M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F T I R A N A Including Rural Areas within Municipal Service Boundaries The Process of Transferring WSS Assets Mrs. Alda Mile, Head of the Department of Water Supply and Wastewater – Tirana Municipality 18 May 2017 Danube Water Conference Hello everyone, my name is Alda Mile and I represent Tirana Municipality. For a year I lead the transferring process of WSS Assets from ex-commune now Administrative Units to Tirana Muncipality, according to the new Law.
M A I N T O P I C S Engagement Process Results Legal obligation Service quality Identification of assets Analysis & Report According to Legal Framework for Decentralization of Local Government the Water Supply&Sewerage services it’s now an assets and obligation for Municipality of Tirana. Assets transfer & registry Co-operation Tirana Water Utility
Municipality Mayer Act L E G A L F R A M E W O R K Law Nr.8744/2001 for ‘’The transfers of state immovable property to Local Government Units“ Law Nr.10296/2010 for ‘’Control and Financial management’’ Law Nr. 115/2014 for ‘’Administrative-territorial division of Local Government Units in Republic of Albania’’ Law Nr. 139/2015 for ‘’Local Self-Government’’ D.M.C. Nr. 510 dated 10.06.2015 for ‘’Approval of procedures for the transfer of rights and obligations, tangible and intangible assets, personnel, archives and any other official documentation in the local government units affected by the administrative-territorial reorganization’’ Directive Nr. 30 dated 27.12.2011 ‘’Asset management in public sector entities’’ Municipality Mayer Act Nr.193/1 dated 07.01.2016 & Nr. 193/2 dated 24.02.2016 ‘’ Organize of commissions for the inventory of water works of water supply and sewerage, of intangible assets, tangible assets and circulating assets for which it has the right of ownership or other legitimate rights’’ D.M.C. – Decision of Counsil of Minister
T E R R I T O R Y E X P A N S I O N TOTAL 24 Administrative Units Tirana Municipality 11 Administrative Units 13 Administrative Units (ex-Communes) (identified by names) (135 villages) TOTAL 24 Administrative Units
M E TH O D O L O G Y Collect Files and Data Juridical Finance Survey Plan Technical Objective as per D.C.M. Nr.63 dated 27.01.2016: Municipality, by 31 December 2016, is responsible for inventory, evaluation and registration of services units and assets set-up and transfer them to municipal property, according to administrative-territorial division’’ Process expected to be finalized within a year
PHASE I - T E A M W O R K Responsable staff: urban planning, cadastre, finance, chief of WSS Legal framework: Mayor Act Nr.193/1 dated 07.01.2016 Overview of situation with WSS utility services List of all technical, legal ad financial files Identification of WSS objects which are in ex-communes and Tirana Water Utility operation & maintenance Transfers assets prolongation process to not interrupt the utility service from Tirana Water Utility Commitment to achieve the deadline Reorganization process in some administrative units and conformation of work positions on hold Meeting (Working Group Tirana-Municipality-Tirana Water Utility -Administrator of each Administrative Unit.
P H A S E II - O R G A N I Z E IDENTIFY PROBLEMS Assembling requested official files from 13 A.U. (legal, financial records, survey plans, technical documentation) Analyse and compile database Plan for terrain identification IDENTIFY PROBLEMS
I S S U E S We ask each AU to deal with these issues case by case The objects constructed before 1990 were not valued Other objects have no clear financial valuation Although annual asset inventory is mandatory for each Administrative Unit (AU), no inventories were made for WSS assets in the past No survey-plan was made in any AU for WSS assets Only 1 AU had a digital inventory of WSS assets We ask each AU to deal with these issues case by case A.U. Administrative Unit
P H A S E III - I D E N T I F I C A T I O N & I N V E N T O R Y Asset identification (water tank, water pumping stations, pumps, wells, etc.) Measurement by topographer (survey plan, volumes etc) Accurate location through geographic coordinates Photos (inside, outside) Asset condition (functonial, disfunctional, amortization etc) Legal status of the property (private property, public property, legalization process etc.) Delays encountered due to logistical difficulties (remoteness, hard terrain, weather, lack of staff)
T H E S I T U A T I O N Water tank/pumps amortized Illegal connections and lack of metering New water tank not connected Underground tanks Degraded pumping stations Decreasing flow of wells Monthly fixed fees No sewerage but septic tanks
P H A S E IV - R E P O R T TOTAL 104 water tank Address/Area (AU, village, distance, terrain etc.) Description (construction, surface, volume, materials, shape) Inventory date Property status Financial value Photos Objects photo Survey Plan TOTAL 104 water tank
ACT OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL According to Decentralization of Local Government and transfer of assets and services to local territory: Act of Municipality Council Nr. 18, date 20.02.2017. ....transfering of wss assets and services toTirana Water Utility a.s. management and revaluation of wss assets.... A I M . . . ....to increase the quality of service to citizens and improve the water supply & sewerage network
CURRENT AND FUTURE WSS SERVICES IN RURAL AREAS Tirana Water Utility Regional Directory Rural Areas Transition Plan - Institutional aspects - Human resource - Client service - Water tariffs Performance Improvement - 5 years business plan Contract Fees/collecting bills Operation & Maintenance Production & delivery Identification of problems Compliance Requests
...thank you ...