymous Genre: Instrumental and traditional (folkloric music from India)
Snake charming Instruments: We can hear one instrument, the pungi, that is a typical Hindu instrument of the wind family. DRAW
Snake Charming Melody: Sounds are exotic and they have suggestion powers. We hear a melody that is played with the holed tube. We also hear a static sound that is played with the tube without holes. Static sound is called “nota bordón” (es una nota de adorno, igual que algo bordado sobre una tela).
Snake charming QUESTIONS 1) Does somebody play a wind instrument? YES/NO, I DO/DON’T play a wind instrument. I play the _______. 2) Do you practice breathing exercises? YES/NO, I DO/DON’T practice breathing exercises.
Snake Charming Intérprete: Realiza la “técnica de respiración circular” que consiste en respirar sin dejar de tocar el instrumento (de viento) para que el sonido nunca se corte, es decir, sea continuo. This kind of music is usually accompanied by “cobra dancing”, but snakes really don’t dance because they are deaf; they only watch the performer’s movements.