The Deformable Body
The flexible body The elastic energy
The transplacement The transplacement: The deformation gradient: Material line element The transplacement: The deformation gradient:
The deformaton gradient
The deformaton gradient
The length ratio Length: The length ratio: The strain:
The length ratio
Locally length preserving transplacement Local isometry The rigid transplacement
The shear The shear:
The shear
The volume ratio The volume: The volume ratio:
The volume ratio
The area ratio The area: The area ratio:
The normal vector
Polar factorization theorem
The displacement The displacement gradient:
Strain tensors Deformation gradient: Left Cauchy-Green strain tensor: Green-St. Venant strain tensor: Infinitesimal strain tensor:
The Green-St. Venant strain tensor
Small displacement gradient
Principal directions of strain and principal stretches
Principal directions of strain and principal stretches
Representations of basic tensors
Strain, shear, volume and area ratios
The local deformation
Velocity and acceleration
Velocity gradient Velocity gradient: Stretching: Spin:
Velocity gradient and divergence
The rigid transplacement
Mass Mass density:
Conservation of Mass Local balance of mass:
Equations of motion Euler equations: Contact force: Body force:
Cauchy’s fundamental Lemma
Cauchy’s fundamental Theorem
Equations of motion, spatial description Global equations of motion: Local equations of motion:
Gauss theorem and the divergence
Referential description
The Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
Equations of motion, referential description Global equations of motion: Local equations of motion:
Gauss theorem and the divergence
Kinetic energy and the Power theorem Net power: Rigid body:
Power and Energy External power: Local equation of motion:
Power and Energy
The balance of mechanical energy Specific internal energy: Internal energy: Total energy: Heat supply (”heating”): The balance of energy:
The first law of thermodynamics
The local balance of energy
The net power per unit volume Stress tensor Conjugated strain tensor The second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor: Relations between stress tensors:
with hyperelastic material The elastic body with hyperelastic material Elastic potentials: Constitutive equations:
Strain energy density Strain energy density:
Elastic energy Total elastic energy: The internal energy: Thermal energy neglected!
Balance of energy for an elastic body
The linear elastic body Linear elastic material: The elasticity tensor: independent elasticities
The elasticity tensor Elasticities: 36 independent elasticities
The elasticity tensor Symmetry: 21 independent elasticities Positive definiteness: Compliance tensor exists
The elastic energy Green-St. Venant strain tensor: Elastic energy:
Crystal systems There are in all 7 different Crystal systems: - these have the following unit cells with associated number of elasicities cubic (3), tetragonal (7,6), orthorombic (9), triklinic (21), hexagonal (7,6,5), rhombohedral (9), monoklinic (13),
Isotropic linear elastic material Lame moduli: Elastic potential: Stress tensor: Elastic energy:
Homogeneous isotropic linear elastic material Lame moduli and independent of Relation to Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio :
Example 7.2: The elastic bar Present placement Reference placement
Principal of virtual power Euler equations (Eu1, Eu2): Local equation of motion (Lem): Internal forces zero system (Int):
Principal of virtual power Virtual velocity field:
Virtual power Virtual power of external, internal and inertial forces: are linear mappings:
The principal of virtual power Note that:
Rigid virtual velocity field Note that if the internal forces constitute a zero system then :
The principal of virtual power
The principal of virtual power
The principal of virtual power in continuum mechanics (Lem 1) (Lem 2) Virtual velocity field: Virtual powers:
The principal of virtual power in continuum mechanics
The principal of virtual power Equivalences
The principal of virtual power in continuum mechanics
Exercise 2b:17
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Disc: 𝒟 Shaft: 𝒮 Ground: G
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Angular velocity of shaft: Angular velocity of disc:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Free body diagrams:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Equations of motion for Disc:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Moments of inertia for thin wheel
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Equations of motion for Shaft:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Combining the equations by eliminating :
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Neglecting inertia of the shaft:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Equations of motion in matrix representation:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution Equations of motion: Five equations and five unknowns:
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 2b:17 Solution
Exercise 3:3
Exercise 3:3
Exercise 3:9
Exercise 3:12
Exercise 3:15
Exercise 3:21
Exercise 3:21, continued